
26 June 2022


There the next goal lurks in the clouds of my mind, here where I cannot spell and haste to hex myself successfully. This was already a world of smoke and blinding light and then the shadows came looking for me and I them. It was a manifestation of political self importance or yet another temporary lapse in judgement, but I repeat myself. The tail of this sentence a nature human, like the sky cerulean. Before indulging myself further a thanks is due the basic facets of which are crystalized in preternatural instinct and societal petty distinguished rationalism at its bottommost level. You are a source of much love in this world and with the voices in my head we hope learn it, someday. At first disgusted by many things but finding me disempowered and groveling was low as lists of wider tall and prying windows for sweet starts and sweeter hearts, these many things are, as I forgot what I was writing, as you have become someone else, and you are a muse then and again. You will be my you in these. 

This is all reprised by lies and secondhand illiteracy satiated with vulgar diatribe on one way streets looking for reasons all the world is welcome and I'm a monster. 

Sometime before, I'd told myself not to write after the workouts, the sting of reflection brought beggary to the world, mottling my obloquy thereof many, I've told myself not to write after a long trip even a day's journey across itself, the pangs for allocated loquaciousness speaks only of the hunger vis a vis musings of itself, as here I wander, telling myself not to write at the end of a cycle, and surely not at the beginning of it, for allusions in allegory and confusions of similes bring spite and wrought were my faulty decisions and paltry infatuations. 

A lot of I's. There was this question rejected completely, the Sisyphean boulder grows lighter undoubtedly with this and take heed, verily so the other, it burdens me with all the lies I'd made almost in being shunned urges me make more not. 

Documents can hide, the restitution of the countless keys must have to hide in the cloud, perhaps, forsakes, mistrusts, what it says of judgement gives me a pain, it had seemed that in the low was a pure aura, and for that my damage I shared, conflicting with this feeling that there is no difference, as a Kafka tale I'd been obsessing instead of creative and turned into a creature and that was just normal and just the reality, configured without consideration and forced to ask the questions of desperation that even darkness hasn't, hadn't asked me in all my nights. 

Even though it's not, good on you, and good for this excess in presentation, praise be the gods hidden among men to worship the elan vital before after, and that which is after before so having taught me a mustard seed and painted door the first time again, before my metamorphosis into having many heads with many eyes under many wings and many swords. 

The conservancy of my imperial demeanor is paramount only to the daunting tantamount lunacy that being me is, so perhaps those who would've helped by now right about the voices in my head, we'll never know all of them to ask. Good morrow, strict mind. 

En mi propio enfoque, this spite pure and regained, I'd looked at what scandinavian nature would compare like with love, kith to me and kindred to you by test of time and ...terrestrial distribution it would be less of a puzzle fitting in, with investigation better saved intuition, and found something called the Law of Jante. It's become a nice slice of humble pie. One video describing it 'a cultural attempt to deride individual supremacy' - appealing in that moment. Militaries function with complaints going up not down, many and myself have written on this. It reeks of centralism and identitariansim, somehow at the same time. Another essay, praise, consolidation, contrarian as so many deep waters are faked with shallow questions. The moving truth is that we are a planet, the static truth the many purposes competing. In that, the left is right, dammit English. In that, supply and demand supplies small ideas and smaller dictators that slip into culture and congress.

I made a poster, Snapseed picked the text layout. These seemingly remind people the pertinence and propriety of their actions, although it may crash with your autonomy, these are perhaps more for productivity and contribution, for the lost to delete a selfie snapped with drive-by mud all over, crazy for sure. OMG. LOL. GTFO. RSTLNE. I remembered it, last night, as important to deleting the status update, emotional, logical, theory, if not something otherwise. It says "you" when "I" is the complaint we can't remove from troubles and questions. It does get easier. (IDK why it made 2 white, but the image stickers are presets and this fit/reads best.). 

IMHO: Jante aren't rules to live by, just rules to remember. 

Jantelagen. Jante = place name; lag = /law/; en = the; aka Janteloven = easier to say, (g/v is also switchable in some russian.)

I'M OUT! but,


20 June 2022

Sidequest: Roquet

20220618 Sidequest: Roquet Broken Ashes, The Only Night, Ice of Captive, The Tears’s Wizard, The Truth of the Kiss, Soul in the Slaves (1, 2) The pain of cold describes lost hearts, for our burning souls have separated as lost prophecy, as what lies that madman who wanders the battle in this new form. 1: Broken Ashes Disheveled are the chaotic thoughts of misappropriation in the least ire of minutiae assemblage, test of tithe patience, to the bereft mockery of trivial imputence and summary revocation behest of tribal anachronisms lost on irony and found ever quiet among the wandering-lived, to the pageantry malfeasances of bespoke and omnipotent tyrant authority deigned to design ordainment of comitatus to assemble the hundred of pieces of dark ash and shattered dreams. In salutations properly and proprietary to the accomplishment of distant memory for frustration in the net of possibilities elsewhere driven to madness refined, summit to the blind how true anguish the ignorant failures within profound answers in resplendent question continuing the counterlace mosaic, putting together the pieces of a window without stain the feeling and find too much like unbreaking glass description. Put together in many moments the image contravenes causality and peace, not of one single face the many spying eyes separated by sharp looks at the edges of darkness, the pinnacle frustration when unable to slam the jagged canvas, in a note becoming a song the magic beneath my hand draws the pieces together, but tired with thirst of rule and whispers the unruly and insatiable truth, the bell of the wineglass, for it dampens the magic shards and mutes the air, all mystery the discovery in continuation. By the sound of bells in the makeshift tabernacle to abandon temporary curiosity rejoining fears as many faces in the mirror scowl and dour stare to haunt me from my past, before I could hear their voices, they dragged me into the mirror not the least of which were last. 2: The Only Night The ground gives rise to space and storm as smokey shapes are blown, where trees of light give horrible glow and sing such poison hymns of their hate at the cosmos for this prison of the midnight temporal plane. In the fear of blindness I use my magic by starting a torch, but men of shadows come and douse the sound of the light to rest their ears. Once taken ill now inclined to use my pride to survive this otherworld it churns somehow noticed and dozens of witches come to take my blood for potions, survival by the secrets not even I know telling whispers of truths only magicians would know, upon these words without regret also can I not rest, for on the dark horizon with deep radiant silhouette stands the fear of emanations in retrospective illumination, every star in existence fills the sky as alignment of celestations become contingent supersedence of fate, in creative entropy I am raptured by the dark messenger in replete ontological confinement as if the tome of witchery had chosen entraption. 3: Ice of Captive /sleep After a day, I realize there's no way to describe the synesthesia of hell and high water. /lifting /scrivening After one failed fantasy comes another that breaks with horrible cold in my face, the hellish cold again wakes me against trauma and adrenaline walls of critical conceit unreplicated to dismays and frustrations of frozen chains, captured by the howling night, detained by frostbite desiccating shackles on the wrists where thirst is only a thought as frigid air dances and brushes against the skin, there would be a dark and blurry mistress ignoring my vanities as I scream at my captors such wrong estimations magistrates would madly simper, and yet the face is recognized, for as hell awaits the insufferable doth stand Skaði Skadi, witch of the mountain. Empress of the dark mountain, carver of fresh lies…! Skaði, I break hoping you don’t set me free… Frozen in the corner of your mind and now what you see moves and is still a prisoner of arcane manifestation. If you could break those bonds you wouldn’t be in this mess. What have you done to me? Nothing you haven’t already done to yourself, take him away. What is this about? Save a question for deceit? well since we’re such good friends I’ll say. 4: The Wizard’s Tears: We have taken your reality and put you in control of it, as every thought becomes tangible we are intangible, the tears of a wizard like yourself in your mental prison, now gloriously trapped with us free to rattle your chains. The henchmen will bring forth the shadow servant, and with them a hollow glass diamond, as Skaði carries her captive’s. They drop a single tear into Merlin’s eye, and the bleak and lowly shadow servant gains his power, to glow again with youth, against the speechless hellscape trapped in desires, each drop revitalizes, to stand freely without bracing guards, without resistance to this plan, as luck by design Merlin lunges at her, she drops the vial, Merlin hopes to switch it, or smash it. 5: The Truth of the Kiss: The Saracen Empress rises from the shadow horizon, burning a darkness into her outline with skin bright of white silver. Empress… I’m an Archon now, hill kim, place him on his back and take his head, there’s no need to make him watch his defeat when the echo of dawn is near. She switches the vials, each teardrop in Merlin’s eyes saves his heartbeat, to balance the inequality Skaði quickly cuts the arm of the shadow servant with a nightmare blade and pours shadow water, Merlin suffers a connective reaction, the pain forcing him to break his icy chains, the Saracen witch moves to strike Merlin, and strikes a demon instead, and they scarper, abscond, exfiltrate thru fires falling, over rising shadows and moving trees, all the likes of which are waking and joining all to kill, the air turns soft in spaces. An explosion mixing air and shadow, dark and light, fire and ice the hellscape almost a jungle between two worlds in the caves to the surface of Jotunheim. 6: Soul in the Slaves: The cave exits to the mountains, higher and warmer, but brighter and crowded with little passage to escape more cover among the twisted turns and mist. Merlin runs hand in hand with the fire priestess fait accompli she struggles with her powers as the shadows begin attacking, quick to chivalry Merlin pushes her aside to be hit with the Spears of Darkness cutting holes into him without tearing his clothes. Retribution turn ablaze, for fire reigns in delven darkness as her flames show his wounds psychic and superimposed upon phase of light and liminal strength of fireworks blasting in the fog the witchcraft continues, this time she pushes him instead from a falling rock, now releasing a boulder falling fast, he grabs her corset or cravat and they fall together, a corsair and corvette the serendipitous grace of fire and wind brace legs and skuttle bootheels, sliding over and down another massive round stone, at bottom a path a clearing a circle a court, now ten Jotun in wooden crowns from their differing kingdoms stare with dark shine over burning candlewick pupils intent to smile at such soon a ruling is predetermined. She must return! Tame and nothing, look at our heels, a second sunset! Pin her, break her, smash her, take her, I smell the blood of fire and wine, she will only bring lava uphill! Daethant yn ôl yn y diwedd, byddwn yn dychwelyd yma! Too right, my son, carry on your merry. What? He said grab you and go. None of you could’ve said that? A disporate shadow unleashes from the dusk of clockwork daybreak as the song of air making sight to discordant sunlight, broken light bending, bending light breaking, light become light as soil evaporates like sulfur as a broadening line the border of hell leads the hellion imperium of demons and wicked curses on display. With daybreak spying down the mountain at minions of merciless fetish Merlin and the Archon are forlorn, waiting for the sun of the world to recharge her and show which air clears between the primeval mist, to breathe between the heavy shadows insolvent to mysteries of the mind without shelter of truth. /ending The ally of Merlin who rides a phoenix, Troy the Whitetail, who brought of rescue now must bring respite to one or recourse to both in the fires of revenge and rebirth, he trusts Merlin and gives him the reigns, the phoenix doesn’t suffocate the skies in vengeful and eccentric rebirth, elusive Etain attains providence in prominence using the defensive phonecian fire to fuel a rapture of torment, indelicate serenade silents demons. /double-ending By grace of wind Merlin breathes outward protecting himself, but feeding the flames, the heat delights the phoenix with comfort too subtle for Troy to trust, but losing patience checks the distant rise for their return. They’re more and many come! We only need stay together until daybreak! Can you trust me? Yes. A wave of darkness tumbles and caves downhill, against a storm of death their powers press as light from artifact, flames of fear, and the wind of warlocks, but it is the phoenix’ fire of fear that beacons to above the dark mastery disaster, hereafter Helios experiences the day, commanding the light as he demands it wash over the land, revealing the guardians of gold and gallant countryside windswept and passing at great speed into greater distant nature, safe and from unfinished ending recedes darkness at the spears of the truth of light and the miracles of their dismay. You have come farther than I have across such a great mountain. What is your name? These are travellers humble and brave in the splendid ways noble makes piety and empathy. It’s here they say their names with such honesty even the magical bird thinking its own name rings thru their thoughts, of uncertain sound to wit of a reason. I have brought this danger into this world, which one be it that I know not, my name is Merlin. And where do you plan to rest at the end of your journey, nearest your next drink, Albion? /br

12 June 2022

Sidequest: Aconitum


Stripped Ashes, The Rough Luck, Nobody of Son, The Scent's Time, The Snow of the Shards, Gift in the Hunter 

(1, 4)

1 Stripped Ashes

By the time you read this I’ll have already healed from a terrible battle. 

The grass was tall from the late springtime and dry the day before it would rain, in the setting sun, gray and brushing the air like paper chimes a hundred miles with tides of breeze with distant clouds darkly edged and radiant glow, the static of time reached thru the air from a forgotten star striking away the last moisture from the prairie, before the rains came the thunder, before the clouds came the fire struck by lightning. 

Past noticing the blaze a hundred running steps, thinking of horses and hearts and telling them both to keep quick, the sweat puts shame to rains fading into fog lowered and boiling in tumbling swirls of smoke in lines that move if as snakes were flying, and witout turning I am bit between the shoulders, turning to see an archer turning to shoot again, struck in the heart by a great hunter, shooting two arrows as one next, glancing my face and pinning my hand beside my head to a tree of birch or beech, it would not matter which stood with me as both were burned in the wildfire. 

My open wounds covered with ashes, my blood mixing with it to become simple soap as if to wash away my sins, I lie with the lye, the small lizard people called Kobolds come to gather charred wood and ashes for their needs and find a broken body, pouring more water, packing more ashes, starting small campfires around the body they’ve found, chanting superstitious syllables of forgotten meaning and renewed intentions to summon life from the scars of near oblivion. Something has come in shadow form with one hundred arms for its outline, perhaps a centipede, rattling with bones and reeds, perhaps a snake, forcing venom and opiate into the wounds, sealing them into darkness.

2 The Rough Luck

In the caves of the kobolds opening eyes find only the nether dwelling creatures almost in grasp without reach of my arm, an unsettling taste and texture better of the two, the feel of scars becomes a pride of willpower adjusting to the dark light until sight returns where interesting black lines become my many jagged scars a molting skin halted and sealed, healed and seared shut, in pain my bones mend starving and crawling like a shedding snake with many grasps at the scurrying food until the days pass until sitting up, days again until trying to stand for plates of varmint delicacies sometimes even cooked, days again and when I wake there is a kobold shaman, with many sharp bones tied to himself, shaking a rattling stick. 

It shouts pain into my mind, a hangover would be jealous as am I, perhaps struck at least with hunger I sink asleep. It shouts me awake, chatty and hissing, clicks and lisping without any chance of understanding, so I beg for water and food, which only causes it to attack me, hit in the head I fall asleep, awake the next time readily striking the shaman he turns to dust and glitter and smoke drifting down, a great and pure laughter behind me it turns and leaves, as I follow. 

A beautiful hall lined with wood smooth as tables covered with engravings no less than masterful art, stopping to admire and then sit only being pushed, quite rudely, without scratching the floor and dirtying the chairs, where I would not want to sit without cushions despite being a throne room. Then, into a cavern of scaffolding and weapons like crafty rats the collection of catapults and bows with flat carts and barrels stops me to wonder what side of the surface was this world, nevertheless. The upward tunnel breathes fresh air into my soured starving lungs, but they stop in front of me, forced to show my swordsmanship slowed by deep scarring, spellcraft slowed by deep headache and only presto gunpowder, but by the words of the summoning spell they made, if not let me, fireside broth and soup of unfortunate meat and common root, bringing me a book, not of spells, but of described pictures, a day for the letters, a day for the words, a day for sentences too difficult to remember, giving means for safe passage in their tunnels, subtle symbols for spotting their territory. 

3 Nobody of Son

Great luminous sky high noon bringing gold to the blue heavens, my travels take me to a tavern while my journey continues for two days before seeing a town of average people and worthy size, at the public house the entry unnoticed by the many not the publican, I drink as if it were food to pour it into my stomach after days without delights and wait for it to wash the taste from my mind. A hunter buys a cider, but doesn’t drink it, I am perturbed and shout at him and by sentence end honorably drinks to my hurrah and crowd huzzah. 

I tell a joke and the man doesn’t drink and letting such go I ask for work in the way of filth and unsightly things, the man shuns and retains indignance and letting such things go I do magic of small forms with coin and card and crafty lies and the man walks himself and a knife to my back and doesn’t breath and not letting such things go I grab him by the neck and take his knife and make my demands to know what it is that he knows about me I never did. 

Tell me what the wicked knows and do not bet against it. 

You’re supposed to be dead, in the fires that feasted on you, by the arrows I put thru you, you were never alive at that point. 

Many points you put in me…did you start the fire? 

I look around at the new audience, they do not move but to look at the man. 

No, no never, your enemy called you evil, having cheated death you could let me live and disprove the rumor. 

Who is my enemy? Who sent you?

The man raises his arm and I raise his weapon, only pausing him pointing to the outside, honesty without question everyone is only moments from the exit, my grip undone to see which way the man departs, stepping in reverse and turning to run out the back, leaving me to grab a bottle and walk into the street. 

4 The Scent’s Time

A white sky over faaded rooftops I can hear a bird fly, from the foe in the lane, a werewolf warlock in skeleton armor and sharp gauntlets over his hands with long claws at each finger. 

Your body wasn’t in the ashes, it should’ve been so. 

Pity that. Who are you?

Never send a man to do a monster’s work, wouldn’t you agree? 

Tell it to someone who cares. 

The werewolf warlock reaches into a bag of grain and tosses them onto the ground and laughs like a child at play. 

Your end will mean a new beginning, for your crimes against the syndicate of the page-turner. With your death I will be made man again. 

How does that work, fleabag, praytell. 

I will trade your bones in exchange for my freedom. 

