
24 April 2010

Bane of Solace

Doubt the words trust the action truer words were never spoken, actions speak louder than words, do take no side based on extemporaneous opinion, for not even time can argue with the truth and volition. Indulgence not compulsion, drink the wine, the gold is made of wheat, but save the last drop and trust your vitriol. The heathens have humanized the spiritual concept, the martyrs of the roaming window, malicious soothing and a solacing mantra of high lo.

21 April 2010

Socioeconomics: Capitalism and Socialism

Socioeconomics: Capitalism and Socialism
Matthew J. Banks
April 20, 2010

Socioeconomics: Capitalism and Socialism

Socioeconomics is as difficult to describe as the supply and demand of air, though seemingly invaluable, it is also not a commodity but an environmental benefice. Defined as its components it attains a moment of clarity, socialism, share and share alike, and capitalism, a barter system. Socialism is the belief that social ownership, asset(s), can be achieved by voluntary and peaceful surrender of their holding by wealthy groups, causing debt bondage and wage slavery. Capitalism is the belief that something more than a promise, will restore society to normal economics. We must discuss the dramatic moves or we will never take the first steps of liberty.

Socialism is a stage in society, transitional between capitalism and communism, and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done (Merriam-Webster, 2010), tendering nothing for economic growth or employment. Lead by rumormongers, a subsection of profiteering exploitations alongside Capitalism, which thrives in a climate of fear. Socialism is not so much charitable as it once was, as in recent times becoming, entrepreneurial and exploitative. Some will argue that without it, there is no responsibility but with it, the benefactors are not. Right now, the responsible are paying for the irresponsible and the burden is growing, making blind faith in politicians a faulty option. Despite austere warnings, the bureaucratic laws have increased the count of hypocrites, increased taxes to the breaking point and interfered with personal choice, in a country founded in opposition of such aristocracy. Shameful, spend now and tax later, tactics have priority socialist countries in collapse.


At the turn of the twentieth century, society had become one of equality through adversity. In the nineteen-twenties, President Harding with an unlamented economic calamity inherited by his predecessor President Woodrow Wilson defeated an economic depression with record unemployment, massive debt and a bloated federal government (, 2010). This forgotten depression was solved without the governments expenditure of taxes from citizens, just the opposite cutting the federal budget in half, cutting marginal income tax rates for ALL groups, cutting the national debt in half, not the deficit, the DEBT.

His successor President Calvin Coolidge said, "I want the people of America to work less for the government and more for themselves, I want them to have the rewards of their own industry…this is the chief meaning of freedom. (1925)”

Nine years later, new presidents such as Hoover followed by FDR reintroduced a bureaucratic government, massive taxes and spending, causing the great depression. This is the era that gave birth to a government that nears dictatorship, obscene taxes, and the government entitlements, many of which today still repress the economy. These 'New Deals' prolong economic depression, yet again, the goals of those comfortable with a welfare state that say or imply they support free market principles but are willing to commit totalitarianism.
Socialism is humanitarian aid in a relevant outlet for people to crawl out of the proverbial gutter, when they cannot do so alone, to make it through hardships, and to help others to whom they are responsible. Socialism is often disrespected, partially because the immature do not understand its purpose, that in a roundabout way they will be paying for everything and their possessions. Directly funded resources are vital to taxpayers and the taxes they pay, because the stewards are certain of the costs of operation, and of the effects, damage will do to future costs.


Approximately 28% of the population paid zero federal income taxes in 1950; today nearly, 50% do not pay federal income taxes (Internal Revenue Service, Tax Foundation, 2010). With bankrupt cities and states and a national debt of trillions, a GDP in negative fully reversed cannot compensate for the losses of the entitlement programs all run by the government in its current condition (Day, 2010) (Dohmen, 2009) (Internal Revenue Service, Tax Foundation, 2010). This broken system burdens conscientious taxpayers for those who are ungrateful and unwise. Soon, financial stress will fall upon all, every time people accuse and attack those with moral fiber or a functional work ethic there is tragedy. People, who make money, do or do not give to charity, but for sure, many of those dependent on the state believe that people are not charitable, are not themselves and believe people must be compelled to do so in each instance (The White House, 2010).

A side effect has become that tuition has raised as much as five times as much as it was in 1980, rising to more than 100 of a family’s income capability (NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AFFORDABILITY, 2002), as universities exploit welfare aide grants and loans provided by the government, to pay for expansion and tenure. In 1950, spending on social services by the U.S. government was 33.4% of total federal government expenditures, today it is 61.3, SSI to see payout exceed pay in this year - 56 Million people receive some type of benefit (Chantrill, 2010).

