
19 August 2018


//* I was up losing the invasion of Insomnia this morning and was in a rush to write this before crashing and forgetting. This means it's not what I want it to be, but rationally and justified it fits the narrative. My narrative. Too long has (!).....reading this over it looks like either a movie review of humanity or vice versa. If you're going to define the terms of reality, you'll have to hold onto something. *//

Que Se Rá Ra Sis Boom Bah

Is it politically correct to say what is politically correct?

I still remember all the people who taught me nothing.  

Region C: //* Communism? *//
Is: Rigid, orderly, and fashionable. The byproduct of resources in the absence of identity. The hoolahoop was trendy, as so is its adherents forcing authoritarianism because their neighbors are.
Isn't: Creative. I can make 10 trillion monkeys write a polymorphic screenplay, but it's fate is contingent on sicophants without a desire to read and trained to scour variables for anomalies, not for heroes.
Feedback: It's few limitations are easily counted, but are big enuf to let the wrath of god line up the asteroid

Region B: //* Socialism? *//
Is: Quite self absorbed, easily persuaded to share opinions and guarded for consistency in hope of a controlling power. Oddly they uses antonyms for their struggles, then forget them only to attack the nearest anything, and any strays get sometimes worse.
Isn't: Ready for anything and redefines any question until chaos defines the context or violence as a subtext.
Feedback: they could use behavioral health, focus, etc, like talking to a bear who thinks you're a beehive.

Region A: //* Capitalism? *//
Is: nonspecific and vague enuf to accidentally trigger A or B, creativity at times to a fault and with a general sense of morality defends each point of creativity not seeing the irony in multiple fronts, incompleted projects, and antagonizing their food.
Isn't: good at moderation, if you wake them up itd better not be to pick a fight.
Feedback: maybe train more people to put out fires amd it wouldnt seem like too many.

Your turn.

Plot device is:
Feedback: Is that an asteroid?

//* this next is clearly a leading-question, you see these a lot on lawyer shows and when drunk people talk, leading the witness is changing the subject to redefine a story or for emotional and drunk people it's just a way to get where theyre going by stumbling forward and crossing their fingers...while the rest of us watch in awe. I write in threes or fives en motíf, then commas, then edits. Anyway. *//

Could this economy be doing so good if it wasn't down? He had the success rate of Cuba and the charm of the ayatollahs and youre still rolling out the invisible carpet for the cult awards.

//* I'm putting this into my other work-in-progress and it's fair to put it here. I've been alive long enuf to know a few ideas can be ruined by over analyzing good advice and then giving bad advice. I've seen it all. *//

Guilt by association, we finish our homework and turn off the screen, and we associate ending homework w reward, and so we shut out responsibility too. Where a to b we jump ahead. You can't skip steps without tripping over yourself. There is no easy answer, so instead of doing the hardest thing and saving the world from Interdimensional invaders with 10 eyes, pay attention, focus, do the homework and you'll be avg, do everything and be great, go beyond and empower, do the homework and then you're done, and the training associates itself, you did homework and then success becomes starting homework and finishing homework, sick of not being prepared, time to study, never letting someone else write your life, when the news tells you to stop or quit, your mind closes the book of your life, it is time to experience, and falling is just a step, we need to draw from memories of homework, learning is life, success is acting without processing thoughts, instinct developed by reading and training of course, from this there is no info that'll change your music or the way you breathe freedom. From this your freedom, finish your homework.

//* I was going to swipe the last part, but android-blogger saves local, m.j.banks. *//

04 August 2018

The Huxley-Orwell Principle

mjbanks #NMS 

"The most valuable of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it has to be done, whether you like it or not." Aldous Huxley

(edit 1)

Title (name, date, etc).

Have you heard this? I heard a lunatic talk about this conspiracy of aliens, the kind from other planets.

Outline (research, not for opinions or essays)
> Abstract, what?
> Main: How much do you like extraterrestrials? on a scale of 1-4. One being for, for being one.

Abstract. (summary, but no f! spoilers) 

To ask the student how they feel about these on a scale of one to four, based on their answers post the candidate in one of the two worlds, I must travel to Kronos for urgent business regarding the upcoming laser pizza pet toss.

Main. (in an essay, system problems shared by topic by paragraphs, in research paper, a single issue using paragraphs to present situation, results, approaches and failures chopped into paragraphs, solution if your teacher is bias, or solution and opinion if you know what that bias is, in a blog post, chaotic disorder confusing to the native speaker, shuffled by a text scrambler program written by someone of a second language, and comical and topical to distract the reader from dying of boredom, which this entry doesn't.) (/edit 1.) 

It was a determination of many cultures to not play a significant part in the prosperity of the new world, they each maintain colonies, but are comprised as oppositely governed legal systems. In the old worlds, each liberty was expressly denied unless permitted by a royal leader, in this method the monarch can object and nullify anything at any time, this standard is called feudal society, from the word feud, to fight, with each member trading in the currency of power or rank, even if no monarchistic regent is in place. It is not in any circumstance completely uncommon for the people of the old world to commit treason or murder for their own career advancement. In their society of indomitable guilt before birthright innocence (in philosophy a freedom known as liberalism) they practice outlawing everything and then permitting actions a human would normally act in free willpower, which leads to layers of bribery without quality, licensing without standard, and service without honor. Their art is uncreative and their society races without a destination.