Meaning I can’t kill you and find out who sent you. 

It seems to me, you don’t want to talk about it. 

(loading sequence)

I charge at the werelocke, he shouts “Kresik” and the grains in the street flash and grow to burning wheat like vines and fire trying to consume me, wrested and wrought jumping back I see the mangey fucker on a rooftop, without cape three meters high launching the sharp end of a gatepost thru my chest half a second too slow, just as I turn I hear it flying thru the air, off guard imbaanced and falling into another unholy vines of fire trap and now I must disgard my cape. 

I reach for the blade of the sharplight, where there isn’t one after the fire, lost or found, leaping into fire, heavy is the werelocke landing on the ground and onto the same spear thrown at me, howling terrible into the sky bellicose roaring shakes thought to darkness before throwing the spear aside and me with it, into the wagon of wheat, as it heals with magic one clawed paw cover its wound, the other claw reaching at me the entire payload of seeds grown to black fire spines and whips as could seem the ropes of hell and there unable to escape I punch out of the overturned wagon. 

There is a moment, seconds before the werelocke will look, to scan the area and find what prey remains for what is still a three meter werewolf whose powers have gone from its eyes, only song of wolf and eyes of hate with my sent, facing the enemy with choice to run or jump, we’re left inside a ring of fire as it begins to rain. 

5 The Snow of the Shards

The ashes begin falling and as I breathe smoke my scars begin to revive me, cherishable energy each breath my scars begin to glow as I summon rain whose water revives the werelocke, he blows across water in his hand and deep cold blinds me until only the fire in my veins warms me, but reveals me in the clamoring mist, it becomes difficult to see how the rains become snow around the beast, mud freezing around my feet as I am torn with every claw on his hand and lifted off the ground, while he punches a wall with me pierced and flain I use my magic to burn my veins and scars bright nerves burning until released, showing his hand coated in snowy shards of strange mineral, both mirror and fire now reaching my throat, hitting his spear wound does nothing and escape begets panic until there is ten paces between us. 

I was expecting this to be easier. 

Tired, slow, pathetic lumbering clown. 

Hard, careful, immutable, sounds like me. Give up?

The piece of his snow shard glove is like perhaps like the inside of sharplight, if not the same, I remember the future of my salvation reaching out my hand holding it, like a nightmare the reflection in his eye is slower than my strike against it, animal instincts are vicious and effective quickly throwing me before setting another trap of immutable vines from the ground, I lead the dance and simply move just before the beast can leap onto the spear and his own trap. 

You have your wish, old friend. 

As long as we have. 

No one is going to help a lost wizard. 

You are lost as all are, stay down. 

If they find you, this is my curse, we are no more than old trails of your blood.

6 Gift in the Hunter

The rain stops and becomes ashes for eleven seconds then it stops. 

The bones of the werewolve begin to shrink and break like cork trees in the desert, returning to form the fallen and lost creature whose mane and mask dry and break away from sullied and dirtied skin, revealing the face of his oldest if not one of my best friends, I’d seen him not but a year ago when the summer became the silent winter, fit for an autopsy laying in shadows of the afternoon as the sun and onlooking survivors return. The curse of his size leaving him in the rags of a drunken animal at a festival the publican drapes the cape over him, putting a hand on my back, giving pause my curiosity at the crystals as a clue, a terrible fate to make someone suffer, a great lesson it comes with great surprise like a storm of lies or petals, as looking at me there is an eye in the glass frozen and unnatural with an extra ring around curious fire, quickly taking the rest of the silver glass with the pieces sharp and sinewed stuck to the spear with drying blood intent on solving this puzzle, and hoping the reflection isn’t mine. 


10 June 2022


2022 March-June.


Radical conservatism and liberal democracy, why is everything we’re supposed to do have to happen by accident? 


Being amazed at things that the world has always offered, which many have stopped seeing, which are new again. A new opportunity and another way to see the world, this way with something to garner, to think in a better definition and show it to others. We have a name, and someone calls to us using a strange accent, but one of the acceptable ways of saying it, used to hearing our own name and outside of regularity to hear it a little different than given. It takes forever to know what to do for a living, even longer if you don’t know that you need to do something for a living, if society asks nothing, tells nothing, plays in contests of jokers and thieves. With the white canvas painted white for no reason, as “art imitates life” or not, we’re all honestly looking at the days of the new, at what the world offers. Knowing our name, knowing what names systems of economics or cultures gives us, makes us pledge to collectivism or egalitarianism, and without calling ourselves anything other than a name forgotten in an empty promise. So we must promise ourselves to think, to know that we want to be called a parent or teacher or explorer. The deconstruction is also true, beyond the call to arms what name will you choose when carrying your past. It’s time to answer as your name, but also to answer the call for those who serve others and save themselves. Keep your name, save your excuses, start your life. 

Ask the ones making the excuses to stop helping you, surround yourself with the tired and honest and working, let the least honest help the liars as if their greed will have a better understanding of money than the liar does, or does and cares not. Work is the key to thought, when busy the mind will open dreams to ideas more powerful than sleep and subconscious, insomnia only makes lighter sleep and heavier awakenings. 


If socialism is centralized control of the economy, and communism is centralized economics and culture, liberalism is decentralized much as a routed computer network. There are many vulnerabilities to distributing responsibilities, even the cohesion of accurate information isn’t updated with protocols half as efficient as the least dependable rumor mill. The planned economies and cultures, colossal in responsibility, have a full education in the so-called “western” governance, but lack the respect for libertarianism (liberalism). The common line of separation is that of freedom, whereas the ‘more eastern’ gov’ts have freedom from questions, yet the ‘more western’ gov’ts have freedom from answers. For instance, not having to ask what the policy is about public unrest, or not needing the answer to political oppressions. The difference of their needs of the few balanced by priority blurs the line, the needs of the many outright erases it. Students navigate the world with their legends and any gov’t with their own eyes, to find evolve in success and familiarity. 

Sand from many rocks as many beaches as many waves never the same stone again.


Many ideologies are paths to a powerful gov’t economy, or a powerful monoculture, and yet humanity is a contradiction as a new world order, somehow based on merit by way of (perhaps competitive) evolution; the successful become leadership and begin their decline.

Sheep, wolf, they’re both animals. Be human, be aware. 


A feeling deep in their bones, some people want to lift the world, and won’t know if they have, until it breaks them. 

Atlas was a god. I hope you win, and in your success gain something to fight for, instead of nothing to lose, which mightn’t be true. 


Life is a test, the doldrum of career is a circle, the daily cycle. A dangerous life path is a daily event, chasing optimism thru selfish or shameful dopamine withdrawals, comparing yourself to the intents of curated and illusory personas, and given a choice to surrender to defeat or fulfill a shallow existence, a cliche and temporary culture - worshipping a way out with the faith reserved for saints, when victory is adding better habits to the daily cycle. Yes, nobody likes their job, eventually. A parent teaches language, a cartoon might teach to read, and we the people use skill to teach skills, art to teach arts, in reverence to grace. To respect what we appreciate without self-damage. 


The poetry of youth, the poetry of programming, the poetry of wisdom.


Making an idiot look bad is the biggest sin in bureaucracy. Kleptocracy is the government version of consumerism? 


The cheetah runs 80mph, if it doesn’t hunt most of its time, if it doesn’t catch most of its prey, it’ll starve. Evolutionary benefit and its cost. 

Collecting was an early evolutionary advantage, hunting was the development in social bonding and communication advanced to its intellectual limits. Barking and chasing was still properly animalistic, changes in environment and choices to reward success successfully offers humans a choice to explore. 

When following became hunting, when gathering became planting, there must’ve been an idea that planting a tree was more important than taking an apple. Clarity of vision brighter than dreams of insomnia failing to exhaustion, in a tired world we see demands make short term rewards destroy long term survival, the reallocation is (objectively) by virtue of success best at reward and (subjectively) vulnerable to liabilities. 

In systems designed to not retain value, living on what falls thru the cracks, or faults they can promote, their language defines the importance of the food source, but their youngsters and students learn a simple lesson inferring urgency. The innocent are afloat in simple ideas and drowning in short-term choices, the teachings of their conflict are waves eroding the next students. 

The C year plan, the M year plan, a seed today, even tho the future will change, might grow a tree valuable and strong. 

A thought now in any direction can move a zombie in any direction. That’s not right, maybe it’s a sleepwalker. There’s a point where humanity is in an evolutionary corner surrounded by the same walls as centuries ago, the better choices and improved ideas are how we survive, tools of the mind in productivism and positivism to defend our lives. The walls we build around our mind are traps of a sick society or a weak mind. Optimism and pessimism are echoes of choices, possibility and reality are echoes of reasons. The reasons you give before, the reasons you give after, are ideological defenses to the choices you were given, not the rewards you make. 


The economics of panic, profits from victimisation and loses to commonality, a practice of competitive averageness is another form of panicky surrender or defeat. Hurry up and calm down, relax and challenge the chaos, let sleep be your surrender and restorative bliss to control tomorrow. Remembering the seasons in case of bad weather, isn’t an umbrella. 

You can forget the rain, or you can forget the sky is falling. Keep the tools, offer yourself a rest from the possibility, with the reward for the identity. Notice the demand. To finally respect yourself with imaginations that aren’t real fades panicked or prepared much faster than chased. Your career among others earns a name, and having stopped panic, your rewards will be yours for gift to society or savings for a rainy day. 


What will divide offers unity, it destroys innocence to break free will. (?)


The excess deaths as the industrial revolution began, to prove the disparity of rewards for owners or managers, still fact of course, but with some countries "late to the party," Earth saw the gluttony of mother nature claim lives invested in single task. The multitasking of socializing new ideas and more so communalism to subsidies, we begin, we continue leaving times where the population exceeds nutritional and spiritual needs. Providence and provision. 8 billion going on 25 billion, stress approaches when our limits break, there is a single task in governmental preview, in duty of possibilities and of what exists sans animism, decrees what we can't do and whom we can't do it to (whether you agree or not, case by case). The freedom to ally and defend patriotism, in holiday and war, is liberation of some and revolution for others, but was liberty to industrialize without the deadline of extinction nor whip of slavery. Government is assigned this rule of the orders, but it has no place for creativity, it has no elegance mandate. Let there come a new world order as a patsy, but let dote and design be ingrained. 

A rule to study, a role for students. Signs depend on the caste of the reader. A hunter's signs, a traveler's, a citizen's. 

Culture is action taught to countrymen/comrades (?), of course it offends charlatans. 


Traditions, attitudes, and ways. You have seen empires no longer spread wide their wings. Witness and make choices, there will be nature that remains. For a practice normal is frequency and stoicism is rare. 

With an instinct for discovery, in masses looks at the majority, in ignorance choose the plurality, in conflict seeks allies, in hunger desires nutrition, in emotion wants stability, in chaos finds spirit, in darkness learns literature and math, in lies practices logic, in burden makes plenties, in stress elects efficiency, in wage saves preparations, in variety practices trade, in work discovers art, in books both fiction and history, and in holiday dances and sings. 


In one regard you seem jaded by their objectification, but still wise beyond years. Even if you are human. 


Because it was mentioned, when does life begin, and when do people start living, for some people never. You need to answer that question for yourself. (and where your heart belongs). 


Beware the medicating fog of another world, not heaven or hell, we may wander too far from society and community, from control and synergy, making the control of emotions a subliminal process medicinally as much as breathing or blinking, unable to recognize intensity, incapable to switch mood, is robotic and possibly predeterministic, which any program will ignore unnecessary automata, and any politician will remove any simple obstacle. 


Warriors are the protectors of daughters, their caste or profession is primarily suited for defense of the small and many. Then primacy of males defined and larger in similar traits (/phenotypes) should be protected by allowing/encouraging their interest in atoms and values, your duty to protect them in return a network of small miracles. Without the nepotism in authority, without superstition in memory. 


Having a thought and then caught off guard, sensing the mood with challenges, learning to relax, but also taking risks, almost to challenge yourself. Controlling membership keeps us busy to avoid wandering, to focus on relationships and emotional intelligence. Social motivations are not inspiration to the sages, arising from questions to an egalitarian democracy almost yin and yang by design, if answered quickly ignore the wise answers known for some time. 

Emotions are natural and international, universal, and globally sympathized. As both genetic and cultural, in empathy I feel with champions and conquered, yet empathy with reactions and emotions of the most magical of ideas, human emotions, is overdue. Recognize and manage your composure and mood, this is the light for students to learn and tide for sailors against mountains. 


“>Only Way forward is a cyclical iteration of existing traditions, not a return to them.”


Like everything I detest it’s inept or adept at pointlessness, then when you look at the boomers, where’s the lie?

Maybe, all the things they said about the west were true, about the boomers, and so my heart feels for the lefties and the liberals who say what they like and ask me if I ‘remember it’s a free country’ as they sink that ship, too. The conservatives of religion or communities had kids that did better, but waited for the lost to see the light, where the generation between them and loopers are watching the candle burn at both ends. Why other countries see this one as opulent and showy, while having shortfalls in socialism and communism that I can only repay with a lack of ingratitude, shorter waits for critical care, and my mirth and clamor in the wild waiting to be molded by a leader, just one conservative male or liberal female president that knows their head from a hole in the ground. This opinion (before I’ll read three suggested books on boomers,) is marked/marred by a confusing lack of preparedness and a surplus of urgency from a generation deadset on repatriating the romanticised goals bastardized and demanded for so long. To inspire assumes that the worst are inept, that we are adept at pointlessness, and nobody can spot the truth between two lies. 


If I can convince you that sin and mythical demons are bad, then maybe when you’re clearing your ranks for revolution you’ll see successful people just doing a job, and let them go no matter how successful they are. The school against (this type of) ridiculousness fights its own ridicule in contradiction. Waves of generations and undertows of students memorizing generalizations and assuming hypotheticals, almost dangerous undercurrents hypnotizing simple-minded politicians arguing according to habit instead of choice, and rusting like otherwise useless bombs. Dogs from an emergent wolf, by design similar modern species, varieties akin to evolution and you see the varieties of our exploring or survivalist humanity from an ancestor much more like yourself than the others, and they will see you are the elderkin, but only if you succeed. 

A tree must find the sun many times before apples and oranges are different. 


Truly now it is known the gates of hell are closed no more.


X/read 3 source books, check truck school


You have seen us in the ultraviolet, the dappled soaking colors of freckling shades lighter and darker between the fresh dazzled mist of radiation thru the aura in light of the surface of the soul, where white flags of surrender glow in the the blacklight resentment of the spectrums for our vision protected from the other side of reflection, dour grays fading into shadows and lifeless paths undertold and boring corners of the mind, the doors shine for night for halls and lights of cities woven and webbed fixtures forbade of swords to cut by warriors to warn the blind, awry toll on the mind in meditation and coy with the music of heartbeats, with many passing by the standing still, with few faces in a world of masks, you have seen us in the ultraviolet. 


? City nights, vampires, N ancient journal contends a tale more accurate than meets the eye; 


Hellknight, m7? Pandora?

His clothe arms wrapped in in cotton band, from warmth, could still fight in needing be, if deemed so;


It's youth like, distrust/mistrust of elders initially, a memento of new faces in an old world, and trust seeking is different than having. Many have a higher power and others search. Many look for purpose and others bear. Burden of solving your own answers with only questions, this confuses morale vs morality, it's right to ask and okay to learn. 

I’d like to assume that self-defeat is an intellectual pursuit, the words and ways we say to question facts and answer fantasy. To impress we volunteer truth without anything else, a woman asks if you like graffiti and you google art schools, or he asks if you like food and suddenly you’re a chef - the lessons are meaningless without interaction, the desire to learn can’t wait, the lessons perhaps are something to believe in. Thinking instead of studying is like dreaming at work, it’s not required because the mind is like a powerful idea and your intellect/responses are tools. Conversations are honest and usually when work is dull, the simplest challenge is when someone wants to know what you’re thinking. If they do, I assume you’ll be awesome. 


There’s a divergent reality outside the box, when you don't know where food comes from, and when you don't know how they made it. What something is, and how it is, can be similar in concept. Positivity and the conceptual outcome, choices splitting futures, where there’s no control when one doesn’t know the difference b/w thoughts and emotions. It’s already hard to tell them apart, poets struggle to define the emotional or as experts explaining emotions to a dawning artist. 


Your connection to purpose like an anchor or a kite, your karma thrown thru the stormy seas or skies, yet your regrets behind you and your desires before you. That shadow against the outcomes of time, what you look like, where you were, the outline of your spot in the universe looking at what you’ve become. Value others, in case you forget. Trust yourself, in case you remember. The shadow of reactions, where new emotions begin and habits take root, is the soul of prayer (privacy and being) and divine (choice and faith). 

Something that breaks the paradigm of collective unconscious, the intellectual responses afforded to anyone anywhere anytime, the common sense universal, but the answer everyone can’t see, there is fact and feeling when you find your purpose. We see the past with human eyes, no moment is the same as no person, but take your choices and leave memories for after you’ve lived. Plato says we’re watching a story, as if life is slow, Kierkegaard says we are the story, as if life is fast. You are in control of connection. How fast can you learn what you already know? 


Wilt ein komen mann fore thar?


Virtue is a standard of civilisation, let’s be the lineage of that, principles are service to our faith, let’s have honor in that. If virtues are a dream, principles are the contents. If virtues are a realm, principles are our armor. The virtue of patience, (in this case) to ignore the opinions of others, to support or denounce that opinion according to your principles. 

Using an opportunity to make demands, to demand unrest, to unrest unity to create dependency for the power to destroy it all, the power of inequality to be two doors while weak oft screaming politicians pretend they’re one with either direction being wrong without permission, turning principles against traditions, weaponizing facts as threats to progressive ignorance and desperate envy. The shock abuse giving an open hand from the same fist, the subterfuge/subtlety of weeds in the garden as cattle of men and promising them greatness otherwise the present. 

