"This is the only time for high ideals because those ideals are all that we have. We aren't just fighting for our physical survival, but for the survival of our civilization. We don't have the luxury of old-world pillars. We don't have a common heritage, we don't have a millennia of history. All we have are the dreams and promises that bind us together. All we have...is what we want to be." - World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, Max Brooks
How do you ask a question without context?
Can't beat the first post written as longer and a new idea in the morning, but it rallied, so hell yeah. If you found this on Google scroll back down, read it. This is advice for everyone, it might not work. And I'm not proofreading any of this.
It compares the deference and intrinsic where someone might summarize and advise, some elements of memory being attached to internal emotions or outward shame becoming attached to perhaps guilt for not uplifting others, we do feel some responsibility, as if the new is too overwhelming as familiar theories produce counterintuitive results, where that challenge is to tame the creature of habit be it self or society, release or reaction. Overthinking and emocionado without morality, albeit confusing, becomes a peril of gravity as trying to find footing with your head in the clouds. My emotions tied to memorization more than most, made my choice and ethics, let's call this a rationale, start running blind, by knowing the big picture includes me running blind things are clear. Your experiences and opportunities were very different from everyone else, one beautiful thought can change your whole day.
MGTOW is treason and some wonky shit, let me advocate for men as you've never seen, I'd rather you fight for Islam than give up sex -- it sacrifices feminism at the alter of nauseating political debate, but seemingly it rejects that oppressive corporate undertow of enforcers, if they were to assume you're convictions lead to their shun, they're looking for charismatic leaders no less than the feminists who never fight for women's right to arm themselves. If you've found sex, money, power, and you think the danger lurks, read good books like social media keeps private info. I think it also falls into the English flaw, where reversed, Way Own Their Going Men, would put the emphasis on the rhetoric of masculinity, or perhaps the rhetorical question. Sometimes things are a reaction. Stop saving liberalism so hard you become a jerk, and maybe people will like you and the protest sign you're carrying this week. It's a cult, read a book.
Why is life boring? So... this is a fictional book about rugs. There's no surprise to spoilers if you're generally interested, same goes for learning the mannerisms of others, the purposes or elements of reactions, the book puts the element of tapestry woven with human hair at first, but leaves you to question why every planet who does this thinks itself singularly unique, putting the process of creating each unique rug and experience on display, if you consider the
Spice of Dune a material resource across the galaxy incurring conflict, consider the intricacies of fabric like the interwoven universe defining existence. Several stories establishing a plot device/theme.
Backrooms describes Limbo, in simple fashion it characterizes metaphor plainly environmental, wandering the hallways of menial paradigms and trivial gateways, without a goal in mind the game is a horror story where clarity at the exit is closed when it continues, like insomnia as catharsis without context the plot is lost. Horror and comedy, challenging perception. Don't humiliate and terrorize people to stir things up, but if it's a shock you want, try
hot pepper extracts.
Here's an idea, be consistent, improving the same way every day. Learning how to develop physical attributes, over and over. It lists: Commit to a progressive training program, eating correctly, and prioritize recovery -- for you this means progress in first steps, lengths, and bests, with common correct nutrition and recovery. Just the the mind. Stop splitting your life into categories used by tv demographics, and start being you. I have to write, so I do it everyday, if I miss even one chance to tell my story or write it down the dream and the reality are in conflict with myself caught between self improvement and avoiding responsibility. Once you've mastered an ingredient, use it to improve your lie, or master something new that will.
Sounds like a French prog band; there are people who've convinced themselves they're zombies, not trying to convince others collective autonomy exists, not challenging the rebellion of cultural auxiliary in ironic futility, they're headspace zombie mode. Before you combine schizophrenia with antiestablishment opinions, know it's already been done. Gojira.
Making blood sugar from bioavailable nutrients in diet and body, with cortisol the stress hormone treating muscle as one of those sources, so relax and go with the flow, in exercises stress is intentional, with age cortisol increases so you have to relax and you'll live longer. I assume that as growth hormone lowers, stops helping gluconeogenesis, that cortisol fills the gap at the cost of muscle recovery, if you find peace in strength part of this problem is self-correcting, but proves a very stable/regular carbohydrate consumption can keep that mobility fueled properly.
When rice gets loathsome, maybe an afternoon making some bread, drinking some mead until there's a hunger ads a little variety. Flour is messy, use aprons.
Just thinking about the greasy fast food with it all tasting like school lunches anymore, franchises or not on something to scoop up something on the plate, maybe a tziki sauce with chives, possibly some sort of mustard chutney and spirits. Considering the boomer economy's last ride before we get it back, maybe you start/join a kitchen club. You can always get fast food later if the host can't cook.