This occurs at state and federal levels (Chantrill, 2010), California is in crisis, making outrageous cuts in education and public services (Lewin & Dillon, 2010), and it is a microcosm of national socioeconomics. From taxes not only of salary but also of individual taxes on specific items in full luster at both state and federal levels, each income bracket pushes closer to the poverty line as the gap between the upper and lower incomes grows. Every dollar charged in taxes is one a worker cannot spend, on their children’s education, vacations, and putting back into the economy, that would be more productive, putting back into economics. It is also possible to flat tax a society without cutting vital programs calling it waste reduction. Half of our country's households do not pay taxes at all. Therefore having little reason to work logistically, as costs saved by the system at any corner congress continues to spend because likely half is not watching those who pay the least often wanting the most.

Michael Tanner, Senior Fellow of the CATO Institute says “federal projected increases in government spending by the middle of the century, will be 40% of GDP for Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and 20% to federal employee wages, estimated at bankruptcy by the end of the century. The CBO says that 35% taxes would jump to 88% taxes, to compensate for government, just in federal taxes. The richest 10% of Americans pay 20%, funding almost half of this country.” Tanner estimates tax increases to finance government spending, making predictions based on CBO spending projections, changes of the following income ranges: 35% to 88%, 25% to 63%, 10 to 25%, and the corporate tax rate from 35% to 85%. (Tanner, 2010)

Cutting taxes on employers of the economy is a small boon to the economic growth, keeping employees and promoting personal purchases, but not an economic return to average from recession, or an economic recovery can finance the current federal budget.


If freedom rings with governmental control of choice, with irresponsible and ungrateful social services recipients, the institution suffers. As the inept come to power, more entitlement, less choice, less freedom, fewer rights to work but more cause to pay, stifles innovation. The ungrateful and the naive who consider the waste on them worthwhile are diluting the purpose of government (Ropke, 1962). Our country is in severe debt and every financially combative effort to resolve this problem has been total cost expenditure, from solely a lack of conservative approach. It is a failed business model, further damaged by those involved not concerned with their investment, as this country is our investment, as well as it is one of those still yet unborn. Teachers salaries in California are the highest in the nation, with great benefits and great pensions - teacher firings and dangerous cuts in educational services are avoidable if the entitled would mature and share the burden of taxation. The Nation is soon to follow this more for less mentality. The budget is misallocated, something has to be done soon, short of sweatshops and slave labor with annulments to bans on political dissent.

The diligent receive mandates to purchase health-care, with prohibitions to cross-border purchases and personal purchasing power, increased payroll taxes, fines and penalties (The White House, 2010). The repercussions of underfunding include a decrease in Medicare and Medicaid services, allowable deductions and tax credits and threats to other programs, like the educational system as mentioned, and social security, in measures to reduce costs as new governmental boards, regulations and commissions on cost effectiveness form, funded yet again by taxes (The White House, 2010). These costs effect college tuition rates as well, and the uneducated are defenseless as costs raise and quality of service declines.

The typical attempts to seek adoration without effort is part of the problem, because it entitles people to expect the unattainable, the right to destroy had never been. If you think, a liberal government is going to stop taxing at the rich and the repercussions absent, than you have no sense of history. It never has ended with the wealthy. Limits tighten as the definition of rich gets rewritten time after the next, until social welfare becomes emphatically unbalanced and socialism drains away the income earners. Slowly the slaves attempt to become the master in a feudal state where socialism as a solution puts people to sleep, drip by drip of poisonous political power and corruption. This problem time and again, created self-concerned dictators such as Hitler, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Napoleon, Caesar, ALL who fought for bad ideas and horrible decisions in the name of a new order of socialism.

Entitlements are exploding with the rich picking up the 'tab'. Housing credits (The Tax Credit Coalition, 2010), cash for clunkers (Car Allowance Rebate System, 2010), green building subsidies (Economists on Environmental and Natural Resources, 2010), all creating an entitlement that builds with people who forget the government thrives on reciprocating taxes and loans from the nation's treasury and Central Bank, to fund social services. Some people are so far gone, they suffer an emotional disconnect, believing that a free ride will never end, but truthfully someone has to pay the fare. Crime is reprehensible, and without funding for police, it will run rampant with fundamentals intent on the state dependency agenda and other bottom of the barrel criminals. If the power and incentive to experiment does release from the dictators to states, schools, and families, the recipients will take decisive action. Things they cannot do, become trades and skills, to be taught in schools.

Federal Reserve chairperson Ben Bernanke said April 7, 2010, "To avoid large and unsustainable budget deficits, the nation will ultimately have to choose, among higher taxes, modifications to entitlement programs such as SSI and MC, less spending on everything else, from education to defense, or some combination of the above,.. But unless we as a nation demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal responsibility, in the longer run we will have neither financial stability, nor economic growth"

Government results are becoming highly suspect, in 2010; only 81% of dept of education, spending goes back to the states and test rates have been flat since the Dept. of Education’s inception. (US Department of Education, 2010) (National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2010).

Negative effects

“The only way to keep them out of the cookie jar is to give them no choice, which is why whether it is balanced budget acts or pay as you go legislation or any of that... It’s the only thing, if you don't tie our hands, we will keep stealing” --Congressman Tom Picrello, March 18, 2010.