If unable to teach, a politician ungrateful for the opportunity enacts the weak principle, it makes ungrateful students, despising poisoned virtue a tradition of conflict inspiring the weak inopportunist to embrace suppression and attack any principle that interrupts. A past of our species shows the revolving door of revolutions. What we do must be our idea, it would be better if we know the best way to do them. Not - sweep it under the rug. 

/M6- Belcarra

Guleh: I was alive when the son went down.

Kairos: We lost the belcarra, made this tomb theirs. You were wounded, bound to the sepulcher…there were sarcophagi, a sarkic curse and…

Guleh: One future we will leave, and one we will find. The accursed hunger is already here, will there be a body?

Kairos: We have readied one, keep your teeth short.

Guleh: Will it worsen me?

Kairos: No, there are too many villages to rally against us until Kinov. 

Guleh: A taste without depth, blood… repugnant. 

She speaks with two voices against the walls and four eyes of sporadic movements almost white at quick glances as she eats the brain of the betrayer. 


When you awaken before you blink I can tell you. When you sleep before you dream you can tell me. 


Time I 1RM from app as warmups;


If there wasn’t utopia, it could hide in dreams, but if it were described and everyone compromised their consensus, lies bridge to desperation. If apathy habits are familiar, the unknown waits to be imagined. The cost of change may be more than our hope that truth will be heard, and in the simpler truths of countries like children fighting over a broken bridge, will be disconnected. You were an atom in endless universes, now human and free to find purpose, to see truth beneath the blinding stars and use darkness to hide from deceits. Prevailing in survival, sometimes inventing pretensions, and ignoring problems too big to solve - even with allies we are disjointed from distant cultures unfamiliar with utopia or unable to abandon it as they’ve known it.  


If you want to learn what everyone can’t remember, you have to explore your world. 

I read strangers and talk to friends, it’s really a miserable existence. 


At the center of the old castle which was the garden is a courtyard surrounded by sitting stones cut from the walls of the fortress of Lanza surrounding it, where rangers train against all from magic rage to monsters rare. 


Dance around the mast

Dance until the last

Thrown across the sea

Thy fete has been cast


Don’t fear dying alone, fear living alone. Excuses are fake memories and lies. Denial is remembering something the way wanted, acceptance is without it. Describe what you see, there is a world to be won. 


Running from the noise they leap from one doorway toward the next, between the exits a sphere of madness, it draws Merlin closer as many points of light reflecting in his eyes a glow just beyond blue, where memory consumes the mind to understand the starlight like burning blood and royal violets, the prisoner a woman screaming without delight, anger making magic flame the spherical prison a burning eye of Eridanus, he dissembles the barrier by contact as blinding light leaves blurred outlines of dark figures tossing all to the ground nearly bringing the room down to them. 

Sonya: I wasn’t mad at you.

Merlin: They’ll pay, we have to go.

Sonya: …

Walking away carrying along shouldering her arms until warriors approach, Merlin walks free of her grasping arms, turning grasp throwing back to wall a hand to chest the other arm at Sonya, conducting powerful manna driven to her the warrior falls, she nods agreeing to continue, as if just given release from one curse of many. 

A vein collapses as cost of combat, Merlin sees it scar beneath his skin, yet attacked again conducting his lineage magic his tattoos radiant are dull nearest damaging scars, Xavier knows the move enraged and catching Merlin off guard against blade stopped by disarming the swing and draping him against the next two soldiers, keener but not faster than them both Merlin is, retaliating with enough luck for them both to run after allies and escape to daylight, no longer of falling dust the foundation trembles. 

Outside they would trip if not already falling from exhaustion as an earthquake conveys a grizzly king of bears. 


Dude transported 10k years ago, word roots similar to his own english that it takes about a week of listening to learn pidgen. 

/continued -bump/scp

Ursa: You have won the right to fill my menagerie!

Merlin: There are other fish in the sea.

The bear breathes without sound, a lengthy deep breath cavernous with expanding chest, he opens pose over them, leaning and falling forward toward them, shaking the ground to begin walking on four paws, and like primitive bears smelling them.  

Ursa: I…am Ursa Major, my cave beneath the castle you sabotaged, winter will come, that witch locked my gates, kept my pets asleep in case they break. 

Merlin: She was giving you power…?

Ursa: You are giving me power, she is how I make you give it. 

Merlin: Your pets?

Ursa: The worshipping workers, you kicked the hornet nest…are you “the” Merlin?

Ursa mounts over Merlin with bristling dominance and teeth bigger than butchery knives. 

Merlin pulls the warmth from the earth and the latent static from Ursa’s hair and blinds everyone, Ursa bites Merlin’s arm, he tears his forearm until blood guides the bite and tears the accursed veins from his arm and strangles Ursa with them. With bloody hands pulling on wrapped barbed wire and bleeding into his eyes, the veins burning fur branding the veins into his skin, clawing at them cutting himself more than release. 

Unable to shred Merlin, Ursa bucks forward hurling Merlin into the grass hard heavily enough to push grass aside for soil. With Merlin’s blood magic scalds his wounds shut as he adjusts a broken arm, staring with eyes to feel the battle readiness, with Ursa steaming and huffing mad with the soldiers still blinded and the others escaping. 


Merlin: Do tell. 

Ursa: AHKH!



You are lucky to have peace in your life, may god keep your secrets, or life will be very different. 

/M6, i

As Merlin wanders the Kairos chamber, there are no tripwires and traps, but each object and door is protected with graphemes or surrounded with elaborate circles, these are magical locks that will destroy the artifacts or seal doors when tampered with incorrectly. He carefully unlocks a covered bowl to find wine, itself average and tastes wherefore of random variety, from his stare a shelf hidden behind a painting hung to hide it and cursed as well as any, peaking he sees books, carefully moving the painting he’s interrupted - suddenly standing outside and facing the valley, not knowing why, turning his face to the building he’s surprised to see it. Angry the door is locked with the same guardian magic, his hands are burnt, bleeding and another surprise so much that he realizes he was hexed to forget if he was inside or not in the first place. 

/N+ (5657 spoof) The Fake News

There’s a door in the cite that leads to a tv studio talkshow, interviewing celebrities that think it’s a dream, and crewed by NPCs with typical limited dialogue; homonculi turn into NPCs if they can’t answer the host’s three questions, a genie of sorts, who subtly suggests to the celebrities to use their power when they wake up IRL to investigate the foundation, but doesn’t know what the foundation is, and camply polite to agents when they visit to ask about stories older than any myth on record; refusing to acknowledge that the studio is fake, is very accommodating at first, to distract from the physical reality inconsistencies, i.e. a wandering staffer, a frozen audience member, when a new homunculi resists or becomes unsettled the others protect the host; occasionally the show changes format to a similar type of show with a single major change, day to night, a target audience shift, akin to the America Gods powered by the demographic, even the host will change appearance to fit the show, in all ways, sometimes skin tone, sometimes hair color, sometimes gender, but only a mild shift from the previous appearance; on ocassion it’s a live news show, a field reporter and cameraman on scene where foundation agents are in some form of chaos, but the audio is down, or the words approach nonsensical where it’s an elaborate NPC event and a minimalist newsdesk; 

A real agent in a real firefight is trapped, and aided by an agent that she thinks is a genie, in offensive strike she attacks the genie and tries to run, but it feeds on her fear, her anger compels the genie to fight, stalling until backup arrives; this time the video is also real, and the site administrator asks the genie to end the dark illusion, the unholy oasis, the researcher was sure that the genie hadn’t escaped and there’s a second, the camera is grabbed by the genie, staring at the viewers, the prisoner smiling as the administrator leaves, but in the cell the genie and the jinn speak via magic, she tells him its a trap, as the admin looks on the second layer camera feed of the illusion falls as the newest NPC is incarcerated, the genie tells him to relax and prepare for tests, the administrator signs-off on tests, the host was never after the Foundation, the host has always wanted to capture the jinn; 

Host: Genie / Nicki

Jinn: Mahat Eku / Eric 

Agent: Andy (new recruit)

Admin: Cernunnos / N

Director: O5-3

Andy hears her team report the building is surrounded; the local detectives and she approach the building, they deal with an anomaly using people for their metals, to gather gold, noticing her almost kills her, seemingly saved by the detectives, when she realizes she wasn’t helped, the anomaly didn’t fear the detectives (almost trusting the detective’s smile), she attacks the detectives, tries to escape, when the foundation helps; while she’s being treated, N asks her if she wants a job while eating, offering her food and picking up his coffee finally starting to see what she’ll say; 

“you’ve seen the monsters and lived, you’ll be working with good men, we’re well funded”

she pulls a gun on him between the eyes.

“fuck off,” he walks away, “let’s go, you’ll like it, trust me, i didn’t even tell you what happens if you say no.”

she stands, holstering her sidearm, staring back at him, “not really giving me a choice,” she shouts

he replies, “if i go, you’ll never know”

he replies, “going once, going twice”

he replies, “good times make weak men, and women”

he replies, “few get the chance” +




"write a short list of easy academic tasks to do. e.g. Reading a chapter of a book, or making a quick essay plan for an assignment. also write a list of things you want to do today e.g., have a relaxing bath, or go for a walk. number them, then randomly generate a number. do that task for 25 minutes. doesn't mean you have to finish that task, just dedicate yourself for 25 minutes to that task. take a 5 minute break, then randomly generate a number again. you got this!"

/This is the way. 

Explore and describe what you're doing, do your job and interview people. 

Desperation will vanish. The missing answer you can’t find is in reaffirmation, repeating your goals and rewards. 





Kairos: He’s out there somewhere!

Merlin waits like a wolf ready for the main course. 


If a beast doesn’t eat it starves, if you don’t meet your purpose the soul will starve. Unable to become, we have the “coward’s death,” of fear and illusion, unable to look back farther than where you quit you’ll not see the emotion tearing you apart. Told to control or express emotions, strength certainly isn’t making emotions, but natural success and instinct to this world. When the book closes, work is rewarded and envy plays a part in spite for betters and importance for worsenings, exhausted minds make magical thoughts to hold together time that belongs in memories, to witness the ceremony awarding dream universes to chase the emotions too new to control or too recent to feel. 

Honesty and integrity - virtues of a story that can be translated to anyone from your magic. From your strength, emotions and virtues both will overtake your spirit, your activity, when you don’t control them, when you don’t experience them. The worst lie claws its way out, medications and vocations treating the symptoms of your purpose until just another trait of a coping creature, for humans have minds to lose and time to choose how. 

Bad studying, bad lessons, self-destructive, overthinking - distractions to the modern lifestyle. If you would risk getting lost in adventures, teaching survival by example and saving relationships (making friends), try your luck at generosity of volunteerism, morality of philosophies, patience of learning, vigor of sport, concentration of teaching, or the wisdom of meditation. What happens next, you will know or you won’t. 

/br ~~~~~~:ppppp ?

Pursue what you want to do, don't be restrained, believe you can do it.


bone headphones marsupials find on spooks and compare it to echographia or rictor scale proximity



You’ve the vision to become, the ability to overcome, or live clinging to a calm world full of emotional extremes. 


victim disarmament, soylent green, solar panel winter


Akin to apathy for modernity, is persona non grata masked and spilling like a liquid shadow self, among us, filling the void in our lives and feeling like forgotten to learn about us, as easily as a boot on a flower in a war. A student chooses imagination, the depressed suffer it, pretending to normalize who commute and communicate as new eyes to a natural world, with Tolkein saying “not all who wander are lost,” to wear a mask they don’t recognize and act just as human to impress us will move closer to the miscreants most hunted, but unlike any who would answer save for the asking, in such shadows connects with other spirits looking for souls to save, finding the innocent souls of our brood and taking them for illicit contacts or study of innocences farther from knowing still. 

I worry this affects the chief among us, the othering and biases have cultures clashing and fighting sometimes too much to notice, like a third eye of chakras looking for the path to protect the body. Simple version, the pain causes resentment and then retaliation. 

In lesser form, the isolationists abroad or the conformist identitarians seek to converge autonomously to take the students, plenty of gray matter mechanics and transcendental artists to keep a globe running with fingers, who hold our defenses with such evils, albeit shocked, but hide the offender when the biases continue. How do you scare a monster? Do what you say you were going to do. 

The lesser of two evils will fight with you, if you are in defense of the youth. Without conviction you might stand alone, like the offender’s nagging depression or the patient doubt of standing still too long - we impose some laws, and (moral) culture hopefully stops evil from rooting. There are reasons and scenarios, and no lack or litany of laws ever prevents them. 

Hamlet (character) said, “...there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." because he wanted to forget the politics - so thoughts too many or too few, might not make it so, here in our society. Choice, morality, these will give and take questions. 


Laws are extension of thoughts, as perception changes over time, time should change with perception? Elliptical theories cross the same point, from multiple places in a connective line of logic. A magnum opus is an extension of thoughts, or a paperweight. 


The opposite of impostor syndrome is an overconfident interviewee. If you’d like to earn your citizenship, continue reading. 


Lift weights? Do it for a living. Play games? Do it for a living. All jobs are occupations, of time or thought, where spoiler alert people get so bored they buy books on how to gamify the tedious dailies. The algorithms we enjoy/expect, or use like turnstyles and statistics, gamify our expectations, narratives, and interests temporarily. There's a very real pattern to your life, looking in the mirror, in turn of phrase and fashion sense, ultimately defining you. Look to reason and be strong with honesty or at least the truth worth telling. Then, when you ask a question it’ll have a basis. True meaning is based in reality, a lie is a story other than what just happened. 

Confidence forms a level of understanding. Games are for the bored, an employer wants you to be on time because you want/need to be on time. To be ready because you are. Doubt keeps people from applying themselves, but lies will lock doors behind you. 



Fucking autopilot, my life needs to roll the dice: 

modern monetary theory 



Do people resent the leaders of howling wolves who ignore the weeping willow? One seeks water, the other is rare. 

Resenting the hyper ones by becoming what you're accusing, often to speak against who is helped, the shepherd would speak of fields, cowardly to complain secretly or separately where we can't help or harm, is too convenient to be surreal or random. 


Any war longer than a week is between the communists and the socialists. 



HUES+ous perhaps for hues or colors, and is a Dawn goddess PIE. Spanish pronunciation might be s > sh, in creative interpolation. Usas via Rigveda (a rexverite) - Baltic sun deity Saule, see Sol for sun. 

If the eclipse event is Erebus holding Luna in place, would Ostara play any dawn magic, or to wonder if not enforce the sun continue to travel? Theoretically, a perpetual eclipse would maintain geocirculation, georotation. Maybe Ostara prevents Sol from chasing…her returning to dawn and trying to scare the moon away, by Sol starting fires, idk. Fantastical. 

? in “Norðri, Suðri, Austri and Vestri” four dwarves upholding the sky, is a surmisable obstacle to stopping Erebus, but perhaps only Austri ndor Ostara… 

With Ostara, Sol, Khewsos being witches, it’d make Merlin relay a 3-1 fight to students avoiding fairytales. He’d say - three is not worth it…label them… 

> Onto something more ontological, the elements earth air fire water, what if the fifth is: Hunger.

  • “Middle English hunger, from Old English hungor (“hunger, desire; famine”), from Proto-Germanic *hungruz, *hunhruz (“hunger”), from Proto-Indo-European *kenk- (“to burn, smart, desire, hunger, thirst”).” 

Kenk extrapolated creatively could be quinque, five. To fuel the story with it. Despite passion being a common thread. Yarn?

Either way, it might move Huntress scenes into M5 (Oneiros), hunting the nightmare god also seems overtroped. 

you have your words… 

Sortedly, hunger is M5 and a pentatonic within. 



The day begins like any other, bored of sleep they wake, bored of life they routinely find chores and distractions from a list so common you could write a book about boundaries of listening skills. The ideals to rational balance found at work or play, workers spectate and investors gamble their preference for our leaders, the progressivist calm until problems and clueless before them. To keep going, to enjoy life, rationalism is a good reason to experience life instead of theorizing, but it prefers a puppet and undefined progressivism. Someone rearranging your closet, or the simple habits we control. A challenge to policy, or a teleprompter in a suit. A society without objection is right to assume much and realize little, a single flag in a tornado of souls. 

The Spanish word hacer, to do or to make, has different perspectives in English. Yes? No? Maybe one meaning isn’t enough, maybe one word isn’t enough. Proving something happened with a question, is like making something happen with an answer. Reality exists to be discovered. 


Some people can’t tell the difference between shame and blame. You can’t save the face of others, you can’t lose the face of self. Time well spent are lessons learned, in alarmism and rumors oppression preys on the depressed. Use some strategy to spare dignity. Discover what you want, have many relationships, learn as you return to reason and acquire what you desired all along. Reputation can suffer a little embarrassment, if worth learning. 


Some cultures have no difference between reputation and manners. Unfortunately we grasp the concept for just a moment, but thought it was best to explain. Thought and language, after habit and instinct, do or make emotions, a space in the brain/mind for feelings, and we can argue how important that is rationally, or illogically, an irrational crime impulsive or emotioned is the manner of emotion plus the reputation of instinct. Perhaps better called credibility, the masking instinct is a poor habit, but infinitely better than poor instincts.  /?


>> JP clean your room, might be to make sense of why, for who, the place where you hide; or onto cleaning the culture; culture of broken families becoming a broken political system, the failed methodology; replacing leadership for blind mimicry; the culture by and large our bests or worsts, some issue between the cross-eyed crosshairs of govt; parenting is reinforcing the other, and making plans together, so much divided policies split a country; zealots might not believe in the fires they set to be paid putting out; cleaning the house might make room or reminds to see what it's worth; 

Stressful times when competition demeans, finding value in virtues is one step towards the great society, but it lets children copy the gathering and competitions, when culture will offer simple steps from the mother, and simple tasks from the father; the way govt offers neither, simplicity nor example; these exciting things or amazing places are being lost where we live; 

Value, competition, desire, are mountains with great views of each other, too far to complain or be heard. The big mood of cultures eventually meet each other to find new ways to learn old things. 


The headlines are for the workers, the trends are curated for the many. 


Blame enemies for their sedition, not for your own mistakes. With this fate/purpose, an interview will improve, leaving the interviewer/employer only questions of your ability. If a Person can be Politician, you can joke your way to fact. /?


  • “Emotions:  a subjective, conscious experience characterized primarily by psychophysiological expressions, biological reactions, and mental states.”


Print $4T this year, say they're short 5 next year, demand 6. Socialism. 



If I tell you something, will you be offended!


>Too bad!

I can’t hear you!

No, sir!

Good, I have just proven you can hold a human conversation! Best lesson you’ll ever have… Now when you don’t follow an order I’ll know you’re an animal or disobeying orders! The result will be the same! Get ready to run! 3, 2, 1… well, start running! 




Peacemaker is a little more than you can handle, like John, he's a lot to expect, where his refinements are sensible and readiness at 11, he might start a fight with assess, but not defend someone who just slagged him off, or he'll bring a shotgun to open his can of whipsaw select, ™ pending, he's forged in liberty, but it definitely a patriot despite his penchants for partying with friends and promiscuous chivalry, one of the team and a listener or student of life, but as a hero he represents the best of us. 

Nobody's perfect, but we fix what we can. 


Based on a pre-registered survey of the main research question rather than hypotheses (N = 566), it was found that:

Narcissism was positively associated with crypto attitude which was mediated by positivity.

Machiavellianism was associated with buying intention which was mediated by conspiracy beliefs. Machiavellians were more distrustful of government which was associated with a greater desire to buy crypto.

Psychopathy affected crypto judgments through FoMO and a negative effect on positivity.

Sadism is associated with FoMO and a lack of positivity which affects crypto judgments.



First, let’s look at the four types of political regimes shown in the chart, based on criteria from the classifications of Lührmann et al. (2018):

Liberal democracies: Judicial and legislative branches have oversight of the chief executive, rule of law, and individual liberties.

Electoral democracies: Hold multiparty de-facto elections that are free and fair, have an elected executive, and institutional democratic freedoms such as voting rights, clean elections, and freedom of expression.

Electoral autocracies: Hold de-facto elections; democratic standards are lacking and irregular.

Closed autocracies: No elections are held for the chief executive or no meaningful competition is present.



Imagine playing a videogame. 


"ego is inflated, which is the reason you feel the need to turn other people into mirrors of you"


Felonies getting a warning, but they’ll still give you a fucking parking ticket, they’ll still charge taxes for police to write them. I’m surprised the retribution hasn’t been seen. We’ve seen riots for murderers, but no protests against looters.

(while half of gov’t keeps pushing society over the edge and then says sorry standing with its head up its own ass looking for more handouts - gov’t is a dodo, not yet extinct in miracle.)


Maybe writing these essays for 7 years now, this isn’t for you. Let’s be quick about abstinence. 

The body wants to breed, if you don’t need a rubber boxer’s mouth guard to protect your teeth, you haven’t stopped helping yourself long enough. For women it’s something you can ask, is it a distraction or a supplement, but men want to use their own fertility. Fact. It’s a “want'' you “have,” if neither exists, your life suffers. How to impress a woman, work with your hands, how to stay in retention, work with your hands. The Spanish say hunger as ‘i have hunger’ and they say love with ‘i want you,’ you are what you have, you love what you want. If you have a want, if you want to have, this is perceptions, habits, illusions in your path to cleanliness. Te quiero. Tengo hambre. Words until true. 


Make the mind empty, reviews or descriptions are only words until complete, the many reasons and the simple truth, all the proof they need, the idiot rioters, and when the story is complete the revolting will change their music, but be careful talking to even one ideologist with a lighter, many anarchies end in one fat lady singing over the bodies of anyone who tried to stop them. 



Instead of telling people to worry about the future, we say prepare for death, everything is insufficient, you are weak. We also see people fall thru the system, I've spent weeks not talking, speeding to myself, feeding on the shadow self in darkness, therefore a weaker man becomes the wildlings, the itinerant beggars, the addicts and sheep, the entertained and informed. Don't be hyper intellectual, in a daydream. Don't be an expert, in a complacent society. /br 

/POEM1-2022-05-07 SUNLIGHT

I don’t deserve her, but damn if she ain’t pretty. 

Shall I deserve not her, mighty gods, make the magic of this world of the radiant sunlight across her features definitive!


+M6 Kairos (option, luck(before))

Merlin finds…place, where numbered ancient traps, broken or spotted or easily de-triggered, finding things to read or careful to not, or seeing some hidden wall latch, careful without mistake a spell on a mimick, a book that tries to burn the hands or cut with pages, from weak spell cast too long ago it fades like silver and smoke, in the final pages a message to M; in it, a chamber with a compass, a primitive alarm clock dated without day, for a few hours ahead, the time comes and the walls shift, the kairos chamber opens to Archon, closing behind him, with the wanderer’s library open to M; 

first exploration

connected to the Kairos Chamber

massive academic catacombs 


Thanking the mind free of many outcomes of others, better with survival in civilization than the worst of the worst. 

Stop staring at nothing, and be active awakened. Do more today, everyday a list will find what mind has lost. Life is no game, nor a book of rules. List, for it will be an adventure into the light. The blind pleasure sees you. Why do you not see it?

Make a list of two, one real and one fake. Forget people, if trapped they will live, and if escaped they will love, the plans to forget stoicism and buy temporary distraction aren't helping people live. Disposable income for cheap thrills, is weak will for thin soup. Bad engine, bad fuel. 

A new culture has no country, an individual has no goals, but each society offers a glimpse into the future of life, not laziness. 

Tic tac toe isn't art. Love isn't a science. 

If you want to see laziness, ask a politician for a good idea. 

What are the limits of government? What it manages conducts, what it fails to manage defines it. What we fail to manage defines ourselves. Too much emotion, too much logic, too much indulgence. 


Keep me and I will learn this here. 

There is no answer to hide. 

I have been sure before incorrectly. 


Fighters or separatists, waiting to be in a happening, in an empire pretending to be a state, surrounded by states pretending they're kingdoms. 

Liberty or death. 


Siopwr: So you come here?

H: To see Lowaren

M: Logharen!

S: You bring her, and correct her?

M: I trust her with my life.

S: Should I trust you then?

M: …may I request we have tea?

S: …fine.

M: Just give him one pass. 

H: …fine.

S: The plan for the weapon?

H: Why do you need to know?

S: I cannot say which way from here people do not buy and they go, if you buy then the right people come looking for me, or the wrong people come looking for me. It’s you could be stopping a demon to find a cure for death to save a child, and that demon comes looking for me, already called worse as I feed my wives, children running with smiling wolves - some of them from even more wives, hehe - and the authorities looking for an excuse to prove a point, or be the next demon. And maybe you’re after Oneiros and I want to know why?

M: I’m not shy of dropping him in the ocean. 

H: Why do you want to know?

Siopwr grabs her by the throat and holds her hostage, with a weapon to her throat, but Merlin pointing to his underside, where she has a knife in each hand at his vulnerabilities. 

S: Maybe I want to come with you, she’s not your companion, but you hers. 

The grip eases and he releases her as she relaxes her wrist, spinning to hold the other knife to his throat. 

>Looking at Merlin?

S: She’s your security! Please, take me with you! I haven’t had such adventures in years…it is all that I ask. 

M: Thru the desert of the spine?

S: Well…yes, but I’ll need a day for potions, my age you see. 

H: Can he be trusted?

M: A new fellow adventurer? Yes!


authorities show up, time to leave


X: They won’t shoot me…

Y: They’re Americans.



Depression for a society that abandons, perilous decay like cultural autumn, animals made to fight at command, and hearts that strike the foundation of life. 


Let's see communism as something that attempts to control where children are, and what adults think, as a means to an end. That socialism is a highly communicative class that attempts to control specific economic aspects, as a means to incorporate others. That capitalism is an enterprising individual, who in discovering death and taxes pursues behavior as a means of survival. How then would they interact?

IMHO: The communist would despise the power of socialists, the socialists would despise the free will of capitalists, and the capitalist would despise the communist embodiment of the aspirations of power, the scope of family or authority. What chance do they have if they contravene each other?

In life, a capitalist needs more structure, a communist needs better morality, and socialists need better friends. The ultimate qualities that define one passion, are the elements of the others, light reflects on surfaces. Changes determine the intensity of conformity or rebellion in each three, when one turns into another. Will three castes become more?


Like a thought good for my eyes, good for one, good for all. 


Sunkiller, Spiritbox, M4?


I hear my mind unraveling. The poison in your mind, or out at society. Poison in, poison out. Do you care about these people? 





4/Guitarra IG



M tied without escape at present, laughing hysterically. 

V: Stop laughing.


Hits M, M absorbs… the kinetic energy, the ‘dark heart’ artefact? The bugs bunny or scarlett johansen black widow in avengers reverse hostage situation. 

If in Merlin sapping power, strength, but if in absorbing magic, a dark heart, binding…modulating…modulo…indivisible remainder, excess of primacy, stress before break; 


Pass the app, pass the test, get the job, ask the chick, say thanks anyways maybe later, grab coffee, text from road, grab dinner, hope she says yes, hope she doesn't read this!

When did you ever know me to be like this?


What is the question surrounding everything? 


1: How long to learn the programming?

2: Almost a year, but look at this …

Shows phone. 

1: Electronics?

2: Electronics. They're loaded with it.

He hands phone to; whistles low, the phone reacts natively; 

2: A year with this and its turkey shoots.

1: Very good! 


Is it good that I'm worse than bad to fancy, too pallid, too miser, to autistic, and none from hell to keep me warm? 

Am I a demon in Midgard? Scout for prison land parcel in place of this? 


I don't have a shot… #defeated 


Emotions are a test of time, consuming passions an emotion is always the result of something internal or external, but to begin understanding why, forming theories and making assumptions as you describe your troubles is a greater understanding of perspective, a picture on a canvas of situation, the mindfulness of logic hatches by many combinations. 



Abandoning the memory for dreams in my imagination, unable to forget my vision painted in emotions and ambitions all oath, loth my distaste for mystery and roth my patience still, abandon does this give and take a time without the body of dreams a look of northern wars from eyes of stars my reckoning, drive me to my madness between reason and logic. 


They are royal blue for taking my eyes by fires. 


I’d like to say, if experience plus culture equals society, that experience plus emotion equals consciousness. The level of consciousness is another story, based on the quality of emotions or cultures. 


To be kind and polite, and practicing manners, it’s a strange feeling wanting to remember all of those, when remembering how I felt when I felt nothing, when I had no right to feel, which feels like an old younger me problem. 


The past is a memory of how you felt. Nothing happened, the memory was enjoyable and that gets mistaken as what happened, and defining it as enjoyable goes unchecked, despite there being no record of it happening. Let it go, stop being such a whiny fucking liberal. 


Imagining her in ways pleasing me, instead of memories without pleasure, the memories too often, those without excitement, unwarranted unhealthy, too good to be true that I should imagine some tedious acts just to reject the picture; 


keeping up, weaker than half my age, but having fun trying to do twice the work in half of that, i might get that bike after all; gotta, do, elliptical; 

been doing intensity, the ability to do isometrics, holding positions is critical to retaining muscle during cuts, tai chi mandatory, gotta clean the room bare, but sprinting will increase insulin sensitivity; 

Soluble fiber, oranges and oatmeal; colorful fruits/veg, antioxidants; low carb, no sugar (for me); fenugreek, turmeric, ginger, and garlic; cinnamon green tea; 

//Irritability, Aggression 

Increasing emotions and feelings, your beliefs can be mixed with personality traits that are overrepresented in yourself, or in cases, but you can’t call anger a type of sadness, both real yes, because you’re not here in life to make excuses to yourself, and certainly not being asked to make excuses by others unless you’re trying to cover-up something not fixed yet. Even this intention is misleading. To be emotionless is dangerous enough, the other extreme is to make excuses. You can’t say extremism is depression, it’s aggression, it’s irritability, its causes of course, and knowing what to call it is another emotion. Have your feelings, and emotions will contain them. Have feelings, and emotions will follow. 

Each emotion is a bonsai plant, feelings are the branches. Shape your memories carefully. 



Sybreed, title, songs, short stories for cybernetica; 

Lamb of God, title, songs, short stories for a former charlatan, a revivalist healer fraud who leaves his faith to become a detective(?), finding people wounded he prays for them, finding his powers and questioning his faith, lotta demons, little noir; 

Meshuggah, same as last plot, but armed forces, finding angels in the worst of men, and a devil in the contractors? Desert; 


I’ll not do your bidding! 


Asal: Morning

~Asau: to raise the sun, to dawn, madrugar; 

~ -al, claimed to be past participle from dictionary with rumor of location in Gardner’s unfinished lessons; 

? via latin, -alis

? via manx, -al (yiarn:iron; yiarnal:to iron) verb infinitive >> vuhl:past participle 


Knee pushups (heels up); 

Bent-knee reverse crunch;

V crunch/up;


> How am I supposed to do it with all my handicaps?

Functional training doesn't need the baggage, instead practice who you are with what you know, it has nothing to do with specific training, making it harder isn't going to prepare you for the easy part being yourself.


There is a pause in knowing emotions for men, or perhaps for the warrior people in general, emotions shouldn’t be a foriegn language when you speak for yourself, but they are always a reaction, know your actions to avoid the simple and insular. The addictions and failures can’t hide what isn’t there, you can’t cope with excuses if you’re losing yourself and lost on where to start, because you can be so much more. 


When “close enough” is the govt’s response, it’s fair to question whether everything will be “close enough” for now on.

Forget social media, the public space where assassins have the censors on their side, or the censors think validity isn’t merit or that play isn’t fair without tipped scales. Trendy idiots have ruined entire countries, but you can always log off, you can’t always jump to the Americas. From file system, to database, to blockchain, is open source free speech? 


People who won't let you cook and talk, having to look them in the eyes before they can justify the importance of thinking erroneously out-loud, or exiting the stop sign intersection, because the TV or phone has looked at them as such their entire lives. WTAF. 

Panicking as a form of meditation makes too many mistakes, bothers too many people. Putting people down crushes people's interest, they see it as reactionary and unskillful to make a list of problems and depend on others for interaction. 

To mimic or understand it, ppl've investigated stoics and antiheroes, but you can be those, or any exemplar. 



Self-regulating, not self-medicating. 


People don’t have suicidal thoughts, but feed their most viced desire, and the hungers that remain in that darkness of the mind are primordial, archaic and primeval, anarchist and monstrous almost perfect storms. The indecision of knowing to go forward and echoes of any choice, comparing and convincing enough to whisper to yourself somewhere else in the maze, and most outgrow it thru the origins of youth and stand in the formation on foundations of culture and chaos, a choice of sunrise or sunset where the wrong hunger will listen to inner demons to survive. Unknown, uncountable. (They’re the worst.)


Beauty in the mask of the universe so complete the loss my hate in entropy a heartbeat too far from the coronal warmth unlike all the stars, the moment in waves of linear progression where time calms in subtle rays projecting dreams of dusk to give out my heart thinking of you; 


How flitting rumor heretofore is, my sunrise. 


2030 immigration is election issue

2040 is primary issue

2050 metered

“ filtered

“ selective

“ restricted

“ paused, policy shift

“ stop, policy change

“ regime change, psyop, deed swap


good for her ought be awesome, kith


Practicing scales surreal, patterns reproduced, better by hours every day, content with content for the public; there’s nothing like this life, and black eyes of edelweiss skin and  



Hal (cart, trip), hal-tor, halan, halan-tor, halovau:

incorrect ‘halanau’ is to make voyages, i.e. as a tourism agent, for other people, if you were to imply regularity for taking a trip, without the regularity, using halovau implies the same meaning with “va” (vau?) as infinite/innumerable. 

i say this because - the verb case Irregular Strong, ex: Estuhl “to touch” can be “est” or “estau/estaya” or “estan” but are almost incorrect due to rarity, holding no commonality/proclivity in daily use, written allows clarity or poesy, which brings me to the Participle debate:

It was an “undertaking” - nouns that end w -ing. Vulcan tho, doesn’t have past/present/future conjugations. It can have the participle, a missing piece for most languages to learn Vulcan. Yet, it is a participle, but not an infinitive. Hal-tor in the present tense is “to travel” and “traveling” yes? Yes. The participle (or partative in specifically) -ing in this case is “Hal”, with hal-tor meaning “to travel”. 

They were told to travel. 

Vesht tar au hal-tor. 

Vesht tar au na’hal. 

Compare “hal” and “estuhl” 

Estuhl being irregular-strong (doesn’t change a lot), like “tor” is noun and verb. Declaring it a particple, like tor or hal, we can write: 

They were touching the screen.

Estuhl au gluvayek.

They were told to touch the screen.

Vesht tar au estuhl gluvayek.

Tar au na’estuhl gluvayek. 

Irregular strong verbs are participle, like toraya, but not past progressive (like vesht-tor), making irregular-strong verbs perfective (like estuhl) recently finished. 

Making Vulcan that much more difficult for beginners: irregular-strong also are a substitute for past participle, not past progressive, not past perfect. Using “vesht” we assume the action/verb has completed (vesht hal-tor = [vesht] halan), not that the action has any duration to mention (halan:journey). 

