
11 January 2019

Are you out of your Vulcan mind?

While I'm soon to ask r/Vulcan mods (where I almost posted the first half of this) for clearance to pin a post once a year on codifying words not listed in  VLD, here's this boring rant. For metadata and google alert purposes - VUHLKANSU. I'll post to it something like an update with all the project links and around the web stuff active -- if you see something here that's all links, it'll be just one and i'll post something written arbitrarily in-trade. So...?

Watching ST-ENT for the first time... I heard the translator Hoshi (the linda park), say "Pon Fo Maran" to T'Pol (the jolene blalock), eventho everyone is saying tepaul / tehpahl so far, and yet it wasn't given subtitles, I rewatched the shot, the encoded subtitles didn't translate it in my VLC-player either. T', t-apostrophe, is a tap, there's no vowel after it. 

It's in VLD as "Ponfo Miran," and labeled an expletive. It's accurate to say that emotional statements are invective in Vulcan culture. Memory-Alpha has the same translation, among many with off translations and bad spellings that I'm going to pick TF apart later-ons. Also, IDK why the article states that Vulcan "was" a language spoken. Not for cannon or head-cannon either. Lastly, that writer/producer Mike Sussman, NASHAUT , DU, he'd provided the translation from his production notes. - that it means "go to hell."

I know few speak Vulcan. I know this is TLDR and my response to "ponfo miran": yes and no. 

You may close the tab now. It's really open to interpretation - 'no duh, that's why we were reading till now' - none of that, ...this is how the latest articles are written, for the umbrage reader. Let's continue. HNY BTW. 

Pon, time. Fo, shell. Maran, one instance of a drift. Ponfo miran, but miran isn't a word otherwise, it becomes an profanity, later a curse, then a turn of phrase, then a preposition we use as a filler. Vulcan profanity is just like any other, there are words for anything, altho there are a few times it doesn't require an English construct to idealize the same sentence. 

Hoshi was interrupted as T'Pol responds in English. There isn't any Vulcan spoken for the rest of the pilot episode, "Broken Bow," Push Kes-Wun, where Hoshi hears something, the Vulcan says she didn't, everyone hears it, and Hoshi says 'ponfo miran'.... 

Each word has an implicit state so, pon fo maran means, time is shell is drift, time-shell-drift, ....there are some similarities with ser/estar purpose besides the point. Maran comes from Marau, to drift, and he could've easily conjugated the word or emailed somebody, and wrote phonetic notes for the actors, and the actress, could've had her plate full that day. 

As it was a debate, Hoshi could've been saying anything before the Vulcan interrupted. 

"Pon fo maran" ha? the time shell drift yes? -- I took it as a rhetorical comment at first, as if to say, 'did your memory of events drift eventho we all heard the noise?', and we'll never know. Since everything is implied, she might've said, 'did my recollection drift or do you hear it now?' - these are ways to say how most language seems to drift into go to hell, these days, the umbrage era of online. The only ones that seem to handle no tone of voice in text are the robots IRL, fascinating, captain. could be what she was about to say, calling her a time-shell-drift (you vulcan), as in vapid, vulcans mythology has them in endless war for resources and their educational structure a priority. It's also my understanding that they evolved from iguanas and cats, in the evolutionary tree of life, so there's something different. Or it could have been "Pon Fo Maran" na'bogozh. Time-shell-drift to hell, aka GTH. 

We'll never know. I know I don't want to post this, but I owe you as little/much after the fact that this shouldn't be a blog that just stops. You're reading about the coolness of something everybody knew from TV that you missed because you were outside perambulating, tyvm spellcheck. Wouldn't that crunch your mind if you found a blog about the steps someone was documenting toward an international conspiracy to cover up an interplanetary mystery and/or magic cabal and/or and it stops right before....

mjbanks / Sonok