
20 November 2011

Super Committee's Prospects for Success Dimming - National Journal Staff -

Super Committee's Prospects for Success Dimming - National Journal Staff -

[[[Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., on Sunday revealed some details about the internal super committee discussions that have led to stalemate, saying that the White House and President Obama had been asked to keep out of deliberations. "They were asked to be hands off," Kerry said on Meet the Press. "The Republicans said, 'Don’t let Obama get into this because it will be political.'" But Kerry added that he's "talked to the White House maybe once a week" on the deliberations anyway.]]]

mjb - this is because it's part of a trilateral process, fool, when the legislative branch subcommittee known as the super-committee has finished their deliberation, then the executive branch can ratify or veto the process, these conspiracies and collusion brought forth by Kerry and other meddlers is what provokes the idea that the super-committee is subversion of the constitution. The federal government comprises three distinct branches of government: a legislative, an executive and a judiciary. Distinctively the legislative branch is itself bicameral, consisting of The House of Representatives and The Senate. The majority of political parties include; democrats = politicians/liberals, republicans = citizens/conservatives, and libertarians = independents/neutralists. /mjb

"Beware the ides of March."