
22 September 2018


This is written for what it is. 

The terrans became humanoid from their ancients, agrarian and warlike, but on a planet very distant in terms of steps lived another ancestry of a species, one nomadic and farmlike. The terrans would find their way into trees. 

On this planet, they would preserve and recreate the best trees, conflicts and war over the best of the trees, for the strongest wood made the best weapons. They would find spirituality in war alone and make artistry of their trivial tasks, just as many other worlds do if they are wise. From weapons they would come to fashionable armor, in stern disciplines ingrained into their society by their very behavior, the weak would seek an armor of duty, societal works, but their fiercest warriors wore armor only to provoke combat, challenging to break each other's armor was a subtle interaction, for they are a brooding brutish species by our very human standards. They worshiped old gods and old rites and traditions, believing in the fracture of diamonds the divine pattern in their long-lost religion. The way waves break rocks into sand, the fracture of glass was recreated as a symbol, with three knives and made their numbers divide by three, and made their compasses point in three directions. Some might ye know of whom I speak. 

The first blade the mind's eye, its sharpness cannot be dulled when honed properly. The second your dominant eye, it plows into the land strong to plant the roots of what will make great weapons. The third your submissive eye, seeing matters of the heart perhaps more clearly than the other two it is a sharpened talon that does not release living prey. 

There, began a civil war, on the first day they feasted for war, on the second day they warred, on the third day they were already in a stalemate, unable to beat the other. There was among them, on one side, a great leader, as the greatest warriors often are, he had drank so much on the first day he slept thru the second and readied for battle on the third. He began by learning from the battlefield, which he bravely ran toward, and he became silent like a spy made of wind. He could see the two sides intertwined into the future and tangled in the present, so he decided to send spies as spies, spies as scouts, and spies as messengers, feeling honorably having their lucky three-fold ideology a part of the strategy, but told them they could only travel with one weapon and had to pretend to be peasant herders, looking to join the battle for fortune. He would end the civil war after the weak had died, but before their society couldn't blindly recover as if it had been a practice war, for they are very warlike. 

The gods were not pleased and devoured most of the spies. Next lowing a sky of brightness on the emissaries blinding them, they could not defend themselves and were not received with welcome as they wandered forward. Last they used this light to lure the scouts in the grassland to wander into the night thinking it was day, in the darkness disguised as light the gods cursed them with their old dishonorable magic, when the scouts awoke it was night, in confusion they slept and awoke on the fourth day. When they returned to tell their leader what the gods had done, the scouts began to speak incorrectly, first pronunciation in error, then the tails of words in error, then entire words incorrect, then their entire language incorrect. They could not tell their leader what the gods had done and could not even understand each other, one of them earned a great honor in wise decision, and drew the words in shortest form, "gods defy us," before then even his writing became meaningless. They forgot how to live and died from that strange combat.  

The wise leader decided to race toward the enemy of the civil war, where he found great enemies who died with honor, who were also deceived, for they were warned by the trickster gods that the wisest old warrior was approaching, and had twisted their minds as had done to the fallen ones to spread lies that the wise one and his men were the twisted gods - so the wise one did what anyone would have done - without warning killed all of his spies wearing the symbol of his house, his men fought with the song of their victory over gods themselves in their hearts and it gave them strength that lack of vision would not afford. 

It was the wise leader himself who stabbed one of the old gods, he immediately became a volcano beneath skin a tornado in voice and a mountain of strength in bones, in fiery fierce rage form not fading the trickster god began fighting both sides. the battle spread to every warrior standing, woman and man, they would find many gods hidden among them that day, too stupid to escape the soldiers and warriors before this instant war, hiding their wounds like cowards however they did actually fight the aliens, but retreated when losing, leaping high into the air and climbing into clouds. 

As the aliens shouted victory it was only moments before the gods returned with their soldiers, with their numbers doubled, with the armor of moons and meteors, of metals rare and replete blades of perfection, and began thinning the warrior race, faced with extinction the warrior race began surviving, fighting, winning against the malicious gods, but not before the wise old leader died at the hands of the god he had just exposed. The gods rallied to fetch the god that killed the leader of the resistance, but decided to take the leader's body. 

This was to demoralize the aliens, for they are so aggressive that war is sacred, thus a warrior is due sacred burial, and their are many reasons why and how, but they couldn't allow it. the exposed god took the body and they killed the petty god, so the other gods sounded battle horns and rallied for a last siege to retrieve the alien hero, but the aliens feared for their ways so much they screamed to the heavens with the rage of the fallen, the foolish gods died of fear, and the weak gods escaped, some unable to find clouds in daylight fled to the stars only to be killed by the dark ships of space, then falling on fire. 

Their war against the gods had begun. 

Heghlu'DI' mobbe'lu'chugh QaQqu' Hegh wanI' 
