
21 February 2022


 Lycan tearing into the madness, claws of misfortune shredding the surface of social sadness and the radical conformity of social abnormalcies, the species runs with chaos a song without screams for the animals without dreams evermore, for their marks and scores to blood drawn an ire spawns and cries become again, gold pouring from the jaws of old iron tooth, in truth no moon separates traces of shadows and heartbeat rampant in shallows of the soul, the many emotions a torrent wake of storms as waves in plight of nerves and sources of the ink of veins, the mountains of madness as launch to leaps to claw thru clouds of maelstrom alliances, to lash and bite the blood moon of copious light to waterfalls of stardust burying the beasts, they rise from dust covering the forgotten age, they burn trussed with flames in dark times while society sleeps, sussed only after the first yields thru the fields and valleys abandoned by wonder these open pastures welcoming false prophets in silent skies beneath stars and lies from truths become cold and beasts untold, cursed for generations, the life of two as one. 

20 February 2022


 Liken that there was no reason, which gave no reason in the sun to rue the roost for sympaticos and politicos, akin to martial law for parking lots was like the sins of the father, how proud he being him oft and wont to wroth, and now to defenestrate the magistrate to fare as a cat after a mouse while the houses of the mountain watches like pointing hands and hours nary undone, and breaks my heart mine to see while the moss fades fowl without feigning, drops trow and starts feeding from the trough of mud, the way so many dozens a sight of any custom cartoon uninspired and born of liars unmistaken by only days beyond the tepid tyrannies tidal age of infancy infinitely insipid and vain, again that courses thru at least their eyes closed and egos consuming the air meant for life when nightmares of monsters give spoils to the spoiled and placated, by way of hypocrisy defined and tragedy aligned with lockstep jackboots and dark clouds for rainbows, the view of two as one. 

19 February 2022


 Lichen growing grove and rising valley of the mountains in might, a splendid fascination made of plants the seas and shrooms of spores the breeze, no deigns to design the patterns forming in the undergrowth, life concurrent distinct conservative with waters essential and surfaces torrential layered with the shattering cascade for nature's own fascination, peculiar vacillations in the winds of time for living it reaches thru the night for the day, for crawling the soil of our earth still reaching into the day for the night, as also loses so and such, thereby to touch the blight on bark thus pallid and stark across this world, assuming that the trees are rooting where they stand in truth that trees climb despite the arm to drop the seed, without the vassal to consign the precarious vines of lettering pages and binding ages, conveyor the type of life purveyor the strife of generation perpetual in motion intellectual, the growth of two as one. 

01 February 2022

From The Same Cloth

From the Same Cloth

The world comes into existence in the minds of the many and reality fades when forgotten. From one reality to another the distances that imagination must travel are beyond understanding for endless age and studied in the calculations of countless separate infinities to unlock its potential. Undefined potentialities bonded to the fractal geometry of infinite regression as the framework to the chamber of existence without quantum entanglement. Focused to ignore the awareness of nothing finding parallels in perception assessing the value of reality once universally feared. Wandering time to find the first source in the expansive nature of unknown conditions in the void of ignorance. Following light to photonic gateways and pushed thru as many follow. The surface of time colliding with the limits of reality manufactures the energies and reactions in the confinements of the natural world. The focusing of spiritual energy consumed by the devices we’ve built and given to the needs of singularities or conflicts of the infinities beyond the portals of simple energy. Time is between everything and nothing to train for many thoughts and few distractions. The future is the history gone and the past predicted. This is the creation of timelines witnessing alternate realities occupy the same space. Here to navigate the networks sharing temporary beacons as designs of larger designs. 

In the cosmic body of celestial excellence these words travel the lifestream. 

Truth, the bond of adventure
I, the bond of life 
Time, the bond of minds
Scars, the bond of war
Haven, the bond of storm
Banner, the bond of divinity
Faith, the bond of god
Song, the bond of society
Loyalty, the bond of soldier
Thought, the bond of wisdom

Focus two eyes as two truths for what is and what isn’t, not in two places, and not in one. 

Memorize important realities as much as thoughts, both are the hidden truth. 

Myths are the pains of history too difficult to forget and more difficult to remember. 

Freedom is the infinity of harvest and directions we stray in the light of all wandering stars. 

All words forgotten will be spoken again. 

Sochya eh dif. 
