Now with time the known distance a great rage becomes power
The light in the valley of spring made by the dawn in summer
A sea wave pulled from shore to stormcloud by a thousand oars
As rain on the land behind the sun rising against mountains
A rage of thoughts a glowing in wicked sight of dale at twilight
Of latent night sky the rising dark against lightning from absent sky
This earth and stars meeting with flash against the moonlight shadows
A vision escaping from ground where arclight escapes the fertile earth
The fire of life tearing thru echo to dark heaven thunderous back
A sky of towerous mountain valleys of moonlight attack the thin air
In rake paucity instincts wrecks ancient blinding light torn in two
As soaring wings evade detection separating directions travail
As bashing pads of brutish bears contest disdain their foes avail
As snakes moving surely slowly growing farther with iron scale
The veil seams and gate armor of glowing fog thrown open aside
A world brightened by original glow covers unknown always infinite
A blanket of magical illusion binds the truth of faithless uncertainty
A sea of tranquility drowning the oceans of timeless adventures
With thunderous echo trees of the stars crack and fade into clouds
Then brightness spreads over a world without darkness or echo
The fearing glow of eyes blue in a wave glaring bright within
If a swordsman cut half a mountain to see the ocean from the sky
As dreams of artists painting mirrors made of ice in cerulean dream
To a petal of lilac flying thru a field of tulips in the madness of spring
A soulshield of energy radiates the mysteries of the summer sea
The magic of day is sound of life as air from some nearby ocean
In ways that skies make rivers on mountains that find other waters
In days where sun on snow makes cotton clouds and warm winds
Embrace of the three faces and the song in the land sower name
Tide of time drowns safety in this endless daylight domain aground
These steps of forgetfulness and thoughts between stepping forgets
The dreams from poems about flaxen strands and masks informality
In patterns of ivy the mind reaches over broken mountains once castles
Waves brushing painted breezes made for trees and the chosen one
Lost in braids and clues on winding search of first or final light and dark
So that each step seems missing steps in the land between shadows
Surreal sight creates nature as thoughts are powerless fundamentals
Counting crows to wait for foes like premonitions in memories distant
Unable to read what present illusion confronts with animalian fears
With every move the steps erase like the snowblind rules of dreams
Approaching the guardian where silent hill rises from the dark mist
With the warmest night of summer the vision of dark mirage unwit
With rising dark mountain half and sunset sinking from sunset view
With cold spine on mountain winds whispers and eyes on the summit
To the ancient height without answer and endless chosen question
At the hour, roth and stage faced and standing with the dark monarch
Robed arms and hooded eyes darkened by the earth-surfaced ash
Light on skin within the woolen cloak ruling their moonlight shadow
Time becomes life and breath becomes night in all futile resistance oft
In aether rising flit in light with fiery eyes of a thousand darknesses