Hal : Estuhl

Hal : (poetic: est)

Hal-tor: Estuhl

Halau: Estuhl, (poetic: estau)

Halan: Estuhl, (poetic: estan)

Vesht hal : 

vesht hal-tor : 

vesht halan: 


Edit: Nelan is perhaps a verbnoun, translating -ing nouns. 

A suppressing (of something), nelan. 

A suppression (dent in something), nel / nelaya (recurring)

Nelal would be the past active participle, but not the inactive/incomplete, which has to marked with vesht, i.e. vesht nelaya, vesht nel. 

This can apply to irregular-strong verbs such as Estuhl, Tor also, but not something to teach to beginners that these are recent past. Making it "was suppressing", but not 'was to supress'. 

To follow Gardner's methods as I can tell, and my own nerding out, I found: -al as a 'neutral noun forming suffix, genative' via Latin, and a "suffix used to form verbal nouns" via Manx, at []( 

If it doesn't make sense, I needed to add it to r/Vulcan archivals and it's a more high intermediate translation concept, but hopefully now it's resolved. 

> VLI 2022


The choices of youth and puberty are significant stages, doorways, choices of roads to travel, which defines the cultural acceptance or personal rules, and in between. Growing up before adulting, if puberty were the last stage of development we would be at war for short lived reign. Conferring to instincts, referring to emotions, deferring to consequence. The meaning is independence from the hands that mold us, freedom is life and liberty includes description, to make mistakes to experience choices that instincts, emotions, consequences can’t. 

The responsibility of freedom. 

The freedom of responsibility. 


Sent to the afterlife to breathe the afterdark, summoning the powers of the immortals/ancients to destroy enemies by burning their very nerves, toxic eternity rapture of agony embraced this fiery sky the axe of death to sanity and salvation as pain deep beyond the fears of oblivion turn senses into burning darkness melting thru the shock and surrender malfeasance apprentices study by the demonology repleted and living corpse macerated by the bloody maws that are the gates of hell a nest of ultraviolet ultraviolence and wires as the dark heart sense dotes to feel the separated anxiety beneath the eternal prison of the extricated world with the eyes last to melt in the chasm of limitless defeat and plasma demonstrated for the storms carried by carrion wings and robes of the dragon scales, there darkness is life, where fire is night, inside the haunt of heresy; 

/magistratum ultimatix

/you died, turn to page 69; 


It wasn't anything and now it's kinda embarrassing out here. 


I want someone to talk to, and that’s why she’s in my thoughts. It’ll all pass with Kolinahr. 


Evolution of the masculine mind requires discipline in patience. In diet, homeostasis. Fast enough to notice the results of choices, slow enough to enjoy it. 


Her ass bounces my eyes, a body that betrays me besides myself, abandoning her face in treason to kiss the legs, a kind unlike my future plans and acts to show how do i impress the endless nameless that echoes without my consent, she leaves without my knowledge to wit undertakes memories of empires and wars avenging faith this world beneath her, this is bad affliction commonly make me share answers and pay me in heartly rules. 


4 eggs, ½ cup rice, scoop whey isolate, x4/day, plus whey in the gym, says i can lose 30lbs by August, when the training can be offered; 

I haven’t played this level; writing about her can’t describe her, and nonetheless she’ll say no thanks, then i’ll know that, it’s still good for one, good for all; 

un cyflenwad yn kairos; 


All of this living and you’re losing your humanity. 

/6ch? CYA?

A steady diet will produce mountains of results. A steady life is a good thing. Attachment to vices is suffering, attachment to responsibility is a good problem to have. We are lost without purpose, yes, but we wander without work. To know the ways of the world, not lies, to find purpose, and to experience life to find responsibility. In some ways time is the obstacle and the path, the beginning and the destiny. 



I know it's repeated, instead of new.

If you believe in monetary inflation then you have no understanding of value. There's moonshine and there's wine. Temporary inflation is a reflex reaction to hard currency shortages, but temporary and static or situational. It's the money spent by humanity, the first priority species of this planet. Your first value is to be able to see value in things to be of value to others absent. I ask you to see value because it benefits myself, this really also applies to yourself. Proof positive to oneself. Even political systems mechanized to survival and personal interests, have values and virtues. By virtue of respect we witness others, learning to see anything as desired and feel free doing so. 


//M+, A Feast for Kings

Merlin confronts the Chimera, assuming the regency of High Archon, the summoner acolytes foraging for the iridescent shards of shadows before fighting for rank among the threats of caustic magic clower, the eyes of restless servant Sino fast grasped with knives covered in dangerous armor, in the cold smoke and darkness blocking rescuing sight of allies Merlin faces his finality and enemy with only conflict in question. 

K: The truth about rage…

M: …

K: …

M: …

K: …it is always uninvited!

Smoke rises fumes to flames, fires surround the arid plains as messengers witness what servants abjure in regress, the minions make wrath disguised as swarming demigods empowered by the unholy magic there as breathing the black underworld in molded smokey light given by Lord Kairos’ magic, Merlin strikes against each devil to bow out each confrontation slashing at the sick behest to undead awakening farther quoted by the vultures as disguised in sickness where Merlin cuts them to the quick, whereas they fall down in silence rising as sources of wanderlust as slaves beyond new words from new peace, learning the entreatise to dance between emptying shallowless graves, running from villain and hit hard to headfirst strikes by Kairos, striking Merlin each time his soul sheild dying, his broken armor lying, bloody eyes surprised and defying escape by exit in the afterdark egress of pain and redress, for making done the dues of truth and justice he is forced make both from nothing, in holding Guleh (Lee?) hostage. She screams. 

G: Wait protector mine!

K: Only one of us will let the other go today, Merlin!

M: Summoned less than your bride, there are no secrets between us!

G: You will hold his soul, and he will bury you alive for eternity. 

M: Flying pigs, you’re a lich?

K: She is your only fare to freedom, old one. 

G: If you find the stone that I may live…

K: …then I won’t sacrifice the mages of this age

M: I’m not here for your toils, tell me your goals. What good is she to you dead alive?

K: What good is love?

M: …, …fie! Explain it to me!

K: To stop you, her army gave me power, and when I gave it all to her, we only fought the world…and you came with the world, like the others. 

G: The others that killed me, we give each other life now in the literal sense, wise one. Surely you see that?

M: I should’ve liked the warning, and damn sure a drink, sense of all this and what you owe -- I’ve never had time so hard to catch. 

K: Like sharing breaths, wasted to explain truths unknown. 

M: What can you say to that?

K: Rest your arms.

M: What?

One hundred eyes narrow and slender sleek and slip into the lurking mist behind bows and arrows of every fashion into a silent smoke controlled by the occult worshippers. 

G: If I die, so will he. 

K: If I die, she will feed on the sleeping until the world is an empty cemetery. 

M: You need criminals…?

K: You must know, we’ve not been ‘picky’

//zombie love story? I need to kill something. 


The goal of our western values was just as the ancients, we sought liberty, as the American Dream™ perished it would be the freedom, attained by democracy. A parent has pizza and ice cream, asks you which one you want, and when you choose, the parent is the hero. It’s the small joys in life. Democracy comes at the same cost, such that USA votes every four years to balance the injustice, pointing toward morality as best they can, arguing at their worst, without clarity of vision we grasp to ideas that others reject. If Biden offers the answer, they vote for him, if Trump offers the answer, they vote for him. I’m a democrat, perhaps pre-sundering, pre-division into a permanent clickbait rage fueled culture. You have to connect to the existential truths and soul of nature to become a true leader. You don’t need logic to have personal reasons. You don’t need reason to have personal logistics. 

I’m a capitalist, because I can be. Barracks become communist, societies become socialist, pagans become heathens, elitists become disconnected. A representative form of government gets filled with people with vague goals steadfast until their goals are familiar directions to abandon civilization. Be represented, if you can’t represent yourself, until there’s nothing to represent. Know what you want, or get what you don’t. 


Endless nameless, 

Trying to get my ducats in a row, like a man running with handfuls of marbles, wanting nothing held back, and wanting to cover the tab for the open sky lost angel, to share my sight of Isarna magnifique


evidence vs realism? logic vs rationalism? Productivism vs essentialism? Sociolect vs idiolect?

/Have you ever been so bored you could scream? To do something for the last time, another chore and have to get emotional, some obsequious and obnoxious chore it makes you angry? The saying should be ‘“overfamiliarity” breeds contempt’, think of someone in the political gridlock, who might say “silence is violence” that in irony, are sick of hearing it over and over that their violence powers them. As much, saying “words are violence,” means they’re sick of hearing the same shit over and over, have you ever heard some of the shit you say? 

If I have to listen to you repeat something you don’t believe there will be questions. If  you can’t answer those questions, there’s no need for you to answer with a question. Think: 

What was the cause?

What is the termination?

What is the protection?

If you can’t answer any one of those three, then you aren’t qualified to make the rules, better suited to offer ready solutions as alternatives. The logic of reason. Instead of a motive to impose rules. It’s bad enough we have to clean up (after them) every three or four generations. 

I could not endure her will, thus my failure is ubiquitous. It’s time to reinvent myself without vice again, this time replacing bad with good, and changing my hypotheses of old logic with new reason. The magic of this world, it would be my honor to know how best to serve. Vu’dor.


I'll a chick with me but willing. 



My refuse to dream anew or see life, despite the unrequited retention of intentions unchallenged, safer with anything less still abandoned with what this may be, my curiosity panicked beside myself, or all the lesser given my heart outside my hell, attractively humored once ago better for sure to mend in this world to be, causal without caustics, nay peaceful without errant haptic unrefined eerie chords, happenstance my world of lies and players to states in games shall it bring me metal and ore for blood and gore of fever mists of bloodborne trysts with devils and dark horizons, dancing on the slain, skipping over shadows of disdained suiters many kings made by the sorceress of souls and our wellspring. 


I just wrote something for an hour that'll take 2 minutes to read, but if you asked me about her there's an illusion unfaithfully in place of the person invading my thoughts and what I assume is feelings in lust or loneliness. I'm textbook dangerous and have a possessive disorder. I don't know why I keep thinking the empire would debrief her about me, and that's prolly not gonna make sense I guess. It's better than I can be, or all the lesser world. 

I have to study for the license, figure out the training here, or more likely go off for that, and spend the next 25 years among my people. What a wierd fucking existence. 


H: Can you read it?

M: This is English, but this is new, we’re gonna need a translator or a trader…

X: What’s English?

M: A shorter way to complicate things. 


I just wanted to tell you your smile makes me crazy. 

Grab a bite, or that’s too crazy a coffee?

Ever since I met you I haven’t forgotten you, _. 

I like thinking about you. 

Can I save you a dance?


The moon’s envy or another world to conquer turning my world the dawn the dusk in my darkness replete careless considerations amazing visions on distant horizon but a creature in her world; 

salacious giving to pleasures given, deeds earning to promise earned, steps to the =? grace, a smile defeats me as body in waterfall, describia enamorada; 




Virtue follows greif, for we are often surrounded by the unvirtuous, it’s our first action to leave the killing fields for Elysium, for Valhalla, or Heaven. To the light of history, to the stadiums of the future, from the darkness we are blind or forgotten, like the many ways in which you must see. The past asks no question of what the future holds, and can only chase it, dreams haunt and future speaks, here listening to those waiting in the past with their conflicts, or wandering the forest of youth and adventure; discover the ancient world so the future can embrace it; 



The rational male, I've said in the past that it is old hat, respect is given and earned, in society at large fear is taken with tools, and I'm not necessarily into neologisms and Rationalism, but logic dictates there are causes and reasons for things, and it do be like that. It essentially reads like several smaller books, more than case studies, but less spite than The Prince. It's in some way a dry out manual for idealists and a horror story for young idealists. A middle ground coffee table book that condensing would lose perspective readers. 

Bhagavad Gita, philosophies can be developed by the words of this epic, the phrases are many clauses to complexities of its period and also modernity a heavy reader appreciates, each plot thread could be fable for teaching morals to youth, once taught to elite classrooms that increasingly can't read it, as a cartoon would be simple, but certainly the story invites a modern sense of spine. 


Part 1, Danger Zone, pain and fear are the same, but only one you'll remember. The rust is heavy.

Part 2, Beginner's Luck, energy releases into the sky, you're able to devote your entire life to a single purpose, rest becomes a reward and curse of new victories, your goals in focus motivate you.

Part 3, Cautious Optimism, the vision grows clarity in the day and rests at night, confidence becomes comfort in adaptation and trust in wisdom, the fog of mind lifts from the world, as brawn and brain connect in power.

Part 4, Prime Movement, to ask patience as results add to methods and priorities, the energy plane balances resistance and recovery, the luxuries of illusion are relaxation as life becomes discovery, values belong to choice while fate obeys causes important to you.

Part 5, Destiny Designed

Thoughts begin where intended and imagination recognizes only opportunity, understanding motives habit relies on spiritual needs as faces become family, major shock becomes minor symptoms lost in spiritual progress, as rocks in the road become mountains.


All i want is your warmth

Close and desperate

All is mine for you

Touch holds some eye

Lust held back

Let me inspect you

Give meaning to poetry

Fortune or the world

My heart your scent

Where lightning lays me


My army steps over oceans

My enemies die on the beach

My body is a temple prison

My world is missing you


/the biggest seed

There is a balance of the technology to plant enough crops for a metropolis, a practice which would sustain the farmers responsible for many winters, what a city eats in a day could feed a family for a lifetime. If you were to run a contest requesting only the largest of seeds, viable plants bearing new seeds confirmed and paying nine of ten contestants, it would alleviate the preparation cost and increase storage demands. We’re only in a way intricate army ants. If the worlds of the farmland soldier and the citizen accountants won’t blend quicker, then our sociolect, our simple words to describe our complex ideas, when shared, has found its time to describe real problems, for real people, in real time. A commoner after a hard day of farming could build an elaborate bookshelf much ado artistry, comparably, western liberals attribute artistry in prevalence to cities with a (creative) isolect, neologisms and idealism almost aberrant to ‘common’ sense despite statistically being relevant as much as appreciable art. 

Ideas mix well enough, and metaphors travel, our commulect in conservative terms, might summarize cities as the seeds of cultures, as the societies of continents, thus a faction for each city shows they wait as ‘brothers in arms’ for raze or rule, their success we must garner, to find vines of wrath with power of nature, or see diminished returns from seeds of intelligence unevolved for the world, but surviving a storm. 

That liberal creativity defiant to social contracts with even their families, praising the state allowing them to sneak past trusted moral authorities, no different than a new age warlord thinking buildings pass as a city instead of centuries of trade routes, both missing the interdependency in economics the one, and multiculturalism the other. Being mugged with a smile still sucks, but what a hell of a smile. 



1/ You probably shouldn’t let a sperg be king, eventho they declassified the condition because such despite being all-varied have strict views and rules, uncompromising, unyielding, unkneeled, even when aligned with the censors of logic. 

2/ Failure is a lie told by bad teachers, there are only lessons or inaction. 

3/ Cold bodies can warm each other, princess. 


Behind The Sun, Meshuggah :: M4


//Unmanaged Decline

I was told that in the studies, we’ve made so many advances in chemistry, and regressions in sociology, (and so i’d like to talk to you today about) surrender. A holy war for the souls of the next generation, protections we never needed are power-ups, (some) celebrealities and quacktivists give art a bad name by turning society into a clickbait cult with free salvation and all the heart of automated response, the town drunks turned into politicians, and the politicians turned into everyone else, and I suppose that’s the representative decline that we’re always meant to manage. 

Consider “managed decline” as it sounds, having pizza in your apartment the day before you move out, or medicating the pensioners, or holding a dragon’s left claw and being struck with the other. Regret has wishes sometimes, the reflections of hopes that we’d done something before we dropped our slice of pizza or our dragonblade - but we must fix this decline in humanity. The previous solutions are whittling away at the viable potentials and variations, leaving with the stock and trade, a middling random variable often undefined. Consider a dictionary speaking to you and only saving a few pages about one topic, and you can’t read. 

Imagine not being able to remember the word “terse” and having to describe it for millions of years. 

Sporadic and not terse, here’s my particular thoughts on ending the centuries old incel problem. The price of language, and let them surrender if required, is that labeling them something defeats them, we’ve known for eons that providing them space for hero worship of a martyr works on continents and packs of filthy degenerates, avenge him, they’ll say. Some of our oldest --- let me add that my inferior intellect vaunted, and my healthy sociolect, is uncountable -- traditions become life lessons, despite filling book (not this one) after book. Brevity is the soul of wit, students of disastrous potential still and always try to save their own souls by understanding, and fighting to survive the trial, how to make the world a better place, and they’re gonna do it the same as we do. The incel world are children imitating their parents, the internet is a mountain of things to learn and they’ll try, even in dialectic shock, zoned out scrolling, we see videos online. This is the longest entry since beginning this book. Go outside, stare at the grass, tell me what it’s thinking. 

This all started after I read a crazy headline, how the market traders bit their own tounge, or something. An Innuit tribe in Canada that article gave the tale of wolves, hungry and as big as men, were attacking their people. IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED STOP READING HERE. 

They took a knife, dipped it in blood, like a popsicle, the wolves were bled out by their own voracious appetite in the bloodlust, and animal stupidity by not knowing it theirs. 

Gory. Unruly. Self destructive. Sound familiar? 

Democracy has a superpower, making two options with no value, making a problem for those outcomes, claiming to be the hero. Many of us are democrats because it avoids having to learn new jokes (with hidden lessons). A politician might have a bloodlust for praise, a socialist might have a hunger for two options with one bad for others and with two bad for himself, but that allure of democracy. 

Issues are social, politics are cultural, the picture of conflict has no frame, just the wolves - not teaching other wolves. Less scrolling by visiting the same site, is a formation event that becomes a habit, but not a choice. 

