
16 October 2014

Disfluencia Liminal

I took an introductory-programming exam and did vaguely well. Some say cierto/falso questions are poor assessments of knowledge and I regard that those can imprint the error - the mind answers questions and checks verity by comparison. This isn't a scrape at the professor, it's an admonition of my efforts, criticism comes after and only if by authority. I know that I may have given a lexical flourishing recount instead of accuracy. In my own defense, I think I overdid and over-thought the answers more than botched them, but style shouldn't be impugned so long as the sum of all quantities doesn't exceed expectations and, or remaining derivatives be safely divisible as equal parts of a whole, analytically as commonalities.

[Question 1; 2/10pts
Short answer. Explain how a count-controlled loop uses a variable to store the number of iterations that it has performed. 
Selected Answer: by declaring the counter, and then by setting a variable, like MAX_COUNT to zero, and setting it against the Boolean in a function that the counter wont exceed the defined limits.
Correct Answer: (Evaluation Method: Correct Answer, Case Sensitivity) Contains: The count-controlled loop also known as the FOR loop initializes, increments, and tests for the end of the iterations based on a beginning value, and a maximum value.]

That this is a post is an overstatement, in consecration, a nerdy exegesis derivative, moreover allegory than category. Maybe some can see the subliminal, or the nascent method that will eventually be coherency of coding. Perhaps something was lost in translation or my wording pissed off yet another. Nevertheless, I think I did better than given.

[Question 2; 0/10pts
Short answer. Explain and indicate when it is necessary to use global variables versus local variables.
Selected Answer: 
a global variable, works throughout a module and works as a constant until the module finishes, BUT a local variable is defined by the user via the output of a function

Correct Answer:(Evaluation Method: Correct Answer, Case Sensitivity)Exact Match: Global variables allow values to be passed from a calling module to and from a called module or function.]

I thought it'd be nice to post this for writers, a module is a set of commands (operating within parameters of iterative value and binary logic, and observing universal decision requirements of interactive elements, via use of a compiler program specific to the language) and a function is an equation, as much as in arithmetic if not more.

[Question 3; 3/10pts
Identify and explain the differences between modules and functions.
Selected Answer:
 a module is a set of instructions used to complete a program, used with several common constants/called items and uses defined variables; A function creates an output - using global variables a function solves an equation with available inputs/info and creates an output by using mathematic symbols called logical operators, to be used within the module that has Called it up.

Correct Answer:(Evaluation Method: Correct Answer, Case Sensitivity)Contains Short answer. Functions always return a value and end with the RETURN VARIABLE NAME. Modules do not have to return a value.]
I am however doing this instead of something useful, so here, have a quote:

"On two occasions I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' ...I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." ~ Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher