
18 September 2020


20200918 Recommentions; 

Everybody always trying to be better than someone, 

Say goodbye to whatever you believe-in, this is mind blowing. Now I tell you, in the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, for the year 2020, it says, “Let’s just skip this chapter”. 

Happy holidays, there’s labor day, where everyone is working on getting on my nerves, there’s thanksgiving and I’m not thanking anyone this year, unironically, then everybody loves Halloween, but last year’s gate to hell is still open and I’d appreciate it closed, and Christmas, everyone longing so much for a martyr they’re willing to be the Romans all over again. Sick in the head you are. 

There’s a shame, in not saying hello, I’ve this week felt best about the thumbs up gesture, or the vulcan salute, but enough about me, you’re the ones destroying my planet. Mine, this marble backwater inbred-infested island in the forgotten forest of a thin arm at the excess of the galaxy - mine. In perpetuity - I say hello to you. Emphasis on the hell this year, but oh so important. 

There’s a dishonor in racism, this year a boiling point of pharaohs and talking heads selling empty futures to soulless cries on the steps of orphanages, forgotten as fast as you can. People find orgasm from tweeting about being a victim more and more fictional, louder and loudly untrue, unable to stand behind themselves and ready to blame an undefinable machine. Even the lost, the people of the media machine, the children in the silent system, screaming for the god of racism to show his pale face on a pale horse. The villain of the story arrives, resembling me for the record, and becomes a perfect target, unable to prove or disprove him innocent, and he unable to prove or disprove his own innocence, and the leaderless seek to fill their souls with something to disrupt the endless nameless. There are those who would murder my mothers and fathers of you godless children your ways bleeding from the eyes for screaming without breathing, to survive you fuckwits choosing without thinking, they won’t tell you, but I tell you this. 

Say hello. You rap or sing for them, yes? You tell news or lie for politics, yes? Have you even said hello? 

I greet you from my past, I greet you from your past and this version of it, I greet you from the grave, many years into the future (when you know more about me), long dead and dear, long winds and clear. If I ask you, how are you, ask that person, how are you, learn first. 

The stigma of not fighting, is a brave story. The disgrace of hate, is an old story. For some reason, this year has decided to combine, the old hate fights bravely. Will it win? I greet you with this at the end of this fear-letter to the public, in hopes that the strong I save are survivors of guilt and a pandemic, instead of the other way around and back again. You can promise no peace, but I can guarantee it. 

Live long and prosper. Godspeed. Good day. Salve! Good afternoon. How are you? How goes it? What’s good? What’s up? What it (will) do? Welcome. Praise the gods. Well met. Hala Wallah! Bite. Oi, Tudo bem? Bumblebee tuna. Hyvää päivää! Ahn nyung ha sae yo! Konichiwa! ¡Hola! ¡Mucho Gusto! Nice to meet you! Dia duit. Guten tag! Bonjour. Salut. ¿Qué tal? Zdravstvuyte. Privet! Nǐn hǎo. You good? Yo. Wussup? How you livin? Anyoung! Asalaam alaikum. Goddag. Hei hei. Shikamoo. Hujambo! Yassou! Dzień dobry. Cześć! Witaj! Zer moduz? Ahoy! Selamat siang. Namaste, Namaskar. Qapla’! Merhaba. Selam! Moni. Shalom. Tjena! How’s life? Khe chare. What’s going on? Aloha. Nice to see you. Malō! Long time no see. Zdravej! Good to see you. Greetings. Kamusta! Salutations. Labas! Felicitations. Top of the morning. Kia ora! Blessings. Demat. God bless you. Szervusz. Pacem. Hey, boo. I come in peace. Mercy may. Be well. Greg is not an alien. Cheers. Komdu sæll. Sàwàtdee! Habari yako? Wie geht's? Kaixo! Hello, fellow human. ¿Qué pasa? Blessed be. Kèdú. Dude! Vonts es? Eenchbes es? Wassup witchu? Shwmae! How do you do, ladies and gentlemen? Hello, sunshine! Hey. How’s everything (in the universe)? Lovely day for it. Pleased to meet you. How you been? Yo. Howdy! Sup. G’day! ...but never, NEVER, say to a human, I got your nose. 