Doing even less, the traditionalists (conservatives?) even promote the social network, in the mathematically strong regions clips of work and infrastructure. In the artistically strong regions clips of society and communication. They’re all average in their own way, which is better than failures. Yet, the uniform and coalescent society with normative examples and conformist values, doesn’t speak to mids like yours, or mine in comparison. 

You’ve come farther than possible, the reflexes of fools becomes common to the desperate, in not having the right actions have lost the right mentors. If you remember that mathematics is recorded and studied, you might remember that history must be recorded and studied. All the censorship and lies aren’t real powers like the ones you have. So let’s look at some ways to stop predators from taking the bait with education and action. 

The surrenderists - refuse to model themselves after a society, too meek to describe us, or too well-read to say anything delicate, because it offers no epic journey. To get their “money’s worth” they’re like everything, sometimes we can’t afford to fix their problem, sometimes they can’t afford not to be…distracted by their bad formation cope, their developmental vices, now having become a bad habit. 

A razor is cheap and disposable, society is fine with that. Sound familiar? 

We make the distinction beyond law that personality tests are accurate and uncheatable, we’re shortcutting the menu maze with a crayon. We also like to make the distinctions between criminal, sociopath, and psychopath, while saying they didn’t know right from wrong in all three in different shades of apathy. You speak the language where you’re raised, stop being the zombie who can’t be distracted to know the environment -- and you’ll have your heroes, adventures, friends and foes required for a round life. 

It’s said that 5% of dudes are cool, focus your entire life to only one thing, like the villains of so many stories in a world of disposable heroes, forget right and wrong to choose, not in memory, dedicate your entire focus. Longing is illusory, react in honor to _____….and get a job. 

From that article in three:

1/ Don’t find the disposable. 

2/ Count your check after it’s deposited.

3/ Understand surprises outside or outward.

Admitting you’re untrained is an honesty that teamwork will recreate honesty. Lies and confidence are dangerous. 

So then, you still didn’t see it and you want an end to the incels? 

In the previous essay the theory of five phases of confidence. 

[You know what, I’ll just cut/paste.]

Part 1, Danger Zone, pain and fear are the same, but only one you'll remember. The rust is heavy.

Part 2, Beginner's Luck, energy releases into the sky, you're able to devote your entire life to a single purpose, rest becomes a reward and curse of new victories, your goals in focus motivate you.

Part 3, Cautious Optimism, the vision grows clarity in the day and rests at night, confidence becomes comfort in adaptation and trust in wisdom, the fog of mind lifts from the world, as brawn and brain connect in power.

Part 4, Prime Movement, to ask patience as results add to methods and priorities, the energy plane balances resistance and recovery, the luxuries of illusion are relaxation as life becomes discovery, values belong to choice while fate obeys causes important to you.

Part 5, Destiny Designed

Thoughts begin where intended and imagination recognizes only opportunity, understanding motives habit relies on spiritual needs as faces become family, major shock becomes minor symptoms lost in spiritual progress, as rocks in the road become mountains.

…..I told you this was long. You know what, I’m going to post this before my trip to the delta, it’s a nice legacy to instill, if you’ll ensure it. My essays are what made me caeser anyway, maybe this is a bad one and funny because I’m not afraid of that. Make mirth hearty dudes…..

Then we have to look at the identity movement wayyy back in the 1800’s, when the clear rules for success were normal to all, and not controversial for status conflict. 

1/ God and/or the technological Singularity is infinite in all concepts, perceptions, and directions.  

2/ We share a piece of divine creation, are celestial citizens, and the concept of a soul isn’t that hard to fathom even if you hate the word. 

3/ Equanimity is vital. Not equity, not equality. Love is the highest standard of emotion. (not the only one). 

4/ Mood becomes reality, because mind becomes action becomes experience. Simple as. 

So you have the 5 confidences, and the 4 thoughts, and 3 disciplines for breaking bad habits. The overlapping circles infographic, Venn diagram, would be three and four, (with concepts being vague and experiential checkpoints) think instead of each of the…12 pieces as bases on a videogame map, modding your character when and where you can -- to beat the game, instead of surrender. 

Maybe this checklist helps you with the newbies. 


> wait:

1/ & 2/ = relationships

1/ have one singular focus

Pyramid Infographic. 

>If you’re reading this I’m travelling south for a few days and wrote what might improve my legacy. [In case I die in one of the hubs, avenge me unless it’s a political issue, then bomb the…Canadians?] Studying for the license during the trip. My soul, you’re the sexist woman in the world, and I’m studying for the license. 


Sunrise sunset, my sky above, my heart in the cold a hell below fire and torture without relief, convene with me, end my sentence. 

I must keep you not even in my dreams without your wish. 




A beckoning thrall of wandering eyes, the writing on the walls of centuries antiquated cheeselings permanentized long lost forgotten by the mists and winters screaming into the darkness of the caverns wintry waters and countless counting dirty hands feeling the warnings to a future perhaps undone without warning in the pale candle expeditions and violent torch inquisitions to more quickly paint red these tunnel walls now uneven and aged as natural stone in such two worlds as Sino. 

His eyes jump and scatter to read the page as if counting the snowflakes of March, his hand waving struggling to control his dagger, his fingers unspoken with pulled sinews like poisoned refuse in his blood to curl and fighting to unfurl counting the candles in the room. With septic flesh a binding fist opens struggling to reveal hold of peace and taking his dagger cuts the bindings of his writhly grasp, the blood falls as his fingers dance, the blood drips onto the side of the page of the book as his breath slows like patient steel in deep focus on the words of a single page, the sway of time pulling him to many ideas also a sway subtle and anchored by his blade deep into the page revealing the secrets of distant memories from worlds in a flickering shadow, now crying tears of blood and soot. 

Sino: Take my oath from me! I have made my last promise!

Merlin: Sino, it’s over. 

Sino’s red tears fall below his thought of planets, joined by a revelation and a smile of joy intense sincerely. 

Sino: New beginnings, old friend. The end tells me the cycle, to teach and learn the true beginning. 

Merlin: The light is dark, I drink from the desert. 

Sino: Yes! You understand! Come, friend! 

Merlin: Well, tell them I’m here. 

Sino: … screaming whispers… silent echoes… wait! …no no no, THEY?? YOU?? YOU ABANDON, BUT I REMEMBER WHAT I WILL DO!

Merlin sees the ghostly and dim shape of Lucy, he takes two steps to the side, then runs for the closest exit, 

Lucy shoots an arrow that scrapes Merlin’s neck as his invisibility ends, throwing a knife at the doorway meant to hit Merlin had he not escaped, and truly hasn’t. Merlin jumps right back out of the doorway and raises a dark magic, the candles glow swallowing the air and lower as quickly consuming their breaths before they can take them. 

Merlin pummels the valkyrie Lucy, jamming a dagger into his shoulder, dancing around a bit and skewering the wing missing the shoulder, a scream of teeth and anger as the wounded creature stomps to the fireplace and grabs a burning club, setting fire to its own wing and moving air to stop the flames from spreading in already thin air of magic and mountain, then burns the arm wound shut without a sound, only to scream at Merlin again with terror and spite, without a step eyes staring at each other thunder sounds a cracking sky unmistakably for rain, scorn and ridicule in valkyrian language as Lucy runs into the closest exit. 

Merlin lets nothing happen preparing to find Sino, he is gone, the book is gone, the blade is gone, whereof Merlin decides to follow the trail of blood; toward the sound of a hundred running feet. 


The book of forgotten souls, like banshees trapped in lands now on maps of its pages, like drunken bards telling stories, speaking their wishes at best in riddles the imaginations of the book itself is worth a warning of wroth, and loth, and ire, for those that read it may also become its guest, as Sino runs with it, the spine broken and mended too many times,  carrying it upside down the pages cut into his better hand with the knife grasped in blood for him to count and cut men down one by one as he gasps for air with each running heel, but it is Merlin who traces what he saw on Sino’s face, a sympathy for the devil without time to spare in hopes in their measure of time that slow and steady wins the race against it;/



Merlin finds Sino at a light in the darkness, holding his bloody dagger against his temple, rubbing away a headache that he’s making, convincing himself the ruin of intention can be shared the same as planned. 


S: Look at yourself and what do you have?
M: What do you want?

S: What do you see with your reflection? Symbols for ideas, ideas for symbols? 

M: You're not using the Sorrowbook!

S: I already have!


Merlin: I’m here for you now, Sino. 

Sino: /This is getting easier by the second/

Troy stands behind Sino, he walks two steps, a blink before the third and Sino is gone, vanished, disappeared into the confusion of chaos of calamity. Troy is half the distance and drawing his back foot to stand. 


Troy with a face tired with dark circles under eyes gray like wet ashes, and from the corner of his left eye crying a long streak of blood, with each breath a step closer. 


/** find, insert Troy vs Merlin. 



Overthinking retribute haunts how fills my memory with choice and panic, what colors undiscovered can simple words lie describing how she sees my lone reason ill tempered by ills, ill gotten by ills to cure me with truly consuming dreams and whispers, on prettiest tales for all have seen, they pay the wanderers cost as myself, pleasant memories without knowing what she wants; 





The otherworldly marsupial humanoid plot, but.. SPQR by same method, enhanced hearing, stamina, who immediately decide to stay. 

Avoidant of their duties, someone comes to check on them, including a spy from their civil war.

One returns loyal to update, a spy sleeper cell strike team sabotages the gate control center, enters Prime with hands up, wanting to join the vici nobis, and welcomed with embrace. 

They decide on a name for themselves, a secret loyalist helps the team discover how innocent Prime is, which makes them want to stay more, they recon positions of power discovering our citizenship verifications are more than genetic information. 

…the emperor himself comes to Earth, gets the drop on deserters, kills an enemy legionnaire just from his smell, quickly outnumbered, learns their plans without agreeing, asks them if they've been seeding the natives at least, they laugh…

…learns earthen defences and laughs, quick to identify ops reqs, surveillance masking, stealing phones, language manners, and an immediate eye for the capitals of Can, Mex, and DC, they find the cop and former marine that was doing a good job undetectable until now, a Catholic he can kinda understand them IDK…

…the princess of the spies is brought across, the emperor promises her birthrights to him, a pause to confirm and he sweeps her up both laughing, explains to the troops that a purebred will need the citizenship of the country for the long game…

…Terra finds a subtle peace without new strategic attacks, bit their resources problem is worsening, with the holdout loyalist returning to inform the avaricious, aspirations of politics, or a series of seditions, there is a plot against the empire, opportunities rising against it, and spies among the enemies of Terra, the interrogation against the cop becomes elaborations, discussing the pros and cons of disrupting Earth's complex peace, and the benefits they could share with Earth, and vice versa;

/br Nova; maybe his contacts could be geneticists; the boffin gets killed by whodunnit, prolly spies, evac, to say he'd prolly considered doing it to conceal himself, while the computer results display simultaneous database backup, boom spooks have a clue to their otherwise considered witchcraft puzzle, because national treasure or 'Salem Group', IDK. 

//br what, the spooks have known about Terra all along????


"More Time to Kill" /LOG, /episode title with the geneticist; IDGAF

Alternate history sites writes maybe half already;


Longer the show, more the spread out;

Recon ideas;

Watching, reporting that drunks are taken off the streets, but beggars and crazies aren't; taking a beggar, everything he owns, and throwing him in the dumpster; 

The episode with the code breaker to learn the written language; another hobo, or maybe they won the cop over;

Seeing that they can't get close to doors of skyscrapers, only well dressed get in, yeet suits from a bar, see how big let's say Manhattan is; where to put the water portal; 

The popup on a farm, silent communication, 'it's a farm, tractor, corn rows, biting raw corn to see what it is, yeeting a chicken, learning the city/farm separation;

The episode where they get the maps, see differences, successful test of portalling Earth water to Terra, plus all the lore on MU; 

The map stretch scene a river here not there, a mountain there not here, a delta not washed out, Australia renamed Osterreich (Deutsch:Austria) and observed as "not attached to Polynesia, etc. 


Bloodbath, Mock the Cross; good idea, the one where they find the Catholic church and sync up with sympathizers?

One impersonating an officer gets arrested, and deported to Italy, unless ICE is woke, and when he gets back, via SPQR, they laff a little; 

Farm; there's no western alliance here, we discovered it, and then fell apart; ain't that some shit/shame; 



High IQ, a pseudo standardized test confirming your ability to remember specific or discrete facts vital to administration, but impertinent to sociological conditions. 

High IQ are said to have strife, suffering is pain connected to the body, inviting breakdown of autonomy or selfcontrol, when realizing that attrocity is external the impersonal response doesn’t make an opinion, maybe doesn’t get a response and we’ve all seen so much bad news and quality crazy clips. 

High IQ could mean low EQ, by choice or chance and disaffected, a careless mood or apathy that having no reaction equals no motive to improve. As if, not having an understanding of laziness results in being lazy again. A nurse who knows medicine, well educated, somehow not emotionally invested in being healthy, more invested in pride from old wins and heroic dreams with dreamed people taking fake losses. 

When your memory is under attack, earliest of mornings, longest of days, latest of nights into the next day, the safety of truth has more than what a bed is, but where it is, it has more than what sleep is, but when to quit. Discovering emotions to be in specific design, is not only knowing what affects us, but what to do with those emotions. Should one choice be to repress and forget feelings, know that emotions are chemically imprinted, haunting thoughts rooting in the ‘gut’ or the ‘heart’. If your emotions are going to raise you, it would be better to live now, understand now, visualize the emotion in meditation, rather than have such a harbinger in spiritual armor. 


Looking to a face in the winds having since taken my heart beyond the grasp of sacred words of worlds divided, dividing me weaker by dream and savior of spry telling more memory than has the realm, than have they pertained, broken maybe disclaimed, blinded maybe trapped, torn between two worlds 

venerable allies have my grasp, inveterate harmonies chaos in foresight as what is ours against the rule makes haste to rally their subversions against the crownless king, imbalance remedied by gifts of madness and time, what story would be remembered without song of spirits taking both from me.


I imagine that people with high IQ, have a low IQ, could be depressed and not know. You have success in clarity with a list of priorities with peace of mind to adjust it, authority and adaptation, but leading into discovery of a weak error on your strong list. In angering patterns, art from basics and sport of conflict. 


A woman teaches children what men should be, and a man demonstrates it. The sooner they know, the better we begin. I have told you, now show me. 




I need you to help me not find who I am in someone else, but something else, I've had enough of discovering myself, something to prepare for others, to prove myself without sounding crazy, the stories will continue, my heart will find retinue without her without the foes served to the hounds, or a world for the gods to compete for the queen of queens…

They brought her not to me…

Egregious fools….


My app says I'm 235lbs with 70 days until 220lbs. (1/2 cup rice, 4 eggs, 30g protein whey, x3-4/day, or meat on weekends, go to gym drinking 20g clear whey. + grapes, broccoli, spinach, etc.) 

BMI 32, bodyfat 19.5%, and 200lbs if 0% bodyfat, but I'd like to know how low can I get my bodyfat percentile before my metabolism starts resisting? 10%? 5%? Do I need to carb cycle ever?


When something goes wrong fix it now, a rock in your shoe, a personality disorder, it’s the same for new styles and moods you try out, 


just because you don’t have a life doesn’t mean you get to have someone else’s; doesn’t mean you get to ruin someone else’s; 

//watch, protein bar, zen mind, guitar, read way more

hold out arms for shoulders? 


PEDs will stop growth plates and you'll be that size, to be analytical they're when all plateaus are reached AND recovery is untenable against opportunity. The research chems were good, but suppressive, experimental, and at designer costs. So without the debate of prescriptions, decided to use the peptide androgen supplements around since the 1940s in their Nth generation. Topping of my T in microdosing brings the mentality and confusion of libido unfamiliar or ignored in depression, explaining why I've had the horn and nothing excuses my behavior. Suppression if happens wil be no different than previous writers block, you just never expect to want to want the muse like that, it seems almost out of character for me - months at a time erased for boredom, but somehow begging time and making plans for the prettiest woman in the world until they wear off. It's a strange thing to've conquered the world by suggestion, and only have a pinhole view of even myself to shine a light on the legacy.

I'm trying to understand why after ages at the gym 2 people have spoke to me there ever. Gymbos always comparing themselves, assessing trained athletes instinctually. I look in the mirror, you can too, IDK why some of you were herding around me, stop it. If it's big enough to stop me, you're better off as smaller and faster targets.



Backstories, that aliens had contacted the Romans, affecting their perception of the universe, including an event where a shuttle had (attacked?) lost power and crashed, explaining to the antagonist that Romans had (to that point) focused/advanced metallurgy, using a system of magnets and bells that eventually became their study of magnetry, think “guitar pickups”; the cop asks if Terrans think humans are unevolved, learning we seem timid and erratic, that Terrans somewhat ‘have to’ sing, “loud enough that you can hear us, but like a private to a damsel, it takes some recollection”; >> “we have better hearing for the bells that humans never fostered” “...and some of our music is atrocious” (?)

=same concept: when they first land, they use one of the sensors, a briefcase or tricorder idk, the sensor has guage arms, they describe units in their version of a metric system base 10, but not the same amounts/values, in lengths like “bodies” and “arms”, one of them says “it’s a steel city” - “they must have some way to cool it” - “at least they have architects” - “yeah lets go before they find us” ; +later, they discuss how there’s no engineering cast, nor do they guard their buildings, but that we have cops and private security, “a hiding army means proto-imperialism (any-ism, idgaf), we may already be discovered”

scene: morale lowers after an incarceration of one, the squad leader is talking to the scout in Old Latin, but uses an idiom in an even older tongue eg “there’s nothing instinct can’t do” etc (>protoitalic/celtic/slavic?), the scout questions the logic of the statement ‘how can instinct do the impossible’ - “your instinct must be to control the impossible” - “isn’t it bad to control emotions when a comrade is taken?” - “...we don’t repress the soul, we control it, we aren’t repressing the truth, (>his capture,) we must control his fate and theirs for his freedom…hopefully undetected. Maximus! Where’s the goddamn constable I asked for?” - “they’re grabbing him now”; they have sign language as elaborate as english, and can whisper over great distances w/ preternatural hearing; 

did they mix with the extraterrestrials or just evolutionism? 