The endless knot represents chaos unsolved as artistic significance and chaos solves when both cycle and anomaly insomuch entanglement is common among the cosmos. Wisdom and method, to untangle it, to tie knots in a pattern, and to know how. Found by a reverse image search for something else, the article says it's native across all of Eurasia and as old as the first riders. I almost looks like
diagonal permutations.
You might burn a little more fat in the morning, and you might lower your blood pressure in the afternoon. If you workout at dawn like Mark Wahlberg or Jocko Willink, you're training fasted, with hormones peaking when you wake up it's not a bad time to maximize endogenic recovery, using those hormones for the pump and eating minimum fats afterward, recouping essential cholesterols during the day, nuts, avocados, bacon, whatever works, thru the day improving sleep regen. As for lowering blood pressure in the afternoon, you're body is primed for neuromuscular sensitivity, it might physically feel better after refueling when exercise delivers blood faster to deep tissue and farther to capillary vessels, but then perhaps I'd focus on surface nutrition, foods with E or collagen, tendon nutrition to soak-up, etc. I think afternoon workouts are for beginners by choice or not.
Either pride in showing off wouldn't complain, or why get dressed just to be pessimistic about the weather, or it's cold, or was occupied with the fact that a scientist with a job was paying attention. In style, we tend to characterize ourselves when acceptable to our environment or adapt it to humanity. The significance is irrelevant because the test is designed to make the subject aware of observation. The stimulus is circumstantial only to the objectivism, not feasibility. You can still strike out, it's just less likely if your mind and body are in the same place. Or, objectify yourself and stand in front of a scientist. IDK.
I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so. They've been replacing the boomers, and the mess they've made was designed for a population unreachable by even excessive success. The way shopping malls died in 2000 outside of cities, cities have had exodus, and in the US estaremos hablarnos el espanol en no tiempo, but that's ok ya. It's a major cultural shift from the nursery rhymes you like to whatever passes for music in their collection of huts, and it's often musica paisano. In large part, people move into cities to meet new people, out of them to unmeet them, where they're taxed out of the human race, and those who escape bring bad ideas with them. Mormons might own the US in 100 years. They're not larpers like some of us. It really doesn't matter about color, it's happening globally, because the rent is too high and
NPCs are watching television on the roof. With the stoicism you shape your dudes, comes the lefty news worried about republicans (who want bigger families), instead of teaching any reasonable skill. They made two generations fill the slush fund, then looted it before raising the age, lowering the payout, raising taxes, inflation, and displacement. Even the armies are low of numbers, most of you can't run in your boots. I'm writing a book called Nova to save some parts, but this is a make or break point for the planet. (Notice any 'convenient wars'?) If you're in a country with the dole, have kids, go to work, use EBT so the animals don't get it, work harder.
Sorting everyone with some being representatives and admins, instead of elections. You see this a lot in social circles without animosity, but it seems to carry over into modernity with cancel culture, a demographic takes over a movement, a common cause takes over a corporation, and then these assholes filter into government and want nepotism while surprised republicans want rights, almost surprised they want the existing democracy before intervention. Be thankful in all things, unless you can't. Imagine a hostile takeover, but in a writers room. It's not a coup, it's a junta. Leave it to people who only interrupt others to have bad ideas.
There's a lot of good habits to learn, there's a lot of soul searching and political correctness filling the list, to keep it easy, work hard, seek purpose, end sin.
Women have feelings about love at any age, and you won't have real feelings until you, get a job, never use the internet. The thing about anger it's confusion. The thing about shame it's regret. I think hiding that you're looking for someone is harder than anything just because the universe is crooked. There's a culture of greed, and it includes addictions as much as distractions.
So there's measuring up, comparing to others and letting too much room to improve, negative space, and the trick is to remember is you have to give permission in order to feel small, you have to give a vampire permission to enter your house. I think there's an opportunity to show the teacher, but unable to educate yet without some plans or examples, getting worked up over nothing but lies. Politics basically. Maybe I write too much, but this boils down to anger or sadness. I get out of the gym, mirrors everywhere so I'm the only one looking at me, until the world melts away, it's the stress factor of wandering logic and getting lost in it all, until quietude becomes stasis. Bring positivity, one door closes, another opens. You're a supreme being forgetting both.
I'm just adding this to talk about it. The act and process of shedding emotions, still able to feel, expressing emotions. In rhetoric, internal method, emotions are intelligence, fire burn bad, food find good, light water perfect. Sensation is emotion plus personal rules, or emotion plus laws. This can be draining on others. The hindrance of vices, addictions, and illogic, is the wrong question. Shedding emotion can, debatably, help you focus on running thru a volcano in a space suit, fight a genetically enhanced soldier on a flying car, or fight for what you love so that you can. It should be called Coolinahr.