Education, trade and illiteracy make a necessity for the state of humanity to progress through education, a system of currency, and eventually charitable society, and yet still some cannot afford to educate themselves into independence as the process continues. What will the irresponsible do, when comes the flood, will they take to higher ground, refuse social programs, raise taxes, if there was a higher ground, there would be not the unsustainable debt, there would be no flood. Student loans by government, salary and payment of student loans for those who are a federal employee, is indentured servitude.

When entertainment mixes with politics, the result is science fiction, untested, improvable captivating results for burgeoning fortunes with cash in hand. So many are convinced they must fight the government's downhill spiral battle for them, without knowing the truth, the causes and effects of supporting a cause for publicity have come to falls in the quality of federal programs, including pensions, health and education coast to coast, both publicly in budget and privately in the knowledge base of the consensus. Sufficing supporters are often debutantes and lunatics, crippled by vanity, trying to alter reality. When politics mix with science, you get just conjecture.

Negative and positive are always the same, and we must “hold these truths to be self evident,” (U.S.A., 1776) , and consider our options and not simply rediscover our “better angels.” (Obama, 2009) (Lincoln, 1861) What is more important, a resume or a credit-score?

There is a revenue problem. Civility and humanity must remain, as supporting proponents of social services and we cannot ignore or denounce the truth. Every year people lay victim to poverty due to natural disasters, a diminutive economy, ill-considered family structure or some combination of each, more and more as the gap between the upper and lower incomes widens, as they themselves do not contribute, eventually resorting to extremes. Those who want the oppression and ensuing tyranny, change the topic by demonizing the conservative opposition, growing prominence as threats of our societies collapse becomes apparent and looming. The damage only worsens as news reports come from entertainment companies.

Some people take jobs that pay less because it makes more sense to make a lower salary in a lesser tax bracket rather than work harder and longer only to bring home the same pay after taxes. The middle class squeeze is less hospitable to the forms of higher taxes, college aide, to the tune of 70%. (Forbes, 2010) Lest we forget new taxes hurt jobs, as a society of reverse morals keeps taxing and spending more without more action, causing deficits and new taxes. To understand the cost, while providing assistance based on quality and not quantity, under a government that trusts the aristocracy more than the people, we must remind ourselves we are free to work hard, save smartly and to pass on a lasting legacy of the values and wealth of prosperity, not dependency, to the offspring who must succeed.

It has been commonplace for much of time, to plant the largest seeds, and not the smallest. Wealthy philanthropist George Soros warns Europe of collapse as violence in Greece grows due the problems the United States is currently creating for itself, debt and entitlement. (Tett & Giles, 2010) Severe consequences as entitlement only increases debt can only be avoided if projected cost estimates must be accurate AND Congress cuts spending, neither of which have yet been done. The current administration also said that unemployment would not go above 8.5%. Throughout known history, pioneers have had no money, nor safety net, nor guarantee of health-care, these are what people want, but will they sacrifice liberty and freedom to be a Pavlovian dog of the government. If a government creates a dependency, disappointment and revoked liberty ensue. In a country devoted to states sobriety when there is none, often on both sides, lie, cheat and steal to repeat the like, an invalid, incompetent, welfare state, labor and appreciation for production, yet there are so many paid to avoid innovation.

People, who want the high-income earners to pay more taxes, do not realize that the high-level income families earned that money legitimately. Like many children, if they spent as much time working as they do complaining, things would already be finished working. It is better to serve your survival, than to serve the weak, because society is one that gratefully as well as inherently serves all, tandem to the price of freedom. Most people may enjoy this charity, because it is not their money and rightly so, but people lose their humble climate if someone else pays, assuming there is not an ultimate cost. Congress has excelled at spending for several decades. The openly projected national debt is to reach 20 Trillion in the next 10 years (Associated Press, 2010).

There have been bad people in the financial sector and bad people in our government who made bad deals for all of us, but because the central bank has deep pockets, society pays and all problems, fictional or not, are financially supported by taxes. If they make the most, as they contribute the most, as in the forfeit of taxable income, they further soon may not contribute by either means of asset depletion or subterfuge of payment, just as anyone in poverty, math does not change if the number is bigger. This is an information age, driven by twenty-four hour media, fueled by loquacious hopefuls, who concern themselves with trivial things. Often in groups, they throw the occasional fact to their audience for the sake of information entertainment, under the auspices of journalism, between their attempts to marginalize their opposition, brainwashing our future leaders. Waste, fraud and abuse of power and money, in both are very similar, if not the same a small price for theoretical safety, emotional comfort and lackluster and sparse information at its finest.

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” --Thomas Jefferson.

The 13th amendment is the abolishment of slavery except for punishment, what was the crime committed that allowed Washington, D.C. to mandate the purchase of a good or service, which is conscription. People may become corrupt if never taught ethics without entitlement. With any situation the first offense is circumstance, the second is happenstance, and the third is enemy action, to which the result is a reversal of the blind following of taxation without representation and the indictment of our politicians' character, soon followed by civil unrest. With a total unending dependency, there is a loss of freedom for every person to make intelligent choices without guidance, interference or compulsion by captors, some might call this codependency. There are areas of personal choice, which are of no import to the government, its lack of socialism of morality, or its environment of adolescence.