/? /br

She lets her hair down and I would mess that up. 


Ghost King: A Terran warlord, no allegiance to either race, but not a separatist either; idiomatic: an abstemious person; “you are like ghost kings” he tells the earthling; 



Summons demon deacon:

Summoner: Rise, my mercy! Lead us in domination!


1/discovering tactical vehicles

2/discovering firearms, “you know fireworks? they’re 1000 years ahead of us, and look at this armored vehicle.”

3/kidnapping randos, interrogating them about the world’s history

4/cop finds a brown-ish person who they let go, ‘they wanted to know where i’m from, i told them City, but they wanted to know about my family’ - ‘and what’d you tell them?” - ‘the same, but they didn’t want that, they wanted to know on a world map, then fucking asked me about the region’s entire wartime history’

5/ they fight fight over the desert, and live next to the water like the (deep cuts) Andrenic Age /IDK/


A woven chapter, where the released victim tells what they asked him, interspersed with watching him being asked, telling the cop where they were, and lastly the legionnaires healing his minor wounds with their blood, 'why don't you heal?' - 'because we're harder to wound in the first place' - leading the cop where they want him to be; 

Them talking to the nuns, hearing Iesu, and hashing Earth's story vs theirs, Iesu a soldier who was executed by a paranoid Caeser, a great warrior who's death triggered "the dark times, almost one thousand years", but that now also a term that means suave; >>'some things are the same on both, but they only have faded stories, they couldn't read yet' 

Earth spooks capture one of them, prolly higher up, he tells their entire story, and asks 'knowing that, do you still plan on holding me?' - the spook says no, there's an armistice, cutting the hands they shake, the human hand heals, the legionnaire's doesn't, awesome, amazed, the Roman gives a cup of blood and ties his hand up, begging for an exchange of water for education, which is desired but not promised by the spook and says as much; a short mildly ending to season/book or series, possibly reporting it to the tritagonist (the Terran opposition) to maintain advantage of surprise, alliance, over Terra Nova; 

/Hey, is this Ni'Var: Sundering: Andoria ¿

> Then you don't want those phones, they report everything you do, if anyone reads it, youre in trouble


Sybreed meets SPQR backstory? They're the aliens they'd met? 

//20220514_ En Perdido

Do I think of you soon, without times locked in making people mistaken, and I serve as heathen on enemy bound and thrashed, longing, for you are nothing else, forgotten I serve your lasting command, wanting what described is pain and discovery, and my blinding desire, nervously patiently taken away with you, my selfish needs a path on this mission and breviloquent poesy beggar to bind you in all but name as you have me. 


the name referring to the explosion during Sybreed; “they have our music here, and look what they call it” the other looks over it, still learning and speaking slowly, “heavy…metal?” - “inorite?” - “too surreal”; if there’s a second season, alliances are put to their first test after an attack on home soil by terrorists, fighting them with the spooks, one is captured, complicated by terran separatists being to blame, the war has spilled over, the treaty is approved, but someone has to go under the microscope mostly spa days, tho they notice that their kyping some of the samples, they’re running off strafes, walking off strays, and dominating mostly with superior situational awareness, fast and deadly, and thanks to long range support, meanwhile, as spies tend to go one of the terrorists makes it into home base, where the princess sees him coming a mile away, a suffering interrogation in her capture; the spooks ask her to stop, but allow it; welp, it’s one of them, so now it’s a countdown mole hunt to keep communications secure and field ops safe; 


Shameless meta by author: the story as told initially, or narrated right at the end, it felt misaligned, somehow it was that it was then the narrator’s turn to quietly record events as a citizen, but they were stranded on Earth after season 2, definitely a political show at this point in the story, introducing SPQR, advocates, Terra’s version of super vikings/norfolk, etc. all cultures would be assimilated on Terra, so their version of neopagans would be naturist and tribalist, survivalist and larper-esque. 



Your name like joy is on my heart when I see you. 


“With ways of work rapidly changing, you’ll need to adapt new solutions to overcome today’s logistical challenges.”


‘our rank is our caste, by some cases, if you have 15 or 20 children in the incubators, your caste is raised’

‘how many castes are there?’

‘100 for ease of counting and poetry; my life as a squad leader is safe and patterned, (by some chance) we’re divided by ignorance, and any who die are posthumously promoted once for their widows to pension, it just makes common sense’

#there has to be a flaw in the extranjeros, we’re the hometeam, the fiction provides a discovery of things thought needed for the hometeam, but there has to be something alien about the weird, strike that, reverse it. 

‘how does that make sense?’

‘we are born to traits that you were unknown to need, each rank more advanced, this campaign we needed numbers, you have to recognize from the grunt to the caesar might as well be a separate species’

‘i’ve heard that somewhere before’

‘ah, no doubt, as have I, as have I…’

‘the other race, who are they to your world?’

‘...would I ever trust them…?’


‘...they were, …a great peace covered the earth, a little wave became a political tsunami and that peace was an undertow, taking the peaceniks with it; stories for beast and heroes in training (camp), but anyone with a friend in histories knows they were the grunts against the caeser, the heroes and beats in each other’s shoes, more as your word “caste” than faction…”

‘there was a war?’

‘there is always war, better against it than for it’ 

‘you’re the other side…’

Nero ‘i like you, you’re curious after all’

/let me in, says someone thru the door, the cop doesn’t know who, but hearing him approach Tiberius was at the door before he knocked, and knows who it is by only a whisper, he’s surprised to’ve guessed wrong again; 

‘your wife is worried, you should go across town and call her’

‘you were at my house?’

‘and the coffee shop, clean your house btw’

‘why across town?’

Nero ‘spies douse letters to hide the county they were in, you are a people of letters’ /?

‘how do i smell to you?

‘like a dog, go fetch her something, come back later - alone if you know what’s best’

Does he stop by the library? the church, leading his surveillance to the order in the plot?


“the order, they’re following us”

“we lose them until later, when there is trust, “ingenium vincit omnia”.

Brutal// they make to a roof, easily escaping despite more exposed, and down to a homeless camp, well walked two healthy men in ragged cloaks forgetting to impersonate the febrile and weak, seen as two outsiders, a criminal element prepares to mug them, or worse; ending the scene a swift victory, beginning the scene an action sequence, keen/preternatural enough to get ahead of guns, without a shot, by the scent of the gunpowder and oil, long enough to let the Order see them and let them go (to report it?)

/br exausto i

//three ideas

I know when i’m not thinking of you

lucky to find and tortured to wait

and should be without giving you the world


lab tech starts a day, they take a blood sample, testing reveals their immunities, the results imply he’s immune to plague, a lab tech sees the screen, starts another day, meets in the park

they might be immune to plague

do they know how?

no, science is time, not magic

the handler takes off without saying goodbye, a phone call, eventually running to his driver; a centurion is in a car, with the earth spooks, they (hydra) try sedating him, it doesn’t go well, he can’t get to the driver and the car moves, he shoots the privacy window, no deal, he shoots the window, no deal and a bruise from the ricochet, he should’ve strapped in, it gets wild, he does eventually kick the door/window out, a terran separatist attacks him, and the driver attacks him, the separatist takes the driver, they fight more, the momentum and stages are vague at this point, but he doesn’t have time to talk, the handler from before and some hydra try single shots, up to beanbags, try a rifle shot, a teamwork of terrans as each hydra head is cut before block, before attack, successful alliance, after one interruption of a shot breaking thru hitting the separatist, centurion breaks truce, a solid punch and he throws the separatist to the wolves and lets out with his adrenaline at its peak; hydra doesn’t know the difference and tbh, i’m not sure they care; strategic value and a profitable world changing pharmaceutical advantage goal; 


Find a way to forget desires and write incredible fiction, or turn the ideas into novels and be more in the eyes of something worth impressing; 



(shit to do from the rep range video), find someone who wants to be a part of your life. and if you still haven’t messed things up with her, maybe she’ll tell you how to suggest some things politely, to the expierience who make teamwork important by being specialists, while you prepare for a single purpose, in total commitment to completing one task at a time. 

Some of you are worse off than I thought. 


If you have nothing, there’s only so much masking you can do without auditioning for Saturday Night Live. Sew your wild oats, ladies. Men, let’s make something better out of you. 

First, the job of understanding your emotions also means knowing when you’re depressed. Using depression to survive is another mask. Using anger to survive is a war mask. Do you understand? More seconds make a day, more quotes make a philosophy. I love/hate people going online, looking for something they hate, and disagreeing with it. Food feeds hunger, books feed truth. You can always disagree with everything later, and you’ll be smarter to do it. Let’s make you a philosopher king. 

Let’s forget about reason, and emotions and logic forever. You are you. Here, let’s go back thru the evolutionary layers of this five piece allegory(?) and take you to level six. Quit now, or become too powerful for safety. 

Do one, then do the next step. Yes?

Self: Level 1

> So here we are at level one, you. Learn what you want about music, listen to the radio or something. 

> Books/articles on women, even magazines for them. (you can get a job now already at L1) 

> Books on history, or, social studies about the past. Farther back gets bloodier, humans are intelligent, but impatient.  

> Dictionary, even if just the words, scroll it, or books in English, it’s the world’s language (for now?). 

> “100 greatest books of all time” quotes, this is what people thought, and you’re trying to be one. 

>  Philosophy books, first learn what philosophy is, most philosophies share similarities, anything you learn will turn you into a walking philosophy that people will learn. 

> Political science, idk what this is, i think it’s debating idiots on twitter, or creative lies on the news. Research and agree with people before asking them where the missing pieces are, either politely or in a tantrum four years straight. 

> Archaeology, starting at wikipedia, looks up cultures that won and cultures that lost to identify superstitions and myths. 

> What do you serve? If anybody asks, you can tell them the truth, if you study that. 

Self: Level 2

If you complete level one, continue. 

> Psychology, looking at philosophy as an object, giving the right kind to the right people, and identifying new philosophies. 

> Business, looking at work, and giving jobs to the right people, knowing what to study. 

> Economics, how to gamble with other people’s money without losing it, and never with your own money, borrowing against promise and selling on reputation. (see Business)

> Information Tech, accounts and websites, access and lists, history and permissions. 

Self: Level 3

If you complete level two, continue. 

> Life sciences, research and maintenance of things like agriculture, ecology, biology, bugs and animals, etc. 

> Computer science, apps and databases, page design and resources, frontend and/or backend, cross network protocols, information security

> Kinesiology, physical therapy, physical training, coaching and teaching athletic activity. 

Self: Level 4

If you complete level three, wow. 

> Law, what to do, and when you can’t do it anyway and who says so, loopholes and Latin passwords. 

> Statistics, patterns in reports, ratios and percentages to see if something is more than common or less than rare according to an average, sometimes making a prediction afterward

> Pharmacology, chemistry and drugs

> Geology, chemistry and drugs, but for rocks. 

Self: Level 5

If you complete the level, wait, what’s happening…?

> Math, there’s an app called Khan Academy, it’s like Duolingo for math, you can start there. Everything is a variable or a constant, and learning the relationship between two or more elements or operating under specific directions to balance the equation. 

> Physics, the elemental universe, the connections of life and the unknown, and atomic connections across the galaxy. 

> Chemistry, essential knowledge of physical substances, conversion principles for tangible substrates, and new compound creation. 

> Astronomy, look at the stars, where they’re going, where they’ve been, and how to stop planets from colliding, or colluding. IDK. 

> Engineering, puzzles, buildings, machines, programs, people, creating something usable out of specified pieces. 

> Medicine, doctors and nurses, memorizing anatomy and environmental factors, for humans or animals, teaching or studying present day fields of prevention, removal, repair and treatments. 

You may now move to I-2


Find someone you love and defend them, provide for them until it matches their beauty, as so has it not. Run to a safer place, learn the religion of the invaders and run. Forget the ideas you’re against, remember your rights, the truths past are truths future, forgotten when we can’t find them. If consciousness is intellect and emotion, a familiar sad song could appeal to instinctual reactions. Emotional vicissitudes, visceral attitude. A bad mood makes bad choices learned from bad people. Instead of fearing a new culture, make a new culture. Instead of missing old culture, survive with this culture. Invasions come everyday, a mindset of solved complexities, choices that bring people with thinly connected common sense to cultural knowledge, your own culture of this language or the next, of this verification or the next, of this protocol or the next. What you do with that, is anyone’s guess, and better than nothing. 

// INCEL-end

If you’re not doing anything later, do you wanna grab a drink? 

I long for her in this dream, having it bad to try and correct myself, in studying for another level, to not break the divine laws that make no sense, to explain disinterest in leveraged debt for minimum wage, the age of western decline somehow more literally than my stories, headlines like a new nature, a growing storm am unable to push away sooner cherishing. 

//Post this?



Who’s involved?

> Me, employer, incomplete profile, Aesir

What do you want to accomplish?

> Car, siding, renovate garage into addition, pet, long shot rural house and rent out tiny one, if they trash it just sell it and cut losses down

Where will you complete the goal? 

incomplete profile, somewhere else

When do you want to do it?

long before about a month ago…sooner than later, before the mask breaks again

Which requirements and constraints might get in your way?

FOMO, motivation 

Why are you doing it?

to show them it can be done and how, freedom and structure, pattern of successes in light of fate, recent voices, change


These goals are defined with precise times, amounts, or other units—essentially anything that measures progress toward a goal. • A measurable goal statement answers questions starting with “how,” such as “how much,” “how many” and “how fast”

Wages for a car a year if I had to live in it, loser. Scribomania “goal”, start a book a year, self publish 100p short fiction a month. Learn to code again/more. Guitar out of storage, write 1 song. > essay/week, novella/month, book/year? 

>>>>>> operator license, training, any schedule > better schedule > dream schedule > not be negative, weigh my options… read more than I write, act more than i think, be independent 


Attainable goals stretch the limits of what you think is possible. While they’re not impossible to complete, they’re often challenging and full of obstacles.

java/db android app, driveway, clarity of vision, improve my standing with the Aesir, but have more to offer to someone special, honest come goals


Relevant goals focus on what you truly desire. They are the exact opposite of inconsistent or scattered goals. They are in harmony with everything that is important in your life, from success in your career to happiness with the people you love.

Basecamp or dodge magnum retrofit, self-help books, save my money and cover the bills, no excuses so extra patient 


• Time-bound goals have specific deadlines. You are expected to achieve your desired outcome before a target date. Time-bound goals have specific deadlines. You are expected to achieve your desired outcome before a target date.

0601 big license 

0801 220lbs

0801 1K pushups/day

0602 use license (if passing)

1200 M > Amazon

1300 Nova 100p > Amazon

1400 Sybreed 100p > Amazon


…tempt fate

Your SMART Goal Statement:

/I’m on a train, I'm o so bored? 

I should’ve tried it,

1500 redo checklist


/Nova, discovering the portal the group leader deems it a “dangerous promotion action” (pre-latin) and asks for a volunteer, low ranking volunteers, he asks why none of the ranking soldiers volunteered, one of them steps up, only to offer his slave, bigger than the grunts, but still in pastoral clothes; 

/Nova, terran separatist and pensive schemer Rontu, works with the earthian villains/spies, but overestimates their combat ability (compared to his own), he is quick and they are loud, even for human standard, he is swift, they are ruthless, and when they start falling they stop covering for him, and when they start losing, spy-overwatch starts blaming him, so he starts getting loud and ruthless to anyone he sees, a thrasher, he still finishes the job, even letting the safe guards live, shooting the shit with them after turning his comms off, andd bringing back the egg they wanted him to fetch to prove himself, ‘you know, after weeks of tests, not escaping then, not now, you’d think you could trust me more than those dogs you wanted me to walk thru a raid i didn’t need them for’ - ‘we’re still not sure’ - ‘and you never will be’ he assembles a rifle and drops them both, the (terran separatist) spins around and points at the darkness, pausing and hearing, ‘wait’ a man in the shadow says, ‘i trust you’ - ‘and you are?’ - there’s a pause as he steps into better light, ‘I'm the spy if you would’ve failed’ - ‘finally …a soldier’ - ‘finally?’ - ‘off the books they call you, so you’re gonna take me to, your, friends’

/br /bad-dialogue 



“Human mating draws on a range of mental skills and attributes--from the creative use of pick-up lines, to displays of charisma, intelligence, humor, personality, and compassion.”


Nova, the gun one

two terrans on rooftop get radioed that their target is near, one grabs a rifle and looks downscope, reporting the car isn’t empty, id’ing kids, radio orders to hit a tire, he runs to the building corner, as the driver sees the shooter goes the shot, blown tire, a motorcycle comes and aims at them, radio says van inbound, orders him out, his phone, yeets him with the van, the cycle driver calls the police and reports there’s a car with two kids in it (teenagers), takes off, taking off their masks inside the van they ask him if he knows them, i just saw your file this morning, we just saw yours this morning, i don’t know anything about anything, we read your file this morning and need you to tell us about us …before you get the wrong idea, my kids?, are fine …what’s in our blood …and what do they want with it?, mind shift, the explanation in the van overlaps to a diner, coffee and breakfast as he explains the intracacies of the research initiatives and some of the science, vital to the chapter, they give him a phone and tell him he’s free, he asks about his og phone, they say it’s with his kids, walk outside, and jog away like locals on a run, despite just eating; idk


the scientist explains “if we had soldiers like you, we maybe wouldn't have hypersonic missiles, facial recognition software…” ?

