
11 March 2021

Sidequest: Isarnom

20200311 Īsarnom 

1 Entwined Consort, 2 The Blue Visions, 3 Silence of Husband, 4 The Soul’s Dream, 5 The Past of the Silver, 6 Truth in the Winter

Entwined Consort

This was everything the promise of reckless submission that old stories stories become new, after looking at mirror with smoke in his veins the journey to Mars was with final thoughts and destinations, the long journey ends in cryostasis with the oxygen levels in lowest levels of production, 3 and 32 weeks in Martian months, but his use is problematic in the stasis tank and he died, for a moment, quickly put into cryotherapy to repair the brain damage, but with it many memories lost for the cost, a hundred years ago he would've died, and since he won't remember much of muchness in such of suchness the doctors kept him on ice almost a Martian year, until the next new arrivals, calling his next of nextess to send or sell his things. 

The Blue Visions

She lands on Mars at landing cycle and decontaminates during simple debrief, to see him a spot in her eye overcomes memory and after seeing the glass gardens and pneumatic recyclery she meets him as his cryochamber opens, looks and touches, empty eye, cold memory of forgotten realms to tears of many reasons, he can't remember many words not least his name, karma and mistake would honest apologies be abandoned and wasted she leaves out all the same, for this he would become a repairman as the reprogramaron made him belong to Mars, as she would stay to earn a place or wherefore depart, where her biochemicelectronanite degree was found a task she hasn't needed to ask what wars of a future made from the past of many men has come to make the red planet blue, but the styles they choose to paint the picture keep drawing over each other, and she's caught in a blast during an interview for morale on Mars and Earth.

Silence of Husband

In the video she looks off screen, but for historicity she was thinking about who she sees and expecting the unexpected, with warfare and warrior resurrected, a scratch becomes a latch, a creak becomes collapse, and bell becomes a blast, first he repairs a flaw to prevent a vent attack, next to storage where sabotage avoided keeps many people out of cryostasis, many times the warehouse defended as his instincts are the determination for results, and for making enemies on both their sides and both their spies escapes with innocents and caving them in saving some of them without air, the authorities get to choose if repairs to the tunnel are sentence or salvation.

The Soul’s Dream

He's given consoling and considerations without opulence, and mended and sent to reprogramming, he sees the blast on the news and sees her, memory inculcate dreaming brings regeneration where fictions and possibilities make indoctrination intimations of the new memories and indignation from old visions, a history made a journey delayed, interspersed by people and light of home and dawn become the single light.

The Past of the Silver

Three factions become two by will of force consuming betrayals, and two collectives coalesce to end him, but the mental upgrades without time for bad habits haven't alarmed out altered the bads, with instinct and no training in his new mind his one track mission attacks with caution relying on forwardness, leading to the biochemicelectronanite lab and souvenirs shop and she's confronting and disarming, in part with weaponizing her environs, as he takes damage his defense has to stay behind him and be a trap, built with the resources each of three more intricate than the last, they have her sequestered and trap him twice after fatal flaw, to be benevolent they reprise their statements of charter, notice his chevron, and ask them to submit to reprogramations. > The doctor has taken the other side as their leader.

Truth in the Winter

The sheriff has taken the other side as their leader. < They're trapped with the factionalists and isolated by the authorities threatening at least defeat before destruction, the factions quickly choose death before dishonor, she provokes it escaping and ending more off them one quite viscerally, they ask him to end her and he says yes, he winks to her and holds the phaser in his off hand, she bolts left and he shoots right, the shot cuts the barrier, the terrorists break down the security walls from the inside, the landing area had repressurized less than the stronger walled valuable quarters, the transparent aluminum doesn't keep warmth without heating coils, I thought you didn't know me, I don't even know your name, lasers, police, targeted suppression and erasure as escape leaves the factions trapped by lazer wall, she looks at the settlement.

He gives her his copy of her favorite party rulebook and she knows he remembers, she joys and he humors.

He had pulled the pin on the safety protocols, and all the bads are reduced. 

Him: Keenan

Her: Abella

Doctor: Mick Velly

Sheriff: Daren

Reprogrammer: Samson

Blue Alpha: Lou

Red Alpha: Marten

Green Alpha: Sara