
03 November 2021



It reigns against my sky
To start with a past forgot
Shall have driving evil reface
Hath ridden this riddling foil
Like a song against my heart
Days outnumbered invincible
A new bringing the beginning
At long last and disparate once
As all the taken screams anents
My trials against the nights
The seers aren't bound defiant
Blinded by the coming dark
This now I hide the given day
To protect the mordant drink
And see the wisest deserters
In the passing houses kindling
Perhaps distraught harmony trying
For the wicked fates undying
A sapling in a storm you, Merlin
carving runes with dull forked tongue
So I have found a source of power
Only lifting burning summoning circle
Bereft little and soon from loss
Much closely champion unknown
This is my cost to keep my breathe
Slowing my fight with breathing night
We're blind and backing outright
All to scurry into the same fight
You see my eyes with jaundice plight
This hoarfrost grasp around my chest
Which gasps of death will be your test!