Moody's, a credit rating agency, made a statement, “preserving debt affordability at levels consistent with AAA ratings will invariably require adjustments of magnitude that, in some cases, will test social cohesion" and "the severity of the crisis will force governments to make painful choices that expose weaknesses in society." Former CBO Director, Doug Elmendorf said, “The nation’s fiscal path is simply unsustainable.”

The world is on edge, there will be civil unrest because when they reckon the looted treasury and a different future for their children lies in route, they will not sacrifice taking the easy path, not relinquishing entitlements. Those that flaunt their possessions remand all, with ungratefulness to the eyes of the rest of the world. Because the majority rules, does not mean they are correct, we have rights that come from experience and history and not from any politician. State dependent fiends cannot live independent, so could not possibly govern a society that must function independently.


If investors know that taxes are going to go up at the end of a year, they are going to sell off, and any recovery will be short lived, as an economic system slowly stops, just as if a population burst has occurred, or the price of a valuable commodity such as oil were to dramatically increase. As those who donate to charity at the end of a strong work ethical day, having no issue with socialism, are bullied by those who believe it does not yet offer enough, who themselves give nothing or not enough, a government in any number of shades of corruption is nationalist and not patriotic. To insist on problems without facts, without knowing the effects of your actions, and to blame those that want to conserve the ways of functional society that have been in place since its inception, is alarmist and illogical. The problem ensues as both sides of exploitation continue the same conflicted mindset, as the charlatans attack the pride of the hard working, a neoconservative oppression, designed to elevate the new fascists to elite status, as long as it remains new, or they will discard it as soon as they lose interest.

The capitalist system is dying on the vine as tax revenues are drying. Canada has never had a federal department or ministry of education, getting higher test scores in international comparisons, than the US, and Canada has more school choice, more voucher programs, more charter schools, and more innovation, because decentralized innovative local school boards do better than a federal department of micromanagement (Edwards, 2010), which speaks wonders for state sovereignty. Awhile Chicago is one of many major cities in the United States, closing schools, packing pupils to capacity and experimenting with ‘pay to pass’ programs (USA Today, 2008), big establishments do not prove well for innovation and individuality, they have a rigid mindset which they bestow on their drones.

Wall Street is Main Street, Enron, AIG, Goldman Sachs, and others have been fraudulent over the years, but that was not Wall Street and Main Street, it was Wall Street and Capitol Hill. Credit will get tight as Wall Street gunslingers take back control of Main Street from evil Uncle Sam, despite the agenda, capital is king. If taxes do not come down, Wall Street will stop funding the cults who attack capitalism to fund bureaucracy, regardless of opinion. There will always be a balance where the next generation philanthropists will end the vanity of the welfare state, to bring liberation to freedom and responsibility.

The free market and common sense are the good solutions to complicated problems that will rule the day. The adoration and expansion of government programs without removing the overall waste, fraud and abuse, is an allocation of excess. Gratitude and respect both increase when fleeting items and cherished wealth are earned, entitlement programs often do not protect the vital resources used in operation, food commodities are regulated but only cattle are given free food. Countries cannot afford to keep walking people through the darkness or they will never learn to see, they will never learn to elect someone to illuminate the situation, to end the taxes that kill jobs to pay for unemployment in a return to an economic fluidity dream. A nation of entitlement cannot keep holding the hands of the innocent or they will not leave the luxury of the government dole.

A severe political division and sharp rhetoric, on one side, red blood carrying life to vital organs returns to its source to do good again, the adverse blue blood, seeks to control more life, only carrying waste, requiring more, taking the breath out of the livelihood of the country, a bankrupt culture and the checkbook to match. Existing costs will consume every tax dollar raised or lowered, why not promote a growing economy that society can partake. Like in electronics, a signal makes a degradation trip, sent across a wire, only able to go a certain distance before a repeater. Money cannot be as effective when first taking a trip to Washington for allocation to its original purpose before arrival.

This easy money cannot go on forever, or the government will inflate another easy credit bubble, the debt of the government has replaced the debt of the private sector in just the last year, and without a plan to reduce the fiscal deficit in the years to come, to avoid default they will create a monetary inflation. Legislation alone will not solve the problem; together people need to teach others the benefits of success and the flaws of socialism.

-------------------//.Works Cited:

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Associated Press. (2010, January 20). Senate Democrats Propose $1.9T Increase to U.S. Debt Limit. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from
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18 April 2010

My Shadow

Trapped behind the eyes, on the other side of nothingness, convinced that fuel is the light. I must consume all with a soulless hunger, driven by the urge to shine, held by the darkest of night. Tear the earth from the soil and make the energy my own, beneath the cold and all of the wars, within the deepest sounds there is darkness. Informed and fully aware of reprehensible collateral, will set forth if not to train. Lament the tides of anger and cold wrath but before finish hope to include the nothingness, nihilist empty words of incomplete divinity, boring textile emotions for which there is only a simple I, were the dawn. If I were a past, than complacent were of this ambivalent trade, for the apathy grows with the droves below the sundry lane. If the light shines on hate filled hearts, than the precipice islands where the sun, burns at the life, will draw in the spider at full moon’s sweet and somber song.