Reinventing yourself as an actor being a good and productive person, for anyone with experienced living, reinvention is a phase or a mask, something acceptable but fulfilling. The improvement flaw (vulnerability) is circularity, so you say you want to escape the pattern, the circle of violence traded for a cycle of addiction, for some of you, brings a familiar question, how to be what you want, repetition finds a bad habit, something like gaming per se, which has its downs and ups, but you play anyway to enjoy it. Developing that lifestyle without presence, copying society, or your best guess. So let's say your ideal new self, isn't playing, and you want to see yourself in a relationship - then get a job, pay for the relationship, or find someone who'll let you. You're ready for life, but you're playing games instead of making them. To measure love in life, we accept the bad things and choose to stay, and the world will love you for your faults. Right now, your fault is, playing video games and watching bullshit. Log off.
South African tea rooibos has magnesium and zinc, used in the making of testosterone, and has no caffeine to induce (trigger) cortisol, it's a distinct taste, red and savory like Barry's, but my app says 25 calories per cup, so it's got an earthy or hearty dose to itself and not just tannins. Lotta zinc. There was an apothecary nearby here I bought in bulk before it closed, but a teabag in the percolator should be fine.
Brits drink the most tea, China drinks most of the tea. Empires from the edge of the world.
This one is fair, 5M to 9F, which is also my favorite punchline. But seriously. It's three, it's always three, it might be two if you're my age, and you've earned, or she's been saving up for it, if you don't know what that means I'll tell you when you're older. I think there's a reality that hop heads, kinda skip over and demand and get, is that a date takes all day and a day has like four sub-dates, there's the response texts, eat by yourself and text him, afternoon coffee, local events*, dinner, bar, parties, etc. *There's also speed dating and hookup aps, but there's always a chance of striking out with those too, and the haut couture of night life averages the expectations and you talk a while, ending up, spilling the beans, etc.
The memory of a bad event haunting can resurface as a template when in new territory, literally or emotionally. As with learning something you have to want to be there, or suffer the mind being in two places. Defusion is 'taking a step back,' in order, many steps, blindfolded. It's the friendship at home test. So, you think of the wild ride you're on, and then you add things to your ship. You get to captain your own ship. So you target your pain, not to relive it, and you name it, then you describe it. You're detaching it by connecting it - with words, not superstitions. This is less about motivation and more about enlightenment. No worries, check it out.
Social Credit Scores, they sell you out to SEO filters, upvotes counted by AI, ratings have less to do with this as checking the right boxes, you've seen people wear the right style or support the right issues (sometimes en masse), and more to do with fitting-in, peer pressure of the ruling majority, where you could typify it as a social network obeying native law, and we've seen things like this in television with Q-score, and in advertising like the ESG-score, and can be like a hostile takeover for decent factions of the good guys, nonetheless, so it looks at guidance thru penalties, but not teaching, which isn't pristine, whilst somehow using all the talk of ending classicism by dumping everyone into the same system for the first time, despite all the talk about doing it; flipside to the penalties and classless coin, it costs a lot of money to do it, and companies are making billions designing them, they're getting better at tracking everyone with a system that resembles a society that raises it's own children instead of dumping them into programs. Analytics and statistics, plus database - China's was modeled by Blizzard. It brings the dangers of centralization, stateward facing dependency, the simony of buying and selling points, and people going off grid. They still have to integrate things like rounding-up payment savings apps, and crypto parity, and possibly having a machine make decisions for society that may or mayn't be holy or evil, w/ or w/o a killswitch for a dictator.
Seek peace within, not without. Most people are whole, and then find out something is missing, yes? Finding peace in someone else, is for sane people, we crazies have to find someone like us. The incomplete and ignorant article has seven cures to emotional effects (symptoms?), but it's off the Taoist path, which is also the path. LOOK: Are you going to work tomorrow? Get a job. Are you trying to protect someone, get strong or fast or both. Are you trying to save someone for yourself? Then home is where the heart is. Keep your soul, use your aura until it heals, then give it to someone. Still confused? Wisdom and time is all we have, avoid those who don't. Motivation is a false god, dedication is manhood.
https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/4-ways-to-stay-positive-when-dating-gets-you-down-sdywr/ how to stay positive when dating, first dating and blind dates are easy more for people finding time for others, finding time for anything new, including emotions, beliefs, ideologies, is a story of self-discovery and "to thine own self be true", if it clears your mind then it belongs there. (maybe even welcome new challenges). Add a love life to your work life, now, and add a work life to your story, now.
