
11 December 2019

Basis to Bias

We app for roadside-assistance, are assigned a tow, and the phone rings labeled 'possible spam', but answer it just in case, and it's the tow guy. My mechanic isn't on google maps yet, so I'd entered the destination as 'other', so he asks me where I'm going because 'source and dest are the same' and it's just up the road. Working on something I hear chains, he's already picking up the truck, grab a coat and run outside, 'oh there you are' and finishes loading it, doesn't shake my hand, doesn't say hello, just shouts 'do you know where you're going?' - I tell him a block up, a block over. He wants an addy, which I tell, he can't hear it, I shout it, and I now think this upset him. He hops in his rig and I pull a locked door, he starts driving off, I slap the bed 'hey'...he stops, looks over his shoulder and stares as if I'm crazy. 'you gonna open the door?' and fuckface says "no"....

He drives off, my mind is complacent, but I can't still help but wonder, what if that was the last I'd see of the truck, and jogged to the pole-barn. 

He's unloading the truck, explained why ran, and I ask pendejo 'why'd you take off without me' and he grunts 'insurance'....'my insurance is why you were called'...fuck all...'why'd you take off? your insurance or mine?' ...grunts again "ours" ....confused >> confucked I just started speaking, 'i don't do ours, my insurance, my truck' -- he doesn't even look at me and leaves. Can't imagine being on the highway in a blizzard what this means. So I write roadside assistance, write a shite review on maps, little else to be done. 

Partly, could I be the asshole, as a point of pride, yes on general principle, after the facts. If there's time to piss off anyone else, please form a line of dipshits to the left. I can't imagine it happening with T&A. 

It's not like I'm starting a men's rights rally, and now I'm in a parade by myself, altho I'd bet those groups are needed, for defense of fractured liberties, but some just need reminding....sir, you can't take your son to a strip club gun show without a designated tour guide. 

Well, it's free beer for little people, and he gives them to me, and him staying sober means he can pass the count backwards from ten test, hell he can count backwards better than me when I'm sober. 

edit: I'm teaching progressive values...tow guy knows what I'm talking about, don't you buddy...? he just fuck's off with my truck, damn that's cold blooded

I don't drink, but I'm thinking of saying I'm on the wagon to explain the gaps. Maybe dude was cold, pissed he has to do his job. Be nice to retail workers, unless they are screaming at you, and even then maybe they're just screaming therapeutically. Could be why the Vulcan emotional guidelines appeal to me, because you're all intentionally second to yourselves, IDK it was a conscience monologue framing device from earlier. 

What was the first word for the title of this one? ....cognitive-bias, where you stop when you get the answers you want, like 'well that's good enuf because I don't want to learn how to read' kinda bullshit. Lotta shitty people get mad when the outcome isn't what they want on the spot, maybe I've just heard this too many times, so to say, or looking for trouble. 

Walked around the block to check the weather, 25F, if I was walking, it was hot, and've really gotten big. The tennis boots or wtfe, balanced my step and maybe the $10 tennis haven't support. It turns over, but doesn't fire. I thought it'd be spark plugs and he added possibly distributor or sensor. Gonna walk a few hours tomorrow, if it rains kabosh the walkabout and nosh and text another blog post with coffee until i need to piss in the woods and gnaw a tree. Fuck that full moon is really tomorrow night 12/12 @ 12:12. 

Have been eating vegan before gym, after gym half/half, and low-to-no carb late, seems to bring focus, waking up to natural motivations, and if I don't have a date, meat really makes me start lion around. 

Echoes of myself within the network, dreams bounce against the atmosphere as my thoughts focus on the solar winds, where glittering solid corrosive metals cut into the unknown clouds of perfect dark.