13 April 2010


He stared up above, when he was just one,
At the new turtle dove, and the heavenly sun,
He'd listen to wind, as it blew through the trees,
Discovering song, of the new winter breeze,
He left from his house, when he was just three,
To live with a mouse, in a willow snap tree,
He'd slide down in the day, and climb up at night,
Then talk to the owls, and go for a flight,
He whips through the air, and misses the ground,
And steals the fowl feathers, to fly himself down,
Then jump on a cat, and play in the weeds,
They're off to the lake, to play in the reeds,
Than jumping and skipping, and making a wish,
To finish his swimming, and wait for a fish,
And all of the living, in days that can mend,
As the summer keeps giving, in the days without end.

05 April 2010

Night Terrors: 1 - The Beginning of the End

Night Terrors:  1 - The Beginning of the End

A man dressed as any other criminal, walks a dark and messy alley, among the vagabond homeless and the rats, his boots knocking the ground as he passes through the shadows toward the scene of a vulgar crime of one man and a defenseless woman held at knife point. On the wall, completely hidden in darkness, silent and sheathed in shadow, crawl the creatures of the night, watching, always waiting for a kill, to scavenge the remains of bodies or less.

The walking individual says,
"Did you not know that the royal hunting grounds are always forbidden," to the vile criminal who turns and lunges. The vigilante takes the leading arm and throws the miscreant to an even darker part of the alleyway.

"Kill him," whisper the shadows.
"Kill him," shouted the assailant.
"They will not kill the killers," replied the nightwalker.

He draws a gun on the wretch who scours by hand the dirty and slimy alley floor for a weapon without having pulled up his trousers.

"What color is the night?" asked the man with the gun.
On the ground, he halted his search for defensive object; in confusion, he asks the man, "What?”
"What color is the night?" the man with the gun asked again.
"…Black...?” the thief replied.
 "No...," a flash of light, "...white."
He walks away with the shadows feeding in the darkness.

Precipice: A Dream within a Dream

Precipice: A Dream within a Dream

An evening between the throes of passion and doubt, a lover feeds another exotic and rare aphrodisiac berries, a night of loved caresses and tantric breaths. Within a dream, he awakes downstairs in his coffee shop overlooking the beach. He hears a commotion, early zombie patrons killed w/ brutish violence, next door is a weapons store, a gun shop, and the owner noticing the zombies at the same time.

"Where are your real guns?"
"We're not allowed to sell those"
"Where the fuck, are your Machine Guns!"
"There are none, look there's an opening, let’s make a break for it"

The gunman leaves and is mauled. The man from the cafe grabs a shotgun, single shot, and goes out firing but does not make it very far. He awakes to a noise in the beachfront cafe, the morning undead disturbing the shop below, this time after arguing, the gun shop owner makes it to his car, but forgets his keys and rushing back to get them, gets mauled. The man from the cafe makes it to freedom from the café with the man’s keys to his car carrying double revolvers. With the car, he flees but not as far as planned, without choice abandons it in the cross-town area, but becoming trapped without escape, the evil minds attack.

He awakes to find his lover is a zombie, from a scar unmentioned. He immortalizes the undead spouse, attaching her to the spires of the gates below the balcony, kills the two zombie patrons downstairs, and runs to the gun shop but this time into the woods. From the wood, he hears gunshots in pursuit, two men raiding the weapon shop are fighting the zombies, he joins to aid them and they travel through the town.

“We can be heroes, the first to do so by massacre.”
“I don’t want to be a hero.”
“We just need to stop at every gun shop, pawn shop, and liquor store on our way.”

Travel through the alleys, not the streets to the marina, where several zombies are at the coastal beach line. With a gas mask, a man in a black robe is taking people aboard who have waited several days without becoming the undead, in the shadow of a long bridge to the inland that stands in two, at the marina. The gun toting marauders whom have joined him succumb to infection hence and turn into the holy undead. One of them attacks him, but he goes unscathed allied by several of those waiting on the beaches who are not zombies. A boat arrives and loads people from the docks only who have been out waiting for days. The bridge is broken, the harbor is full of lifeless bodies, and full of zombies, as the man from the cafe meets a girl in uniform. He helps her kill a zombie and many more as they approach, finding love at first plight. They make quickly long spears and pin back zombies while the other chops the heads, in command of a civilian troupe. Eventually making it to the island, they plan to move to the islands of the north in the new migration planned by the religious ones.

02 April 2010

Merlin – 14 Vainglory

Merlin – 14 Vainglory

Merlin has some ice wine smiling, laughing after he puts the glass to the nearest servant tray, his eyes sparkle like blue ice with each drink. The king is soon to follow out into the open butcher's arena. The king stands before Nickolas, looking at a man staring to him with cold and vacant eyes. He stands somber trying to give the impression of a heartless monster.