"Alexithymia is when a person has difficulty identifying and expressing emotions. It is not a mental health disorder." So a lot of people identify with alpha males, or alpha females, and if that's already too conservative for you, those are just terms, pointless jargon, used to identify a conceptual and spiritual manifestation of the divine masculine and the divine feminine, and altho I don't jive with tarot, YT @
Magnetize Yourself is a reader with fluid intelligence I'll vouch for - so, emotions are derided for meditation, or clarified for operation, or lauded for battle, but any (
new) emotions give people anxiety, or insomnia, or worse, if you're putting yourself your heart out there, indecision. Some people know what they want and take a vacation from destiny and find what they want is what they wanted in the first place. Or your life is a straight line, art in simplicity, where what you find is what you want. I wasn't able to function recently until I took the guitar out of the closet and played, processing my emotions by channeling them. Fingers sore a day tops.
Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses, no cycles of control, no lucky rabbits feet, no magic tricks, imbalanced senses are crazy, the crown chakra is conceptually the nervous system of the divine senses, if you're imbalance perhaps the nerves are in shock. Tired of the city smell, walk barefoot in the grass. Drowning in fear, walk in the sands of time. If your yin and yang can't find balance, perhaps the environment is too static or dynamic, a bell, a smell, a sunset, to help focus the mind. Sage is an old European and American trick, but eucalyptus and mint is suitable. Smelling salts challenge?
Every four years we slip deeper together into the divide of politics, forgetting how to be liberals, wasting your time not being conservative, (you know who you are), you're raising kids and changing the world, for the better until you let people like me slip thru the cracks.... there is work desperate to fill jobs, but for everyting else there's mastercard...20yo joke somewhere on YT, for everything else you have to be able to SELECT DIALOGUE, ABXY, in Elden Ring IDK. When I see someone unable to process a question, it's usually someone filling a job instead of their passion. So if life is unfulfilling, fill it. I bet you'll run into people, and I bet they speak....
THE LANGUAGE OF THE FUTURE. I'd read somewhere that new religions come with new languages, Vulcan's priority is logic, and if you've ever watched the news you know that's not happening any time soon.
Well, most people hate being sick and tired, and cloudy days, it mightn't be you're unable to process emotions just burnt-out, being emotionally exhausted by distrust and suspicions, being too hard on yourself or others, is stressful, new emotions hard to process or old ones with poor timing can build to a trauma. Depression comes from this and it clouds the mind and we have to look for the silver lining, the axiom of dharma that truth is truth, and you just have to realize that it's not your fault, the stress or trauma is nature growing and we must grow too. Make it a habit to avoid negativity, without optimism the empathy won't return. In Spanish it's, "lo siento" (I feel it), and "disculpe" (it forgives), people don't usually run around mourning and sorrowing for anything and everything. By all accounts, emotions are tied to instinct, there are far more people without higher cognitive ability. Use fresh eyes, ask fresh eyes, or get some rest. You can thank me later.
Stand next to them, just start talking. If male, talk low and slow, if female, talk high and fast, devious cheerleader-ish, tell him to take you somewhere, he'll grunt yes or no and you wave it in front of him, my dudes, so few chads you should really go into multi-dating, they'll understand you're shopping by a mutual understanding. When you get older, you've to be able to talk all night, and when you get old like me, you'll have to work all night and in the morning. I know the gym isn't the only place, bars for future lazy people, ask friends about singles, my town has speed dating at a brewery, if you're young just go to a campus until they kick you out, say you're thinking about attending.
When you get older, not dating. So, there's this book I hate called Rational Male, it puts me to sleep, but... if you've ever wanted dudes to break the bro code, this book is detailed, not a novel, it started as a blog - it lists all the methods a man can live and how situations sometimes play out, describing alpha female realities, so you ladies can take notes, ways to try. (NOTE: Dudes, just pick the chapter that you want to read, we can't multitask, maybe two things one day, and just that day.) It may even show you that dudes are best when you get their attention. We're visual creatures until instinctual, and not training us young is not very sisterly. Let's say my good dudes are hunters, well they're looking for predators, protecting you until you block their view. Block now, not later. Happy and iterested/dumb, make requests. Later they'll ask the question, the hunter must be the hunted. If the chase is the sport, get caught after the second date, hard choice third, fourth, homerun, repeat. The hunters wait for big game, the gatherers pick them out. The roles even then reverse with time, men will always agree, but the hunter is the one the other wants. Bros, same for you, get a job, read one of their books, have the right answers. If you can read a book, interview strong, answer honest.
