
27 October 2018


13 stars burned the desert until the sand was glass, 13 storms gathered over the forgotten planet for 13 days and washed the sacred homes of 13 kings from the mountains of paradise, and gathered into 13 rivers delivering the innocent to 13 swamps where darkness and moss grew in the night, 13 seasons passed the murky wasteland filled with the bones until 13 witches entered the swamp and made an alter for the gods of wind and blood, 13 candles burned as the wind god drifted into ceremony took from them 13 eyes as they tried to flee, from the blind he took their heads and poured blood into a pool where the blood god crawled from the red dirt and they worked to dastardly control 13 realms, from 13 meteors falling into the night side of the world 13 warriors would forge the 13 blades of vengeance, but cursed 13 times they carved 13 empires that went to war, 13 generations fighting for 13 venerations until the seas became low and the sun was distant, and with 13 bones the 13th descendants as the new 13 witches of hex and mordancy fastened bone crest handles to control the 13 star metal blades, until from hell rose many hellions and 13 demons took the blades and new names, the 13 knights of terror and their enjoyment of the insane took 13 of the maddest witches and made them queens against the sane, with the cursed wicked demons holding the world hostage they changed the day to 13 hours and had sacrifices each the same, offering 13 blades to exit with each dull against the skin, the 13th offering turned against one and survived and then the others ending the 13 reigns, and at the cross of 13 roads of as many realms found a mirror at the 13th dawn, time froze and his reflection gave him 13 heartbeats to live, but he killed his reflection and leapt into the mirror, in the reflection of 13 worlds light was dark was light and his body staying in the real world spoke to him 13 words telling him he is a reflection without equal and a vampire in the 13 shadow empires to live thru blood unless he has a 13th heartbeat or someone from the 13 shadows freezes time, where his skin will turn to fire dying as the 13th sign.

'Imje' beyngqS
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10 October 2018

The Tide

"One need not be a chamber to be haunted." Emily Dickenson

There wasn't enuf time for darkness and so the universe began. There could be enuf time for the absence, it only grows where we let it.

There's a website, with a population, and its netizens are many, more than countries or borders, where their minds take them their society follows into the lights and darks.

It was an island, part of the world, and not  part of the world, and there would be many, where so many new others the island was small, and was the continent, and was the planet.

The shoulders were bruised, in places, and where a warrior has decided to protect life, chaos saddens, the warriors keep them busy, our temple universe forever un known to keep us busy, the stars journey outward, and we cannot know what secrets are truths of discovery.

The light of time, seeks another darkness, which is named and advanced, pieces of a greater evolution, and is not the frame work, as the storms throw vessels, the universe turns slower, the ships sail faster, so too the mind.

I find arguing with anyone other than myself is a waste of time. Find the entity, reveal the mystery, keep its secrets from conquered fearful worlds, all of space preparing for dark matter by condensing into a primordial matter, shining example at the moment of energy, as the first moment in the void.

Waves, worlds, galaxies, universes, in war with time itself.