Nickolas – “It is so cold here.”
King – “Speak than move.”

Nickolas slowly drops the double axe. Blood drips and looks like his arm is bleeding. Merlin swirls his drink and breaths a frost-filled mist over the glass. The contents turn a crystal blue color and he hand it to the queen, she takes it from him , as Nickolas picks a few stone with a contempt glance for the queen in a confident manner, lifting piece after piece, gathering a few, with one hand, of the broken and shattered diamond spider's eye.

The king finishes killing the spider with a sword from the wayside, and carves with a dagger from his waist until eventually taking an outer carapace of the spider covered in diamonds and glimmering armor from the giant insect. Holding the shell in his arms, he takes it to the preparatory table in the room as he then begins wiping his own hands, leaving the carcass where it lay as the others begin to butcher. he took his piece of stiff hide and placed it upon the table top with the surface below, allowing the blood to pool in the center. He held his hand out, pointing to the servants who then rushed to his side with their trays and empty cups, as he then took one of the chalices, poured the pooled blood from the shell, and makes a toast. "To the tribe of man," said the king. Merlin rises and walks to the king to take his own cup and pour the same red delight. only Merlin boiled his in the metal stein before toasting with the King. "To the age of empires," Merlin replied and answered the king, "Drink we will until the last drop.”

They toast its blood as does the King, Queen, and others, not finishing before Nickolas wiping the crystal blood from his loot and checking his pockets distracts Merlin.

“Merlin,” said the wintry king, ushering for him and Merlin to collide their goblets.
“We must be leaving.”
“With your apprentice," asked the king.
“To the low town,” Merlin answered.
“God speed,” said the king unto them.

Merlin and Nickolas give their final departure salutations, formalities of respect and farewells and leave the premises.

Outside they stand, twin doors closing behind them, at the top of a long road that winds down along the backside of the mountain like a silver snake. The ice lake comes near to the edge of the mountain, a frozen lake atop a silent volcano.

Nickolas, "This is not the road we came."
Merlin, "This is the road that the travelers use."
Nickolas, "This will be our fastest approach to rejoin the others?"
Merlin, "Yes but first I need you take this..."

Merlin slips one of the necklaces he took from within the lower sanctum, wrapped over his hand. He holds it out and wraps his fingers around it, making his hand glow the same color of the water of the vision pool from the coastal court. The light dies out and he hands it to Nickolas. "Wear this, and be well in your journey," said Merlin as he passed the ware with an indeterminate and honest gaze upon his face. "What does it do?" asked Nickolas. "It’s an aid to your regeneracy. You will heal better, hastening your experience between death and reawakening," said he. "Thank you," Nickolas replied with humble gratitude. They begin their dawn tread, within their first paces a Northern Raven flies away, bored of their hap.

Moments later, a wraith comes out and Merlin without a glowing feature causes a wind without light that has a radiant resonance different from the air, but the same color of the near clear icy walls and the grey mountain, that causes the spirit to emanate a vapor-like smoke. To their side is the ice lake, separated from them by a small shoreline and the sharp and jagged edges that grow tall, along the lengthy descending path. A slow and small but steady stream, trickles down the path at one side beneath the morning sun. The spiritual context of the undead wraith, the essence of evil, blows away into the passing wind stream above the trail of tears. Nothing holds the wraith together, having neither dimensional ether nor tangible essence. The ghost falls apart like dust in the wind where shadows fall.

A single sun passes overhead, into the respite of the ice valley and the frozen lake above their location over the dangerous ridge above them. In the shadow of the day, the water that had flowed downhill, had long since frozen in the lower area, Nickolas begins to slip and slide as Merlin watches him slide away, attempting to slow.

Merlin pushes himself forward while sliding on his feet, sliding sideways passed Nickolas who has almost stopped. As he passes, he smiled and gave cross look. "It is only one road down," Merlin shouted as he passed. Without a tall cane, he slides away, wavering in the turn ahead with his face to the mountain and back to the land below them, ahead he threw his arms out for balance at the curve before slipping out of sight. Nickolas pushes himself, gathering his gifted fur beneath him, and briskly slides down the mountain again.

At the bottom of hill, the plains begin to sing the lonely ghost song, the howl of the weather gives off the sounds of turmoil and unrest of the undead in the winds above their head.

Merlin – “There are many great things belong to the cold, and with anything of worth, there is envy."
"Even with the dead?” asked Nickolas.

Merlin – “So many ghosts of war here..., they feed on each other until only the worst of the worst survive fighting for what they no doubt believe will be their and only their redemption at the city of light.”

Nickolas – “They war from beyond the grave?”
Merlin – “Their souls still wander.”

The two travelers shuffle along within the essence of the shadow song of the midday fields.