In the new world, there is a need to limit oppression in its actuality, not its perception, where laws of morality are enforced as a reaction, trusting in the culture of its people to do good things, and innocence is defended as the natural state of humanity, guilt must be proven not suspected and mockery of justice is called corruption. The old worlds and new worlds are linked, much by humanity's basic needs as much as by its oppressors. Where old world logic dictates that discovery is offensive to those who cannot exploit it despite newly being available, the new world allows the embracing of morality as a necessity so that solutions benefit everyone. Of this there is of course a new art of hypocrisy painted by politicians and people clinging to the old world like it's ever going anywhere.

It was brought to my attention that we're still discussing the medical industry as it applies to people who haven't solved dying, you may think I'm not being very serious with this entry, but it's true, people have never been immortal and somehow this is still an unsolved mystery. In the old world, many thought nothing of having universal medicine, and then one day they realized how unfair mortality is, and they decided to make medicine finally legal for everyone - when in the new world, medicine is also legal. Before permission, everyone could find a doctor if there were no old world bigotry, and I'm not making any promises because they are obsessed with grouping people into equality tiers (castes) and victim bragging (intersectionalism).

I call this the innocence of hypotheticals, I can be persecuted for being a nerf herder from another dimension, if nerfs were real, if inter-dimensional travel were doable.

In the new world, you can go to a restaurant, offer the waiter or waitress - because you wait and then you get food i'm not saying server unless you require it -  a gratuity payment (tip), and there doesn't have to be a law to allow a free society to visit it. If you want to talk about money that's the short end of the story in the next paragraph. It was the same with hospitals in the world they had created. Learning how to pay for services becomes a matter of making everyone wealthier. The society of the new world embraces wealth, before politicians show their beady eyes, when wealth is embraced even wasted in medicine is prevented, but there are those that feel the monarchy should pay for services, without quality assurance of the new world and as equally important including the proficiency standards that old world dictators demand when that goal is out of reach by their own fault. Imagine if you could afford your bills, but didn't have any bills, that's capitalism's scope, but the power of the worker so widely attested, doesn't have it in its sights in the old world.

So what is money. It's a promise of value. In cryptocurrency, it's balanced as every old world empty promise is, but unbreakable by old world politics. Thus it has value, the protectorate doctrine of the new world, yet without the permission of anyone. Money comes without it being a law, and goes without it being outlawed, in either direction. Yet, i mentioned the old world's currency of social dominion, and the new world's ability to socially dominate things worth mentioning (and discarding what's not.)

Wrapping up the story, it was a scenario for you to decide, you, the reader of this. We scale our operation by the ideas we trade in spoken word, in the next level the letters and blogs in filterable (search engine) terms the way of conversation. Neural networks powered by neural humans. So like every essay ever says, there's no one simple answer, but notice, one answer doesn't fit every question. In some cultures fate is considered both - decided and unknown - to discover the future and explore it at the same time. So which world is better? I'm trying to pick a world to live-on, and you've confused the piss and vinegar out of me!!! So I'll tell you the scenario, and if this is against your emotion, every story is different, whether their full of facts, when their not, etc.

It depends on how you rule society, as mentioned above. Listen, look, work, don't play, study, determined. If you like the old world, you structure things like college, those who live there are guided like children to finding a part of society and tearing it a new one, or at least i hope so. The society is very militant, like teachers who try to block bad things from children, the old world censors like it's a child's toy and their first go. Idealistically, the old world has success thru violence to force the student to train, but doesn't train them to do what's right, only what the most recent problem is, and too often has problems finding new solutions. -- The technical communication we call the internet has bound the two societies, while also in part making the informationists reside in a floating city with problems that only it has that the worlds have since overcome -- In the new world, the control you provide is best suited to structure yourself and society is more like after-college, there are almost too many futures to choose, but there is no whip for the horse, where we can trust old-world politicians to be dishonest, there is no gateway of permission to enter the new world, and watch everyone rush thru, and watch them find the best way around. As the new world builds pressure to burst thru its problems without restrictions, it's hard to get the free people to remember anything, they're so free that they have become happy, they respect the freedom to fight for a cause as a political movement or a tri-state area cheering the same superbowl team. It takes more than an upvote/downvote click for the new world to save things like college or restaurants, because they're trying to save everything at once.

Both worlds become wild animals at times, if you were to say what I just wrote, people become defensive and marked as upset. Too slow to find a better cause, or to quick to judge, without seeing that an answer is the best thing for our problems and for our questions.

You make sure people learn, or you make sure they let people learn.

This post is the best way today I know how to put the mirror back together again. You're so much alike it's alost ominous.

Now get into character you're still Martian spies, or did you forget...?

"Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious." George Orwell
