
22 March 2019

Sikar / Springtime

Sikar / Springtime

I can’t believe this traveler,
A year ago without travelling,
My future is welcome,
Not the source of the light,
But I would go once,
The quickening shadows,
And it was good for me,
My brain was emotional,
Unaware of new beginning,
Sight of the great darkness,
Forgotten breath of time,
After myself began again,
Remembering the ways,
In fantasy of many times,
Helping from the well,
Pulling shadow from star,
Hair with the subtle light,
In subtle sound anon,
Without memory pains,
Lucky to battle myself again,
We blink each eye,
Are we happen and stance,
Behind our own eyes,
Certain without power,
Building for a purpose,
Insight of better self,
These stars immutable,
Thru nights of sleep,
Reflections connecting,
Over glittering ocean,
Break into the better,
In this ancient place,
Where we now stand,
The air in your veins,
Blood in bones ancient,
Brighter than the sun.