With pale skin in a black coat, a creature long of fanged teeth sweeping sneaked through the walk of the seminary, hustling with drive and clarity of vision. Within both silence and stealth, he dashes through the gardens and courtyards decorated with vines in the moonlit open night air. As behind him an explosion of great magnitude exacted it purpose to ultimately destroy a building with malicious raucous, as he slips into a covered walk behind aspiring ferns as many run to the disruption, abandoning the vicar of the medley in his quarters.

Our vampire let himself in through the closing door and began a torrent of death, snapping necks and venting arteries as he made his way to the sleeping chambers of the high pontiff. He stands holding the high priest, holding him hostage to negotiate a surrender of the inadequately armed guards, whom each held only an ornamental spear from the walls for curtain reeds and flag posts. With their surrender the rendered them unconscious one by one starting with their leader, and by time awakened they, the vampire had tied and lashed them to the chairs and posts of the room. Two rooks, two knights and the bishop tied as they watch the vampire set glass containers of explosive powders across the floor in front of the doorway, on windowsills and in the laps of those with bent knees.

Vampire John, “If you break the glass, you might become ash.” He turns to two of the guards and drains them, one left lifeless by an extreme loss of blood, the other an inhalation of his soul, viewed by those that wait tied and remain. He then placed a few empty vials and a length of the fuse with the second drained man. "What do you want?" cried the priest in utmost desperation. "I would like you to pray please." the word please held long and with intimidation, displaying the teeth before he truly smiled, laughed, taking a jacket from one of the dead and walking from the quarters. From outside the domicile blasts larger than did the first, close behind him walking passed a stone cross and away from an intrinsic fire.

The vampire with a strong and continued inclination for explosives spends the following day procuring supplies for his skill in the alleys and halls of the lower end of the city where the clouds cover until midday when the sun breaks out from a rainy morning. The shadowy vampire lurks among the city in wait of its lord, a chimera demon with the traits of seven creatures of the dawn and dusk.

Scales of a snake, fangs of a cat, claws of a hawk, eyes of the night wolf, wings of a dragon, the blind hearing of the vampire, in the body of a man, hidden in a shape-shifting cloaking disguise among a tall collar of a trench coat. Rain wet hair pushed away from his eyes hanging off to the side of his face, with complexion fair as any other man, the lineage of a chameleon hunter caste. Alongside the demon strode a werewolf minion who answers to the beckoning of Fenris, who accompanies the virtuous demon into the public thoroughfare where an announcement to a large throng is commencing. It is a declaration made by the leaders of the church, made apparent by the red carpet to a podium outside of the gates of a royal estate within the city, and the numerous men in robes and large hoods, among them the vampire with a penchant for explosives now in a much larger hood. Stealing a leg of lamb, the two stop and listen in attendance from the rear of the crowd.

Vicar – “We are criminalizing the owning of explosive by magicians and jesters and anyone else who is not a miner. If the palace sentries locate any said items, by the king’s decree, you will face imprisonment by the guards to await trail. That is all.”

The church vicars head through the gates in front of their property but as they do the vampire, who favors fire as a weapon, walks away with them. As they retreat into the confines of the complex he exits from the fanfare telling the speaker in seeming adoration, “I'll be back shortly your eminence,” brushing his hand against the speaker as the pontiff turns away unbeknownst of the clues to a vicious plot.

As the crowd begins to clear the scene, as the vampire exits the property of the church, the chimera demon in disguise drinks from a greenly glowing ampoule and tosses the glass to the ground, a wave of scales like cutis anserine, sheen once over but stay hidden. As he had drinks, a green air glows and a magical curse overwhelms a confident pontiff who stumbles over the ground holding one hand to the side of his head behind the hidden demon who walks away ambivalent.

After shaking a few hands, the vicar falls in the distance. The vampire notices Fenris and joins the two, the chimera demon and his two men walk away into an alley. At the first door of the alley Fenris enters and in an instant steps out and nods his head in accordance. In close quarters, the chimera grabs the vampire and throws him into a mirror clenching the throat, blood seeps from the cuts in both his hand and his captive.

Chimera – “You were supposed to have killed the deacon!"
Vampire, "He might have a double," He said with an inkling of confusion.

The pale demon in black armor, pulls him away from the broken mirror to which the vampire holds no reflection, “he might,” said he loudly as he smashes the mirror with him again, “have a double, john!?” he smashed him into it again.

Fenris stands to the dark end of the hallway, listening for patrons from the house to enter the hallway, as a man enters from the alleyway, “is there a problem,” asked the man, to whom the chimera replies, "he could not pay for his pleasures.”
“Can you pay?” asked Fenris showing a mouthful of canine teeth. The man drops his money and runs. The poly-demon turns his attention back to Vampire John.

Chimera – “See, a man who knows what need be done.” He pushes the vampire into the glass.
Vampire – “All knowing lord, wait!”

The chimera demon begins a raspy spell as he shows his true form the chimera has armor-plated teeth, as if he had once bitten a freshly made sword of a smith before immersion into water. During a coarse incantation, he grabs a piece of the broken mirror and slices vampire john's throat. It does not kill him, but silences him as he cringes in writhing coil. He coughs up blood as the chimera plucks an eye and eats it, hoping he witness the gore running down his face. The fiend grabs the neck, burning the throat with fiery scorning hands and slams a narrow candle into the open eye socket.