/the soldiers now closer to understanding the scope of their worth



the Nova stories are getting thin, enough for 10+ …google… novellas. 


Find 60 seconds, think with your eyes closed about anything, and remove the fears. Spend a day preventing good things from chaos and destruction. With all the time dreaming we should be able to keep the sky from falling, not to ignore problems, there is worry not worth having. 


It’s unlikely that rules against standing next to fire will put them out, a chance to blame the outsiders, which doesn’t hold the accusers responsible, especially if they claim to be the best finding the worst in the loudest-lies-win society we’ve devolved into. There’s a need for variables, the final corner piece next to a complete puzzle, and still wondering what’s next, still unable to understand variables, unable to see negative space. Square peg, round hole. 




Ek ki sarlah vu, ri kup nash-veh kashek abi ek vath, heh aitlun tar nash-veh du, ki ma nash-veh wuh maut rom wak, Joy. 

/Novella nova que sigue


On a bus in rags, doesn't want to be noticed by bum, at the sound of a weapon he takes it from him, a quiet end unnoticed; while the terran seps guy has some recruits and gives order "hidden fight", tropes for villains never speaking Latin, until Johnny Ringo lol, make them fight with nobody watching -- fast forward, the Terrans (sorta) let seps and spooks fight it out on their own, "if we fight, someone will lob a (weapon)"

"Back to back?"

/We can learn the dance later, let's go!/



I've been losing my shit off and on, there was a thread that said don't rush your manifesto, so here's some ideas that have been surfacing, a new storyline about war, and anything to keep you guessing until chaos and order let the clouds tell me what I forgot


Make USPS profitable with selling things from officeland, if it has punch card like coffee shops, or reward stamps or something; IRL a failing business would've at least tried covering the spread by now; 



Brandon is the nation's bullshit status update where we post were having oatmeal and going to bed at 4pm. Fucking update your status, Country. 


Chasing Shadows?


She's the girl in the thumbnail? Want. 


Kup ma kuv nahr vu n'tal k'nash-veh. 




/Counting Pi.

She knows? 

Counting Pi?

Yeah, meditate. 

If you say so. 



Small Talk



P 60/meal

F 60/day

C X/day 

Use LI to modulate C into window, anything over line need be P, to see new avg carbs. P is high at 60, it's max for 240 per sitting, but trying to push thermogenic for cut, going over P is used other than muscle will hold before passed and turn adipose slower than C/F, and already thinking about trying 3 eggs for 20+20whey, to downsize lowering BP, high BP because that puts cardiovascular miles that cardio doesn't; 


Give us your tired, your weak, your hungry…

The social services are good, but the ability to pay for it is gone, unable to offer shelter and hospitals and food, once offering to take people from all the war torn and communism scorned countries, for the opportunity to be more capitalist than any libertarian today. So in your world where well and good refugees are now, thankful and millennial expats, a state that wants statist employees, will have to demand a lost creativity of capitalism. With all the art of a bullwhip. I've got to think of a new way to end paragraphs. The border control that communism requires, is paid for by capitalist taxes, decentralized people with communal goals, and a house of commons. The shooting was is racist, my parents aren't blonde, let it go. This is the Chad era, not the fad era. /?


When a capitalist country goes broke they go to war with someone else, when a communist country goes broke they go to war with themselves, a distraction, a lie, both. So here is an essay to end those trying to impress us with problems, or ignoring the problem to stay lazy. If you're gonna write a manifesto you should ve asked me first. 


Tove thought about someone in prayer an obsession needs my separation of fantasy and nowness that weakens me, should she wish me bests a stranger than be she an angel, my incompletes from inconsistent dreaming, my failing not in service, to show the world how heaven is won with more questions than answers anymore, if not another lie indisputably addicted to chaos, another chance it perfect and woken as the dream already fades, to know why the title was so close it didn't occur to me for days, expectations are mine and met, better for the sea of souls over the edge of the world, how this puzzle is cut in pattern, how the cycle begins again like that, due to honor then affection then memories or defeated by surrender to the elements. 

A shield, a smith. 

Actions, emotions. 

Give yourself the deserved. 


The lazy sweat when they eat and complain of the cold when they work.

Finnish proverb

It's going to be hard, but there are 8 BILLION people who are doing it, and a lot of them are dumb (even if they're not politicians), and trillions of ancestors who died trying to get us this far. Don't die and begin level 1 of my manifesto.

I'm a historical figure, get me out of here?


Thanks for serving the requests during the trip, the passenger was small, the soldiers were shorter than i remember, pay all involved. 

I'll edit the manifesto 5/4/3/2/1 thing this weekend, in sorting Filler; Sunday Monday*

That i should've spoke to; 


I remember being

I remember dreaming

Tryst became good

Years became silence

Memory becomes

Memory controls

Myst turns wild

Tears turn revenge


Heartaches and heatwave;

Oh shoot, Sino just died. 



Merlin confronts him, bodies, floodlights and dry cave, two hands and two knives, each, madness trading rages and stages of black healings, necromancy drying the spilling blood before it hits the ground…

Equality of disadvantages, surmised to set the game on final row, stares as silent predators hearts of stoic furnaces, weapon dropped advantage Merlin, weapon dropped advantage Sino, superior in combat and hate fulminated now, a mocking laff, fighting Sino single handedly…

He takes the blade and sticks Sino in the chest plate, a panicky and fire fury binds his maming to magic, defiance of fire, searing Merlin's wounds on his arm, Merlin begins to dim and glowing veins are darkened, his time bides in moments as well as votives incantation the last to be spoken then forgotten to time what promise to Death he'd made…

Merlin takes Sino's power, first come a fading soon like a breath, last given patience to a breathless oblivion, paralyzing Sino with stare and promise as one, fire closing Sino's wounds and burning open his scars, and even then doth quite a penance pay and does release Sino with surprise….

Sino: Haha, you release me, we are brothers after all, regrets won't matter, Merlin, I will do what you cannot…

Merlin: Winter to spring, even worms must wait their turn…

/There is spring to our winter, no doubt, but we both have a debt to pay…/

/Vermilion: You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?/

Vermilion grabs Sino, prepared to rip him open…

Merlin: Wait!

Vermilion: Wait?

Merlin: Keep him alive in regrets…as long as you can…

Vermilion: Insomnia

Vermilion cracks a vial of some mild poison into his mouth, an eye blinks and Vermilion is quietly in Merlin's face telling a secret…

Vermilion: This however makes you owe me a favor. Certain?

Merlin: Even if I forget him?

Vermilion: Ha, that's grand, humor suits you. 

Sino falls back into the arms.of four to be carried into the tunnel 


Unless Sino isn't in 6. IDK. 


We're wildlings in seasons, i don't have any debts


? I write to solve emotional questions, he lies to do so? I get it from both?

They're not getting it, how am I to explain it to someone asking ever? 


Leading me, not leading me on, helping me like a friend that i take advantage of, yet to be friends, already jealous of the fantasy disgusting hate for caring kindness as result, because friendship is next or first, before losing what isn't mine, instead of laughing together, all this more feels so less, let it be me.



Their first time on Earth, and they stop shocked telling each other to wait, they see a black dude, he buys shit with a credit card, they have to find out what's what;

A black dude.

He's among them…

The square, citizenship?

Money …they use it before the food, not before their request.

Let's keep moving.


Later on in the story …


We don't need slaves, we have our own, criminals and invalids, they're the (innocent prey)[Latin], (English), we push them back. 

They're Terrans.

But they're innocent, if they enter red sand and last a day, they would still reject the war footing. 

Do earthlings have evolution?

Humans, yes. 

We have two. 

/Br ?

IDK how much I honestly believe it, Rome is a hight of problems as a backdrop to power, authority, and programs, …somehow China is in a Renaissance of like terms.

Perhaps, Chile is next, with a diminutive example, ie not the teeth, ie political magnanimity. 

/Buttons for trip. X3C

*If I'm up I'll watch. 

He's so drunk he counts three digits in, they laff carrying him to the drain on the floor and drop him. 

Maybe you are human.

More questions, constable.


a ostyngaf ymffrost i?

Thanks, my recent mind, my previous mind. Had I admitted, would I have too much to explain. I'm in your debt. 


When's the last time watched I something from the others?

Daw you let me write some other stuff. /mawkish mocking sarcasm


It's nice she's supportive. Endorsing. Sucks too old now. 


After malnourishment, refeeding electrolytes and vitamins is of importance, then look at phytonutrients. 

I still need to get 40-60g protein a meal and sub 30% fats per meal, 


Gets high and asks what we're doing to not seem high, and the only thing he asks. Desperate to not seem mortal at age, lies that can't be disproven or repaid with music never made, asking me if I've anything to ask, the answers in my arrogance are below me, or questions perhaps, of which I would rather ask none or myself or some trickster pagan god, to wit all three sometimes, yet would spare him. 

Having blamed himself unknowing this one, pathological as all are, would hear me tell what I've told you all, to history, as his art counted in riddle couldn't, shouldn't beg the questions that should be heard by the most important or in the modernity of this braving hell of ends, interrupting my judgement to begin without, so much for confidence, admitting to condemn myself for it isn't safe, delirious should be enough to pass muster guided by prayers for 8 billion, fictions to mask as an artist the things in need that I can be, we need stuff and things whatever things this world is a terrible lie about itself, growling word of game and rule over you or your friend, I've been saner, intellectual interest ideations to break the parliament of the eagle, and now barking outlanders insult me in this language and I want to throw them from the simulation vapor waved into the frequency of time immortal suns and bothersome wolves best clapped off or shunned with the modern magic of amenities, brother of the new world order and only human like the rest a week now, to give deterrent ironic opinion the mobile interest my animal beliefs offended, controlling passing dreams, by midday the stressors go undiscussed and advised for here that chores not, for affliction unidentified inherited from tide and time, vital disparity 


Say've seen Carlin, restarts it. He wants me to go to the flock for clear benefits, or to be advised, or something with mates. Despite my apologies. Christian appologism? Cslewis?


I sat by while he smoked if and when he'd not bother me with second hand beneath the fan, not believing my story of fame albeit vague he blew smoke in my face, his shared indulgence, insane lies wouldn't believe my truth, we then watched a season of a show I wrote afterwards he likes another show I wrote he saw on an advert, without specifics admittedly, in so much the story has no reveal self sustained any attempt. The irony of irony hides in discovery. 

Sustancia inculcate de sucinto. 



Liberals can only face one way. His weed smells like selsig brecwast. Don't run the wrong way. If he stops smoking I'll listen slowly to him asking me if I have any questions for year 40. WTF. 


On train

Tired, prolly hi, sick of him interviewing himself. It's the Caesar obfuscations. 

Rombosh shiarlar s'kashek-tal fi'sular. 

Beyond the Truth

Broken Young Man?

Stop shooting people? 

Elimination of titles sends the lost youth into lost years looking for chiefs and druids, herbs and fluids. Sound familiar?

They money in the gender conversion clinics has them being opened like a plague, they're impressionable youth, instead of having parents, they're finding faceless states and marching phases, conflict not theirs, conflict not yours, conflict not ours. Embarrassing conformists that would redo the cringeworthy scene, would restart the low score game, now writing the rules without limit, poison rhymes without reasons. These are our children. Don't attack me. I have women in my life, they approved this message, and don't attack fiction authors for promoting the truth, my sons and daughters are your pagan gods. 

…TBH… the shooting just happened, this article is to end simps breaking bro laws and incel identity disorder?

/They sat a tubby by me, muggy vents plus my weight in nuggets got too hot, in the observation car the remaining. Much cooler anyway. And some lady was bottling sanitizer, clearing her throat, and chucking shit into the trash behind me. Cool post huh. 


My life is one of a kind…no "how so", no calling bullshit, he saved face ill or unimpressed with knowing, or my fav, can't contend with it psychologically and guides the conversation and spiritual path like some shaman, however y'all see him, IDK how so or much, or changes the subject to the otherwise salient world, IRL, perhaps scratching the subliminal and finding my truth is best left for confession he won't take in the boxes but repeatedly demands of seeming repeatedly asked, any questions, the raven desk was last trip, this one the weed at the square ar ôl, my own issue at present, would he sponsor the aid I've not admitted, or try to improve it with dalliance and treads of complacent aristocracy of the bygone rumored hippies. There's no sex in your violence. 

Him mentioning Vulcans twice; clearly he's stumbled and finds himself clever despite unsubtle, perhaps he'll just never know I'm Caesar, se insoportable; 


Liquid Crystals: Merlin: Sybreed: Nova: SCP: etc. 


Somnus servant of Oneiros?


After i was hurt, confused, and only myself to blame, no worries, I decided to hide, falling in love with myself, lost in lousy self-help books good for motivation, but not for depression, and ocean without a boat of willful ignorance and realism clickbait, confusing to me, a risk unshared with the right problem and the wrong solution, shall contemporary desperation be mine and mine alone, sorry to doubt your dance card; FML. 


Don’t want to do this alone, which is the worst time to bring someone into my life. How do I stop worrying intellectually? 

In rhetoric, logos, pathos and ethos. 

In rationale, logic, empathy and ethics. 

In reality, intellect, intelligence, and morality. 

There are six illusion types. There are six Maya. 


BTW, Brandon pointing screaming at debate is the redneck's Barack. The sooner over the better. (From a clip just seen)


Spock: T’Pring, sa i a guhkh geroch, du,  

T’Pring: Spahk, sohn n’i a sikh paro, du

S: Zo dokkh ne jem nen kompush

T: Zo kaukh ne jem nen faupush

S/T: So niim, zo nazh, et sel val um. 



the terran interpreter is talking to the rando, what species are you? human he replies, one of the sentries asks if human describes a latrine digger, as hume is earth in Latin, the interpreter says no in that homosapiens here call themselves ‘from the earth’ or something about ‘earthlings’ and the first line of one of the central cast says he can work with ideology agricultural. 

\spoiler +

/(way later) Nova+ 

when investigating the origins of Terrans, the question is asked, are Terrans extraterrestrial, the answer, ‘this might be a surprise, but humans are the galaxy’s dominant species’, alluding to Sybreed (series), his last name is the same as one of the Sybreed characters centuries earlier, easter eggs; not sure if temporal divergent or causal synchronistic dimensions - if fork or mirror. 

?/’with the right innoculations you can be reassinged to a colony, and all you have to do is piss off the gods’

‘piss off the wrong god, and after the right innoculations you’re in an outpost eating targ’

Are the Terrans in a civil war/uprising, or a border conflict?


How old are you?

Better to ask

To talk somewhere

There has to be a way

Let me tell you

In my arms on the door

Despite all others

I had a good time

And I am alone 

The same as before

Never again this dream

No queen of angels

None against none




Subsidy makes good people lazy and lazy people complacent? 




You can’t be an antiquated institution demanding revolutions dissent against antiquated institutions and not have it blow up in your face. No shit. 


A snake shedding skin, blind by the hardening molt, scared of the shadowy shape of a stick it thinks is an opponent ready to strike vulnerability. Poorly worded. 


Have dedication fuel your motivations. 


We have cities, earthling. We have huge towers, not as tall as yours. We have more huge colleges, we learn alchemy and steel, making the small parts of the harvesters and valves and temperature warning fuses. 

Why by hand and no machines?

Machines need steam and water is precious, we learn to make medicine and weapons, but even that goes too fastly, how to make the many parts of machines and how to repair. There, it's finished. 

What is it?

A bear trap. 

They set it and the first thru gets wounded, they make it to a corner and run out of ammo, the centurion… shoots his cuffs apart?


Meanwhile, the squad leader stretches his cuffs until they bend just as the chain breaks, he moves a ceiling tile and touches the ceiling, swinging upside down holding the pipes he kicks into the floor above him and runs for the nearest window, out here goes into the cars, stammering and almost a walk almost a jog, waving hands to stop a semi that can't, as slows it passes as he runs almost flies to grab the side of the truck and ducks off, the cars in pursuit don't see him dismount and hide in the other side of the road, as they pass he laughs, now waiting as more leave, now watching the field office with minimal security, so he breaks in again and gets what he had wanted, taking credentials and a car, wheels spinning; 




Savage son

The perilous fate

Find in ego death

Many times never

Mask of reflection

Secret central self

How unreal loss feels

As worlds become

Ages apart 




The crownless king, KSE song, title of chapter already written



Admin: The last Terran incursion was 2000 years ago, it changed our history, some say for the better.

Terran: We can tell. 

Admin: How?

Terran: Language, faces of your outsiders, we seem tove tipped the scale in your favor.

Admin: Yes.


The idea is the cop let's one of them go at the start of the story, much later, the admin silently commends the action, but has him fired, the cop finds the admin, asks him why if commendable was he fired still, he says, it was right, but you didn't know that at the time when you broke protocol, (which) it allowed countless damage and confusion for your fellow Leos, …if you want something to do take your sorry excuses and see if they'll take you in; the cop thinks he's probably onto the next clue, and the admin is happy he took the bait, as they want him there, it's part of the plot;


Start of the movie, some chick is drunk getting hit on saying back she'll only date 6'2" dudes, the cop darts thru the shoulders of others, and puts her over his shoulder, one of the patrons isa Terran, but blink and you'll miss it; 

…Maybe he's jumped by ruffians, impressing them….?

….or is that for Admin + recruit?


"Understand me. I’m not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul." - Charles Bukowski

Quote at the start of Nova. 


Ana snatches a fire stone from one of the three MMC, andor Ostara yeets one of them and says, i can't stay at the end of something, and dips; so that A holds a burning flame gem?

If my heart breaks, then it belongs somewhere warmer.