“Fenris,” said the chimera, and the werewolf Fenris, strikes a match and lights the candle. With another shard of the mirror, he stabs the throat again and then cuts the wall above their head. The vampire is dying, the wick of the candle still burning in the well of vampire john's right eye, burning in the well of the eye into the cranium, wax rolling poetic. The chimera makes a third and final incantation, and he slices the wall again.

“As you can see, Fenris wants to eat your heart, but I want to send you to the fires beyond.”

The tear becomes a hole, a fiery hole, in the hole at the bottom venom inside dripping to the floor from the tear, melting down a small area in the wall. Within the opening, begins an eruption of fire in the wall from above his head to just below his shoulders and small arms of the rotting dead pull the vampire off the ground and into the wall as the hole begins to set fire to the wall as the hole closes. In the alley, the chimera demon hides his appearance once more. Fenris, the shape-shifter of wolf and man, has not changed but for his grin and returns his appearance to that of a man as well.

Chimera – “I want you to cull the priest, we are the law.”
Fenris – “Should I end his life?”

The devious monster collects his thoughts, the time, place and severity, showing temperance as he pauses and replies as if it were a foolish question of Fenris.

Chimera – “Go to the sick and dying diocese and kill him while in disguise.”

A long road leads straight away, passed the lake, and the water’s edge, along a steep mountainside as far as possible to the town. Ana, Troy and his still yet unnamed phoenix, wait in rummaging keep. Only yards away, a short and moment’s distance is a second road, perpendicular to the one below their feet at the foothill basin of the mountain, the basin road exiting exactly to the right into the plains.

Troy and Ana are selling stones to a barker and shopkeeper, wide open to the street, as Merlin and Nickolas approach from far into the distance. The storekeeper who had traded often is guile and sly with dealings asks Ana, "I must buy this for less, I must pay for my friend who is not right you see." an absolute deceit, his friend laughs.

Ana – “It's for money to get this boy to Avalon.”
Shopkeeper – “You've been selling those all over town, there is no doubt that they come cheap to you. Be kind and make sale of which I can afford.”

Without notice, a thieving predator of the street attacks Ana, getting her wrapped into his arms in front of him, with a knife to her throat by some sense of surprise.

“Let her go, we will pay you,” said the elderly owner with a sense of disparity. Ana notices Merlin put his arm out in front of Nickolas far down the path.
Ana – “Worry that my allies will not sever you from existence.”
Bandit – “I’m not worried about that little boy and that little bird. Now drop your purse to the ground," he angrily said to the side of her face.
“Worry about me,” Ana said.

She begins to glow, causing the robber physical shock, but Merlin and Nickolas stop the violence before she can burn him alive. Nickolas comes running in from the distance and leaps to kick the villain at his side, but when they collided Nickolas was left absorbing half of the shock administered to the robber, ultimately saving the robbers life, as Nickolas begins his change of death in the dusty street, he awakens shaking his head commenting, “Electrical.”

Merlin makes jest, “She is usually more mad, give your money to this shop keep and be on your way.” He does of course, ambling off with one arm wrapped around him to his side where Nickolas had leapt to kick him and the other to the side of his head where he had struck the ground in his fall.

Merlin – “We were never here,” said Merlin to the shopkeeper. The old man nodded and they leave whispering and knocking the dust from their clothes. Troy now has the leather armor, by and of the means of Merlin's request, and wears a brace of his arm to ward it from the bow strings and lancing blades accompanied by a nearly hidden dagger and a small but straight dagger, cleverly but not perfectly hidden in his belt inside of his cloak.

A small discussion of commonplace worries as they enter an inn with a sign above the door that reads The Fetter's Ampoule, disturbing a preened and clean raven without a tufted mane, from its perch on the bottom half of the door, as they enter the tavern filled with supine and dullard day drinkers.

With an eye on the door, they sit and count their coins and collected wealth, within the alehouse as they reminisce, trading stories of the elves’ world and others. Ordering a meal, they start a fire as the brightness of the outside world begins to lose a battle with the clouded sky.

Ana – “…And do you remember Lucian in the dragon box?”
Troy – “What is a dragon box?”
Nickolas – “They put you in a large wooden box, with a dragon, and the only thing separating you is a board as big as the side of one of the walls.”
Merlin – “The dragon can reach under the board easier than you can. If it gets mad it might breathe fire through the board, or out of the side and attack you like a meal in a box, very agonizing.”

Ana – “Only wizards ever survive.”
Troy – “It sounds dreadful.”
Nickolas – “It is tragic.”
Ana – “They also put people to the test of flame to drive us out into the open.”
Troy – “I’m sorry I don’t understand.”
Nickolas – “Magic is not always welcome.”
Ana – “They often taunt magicians to be heroes.”

Nickolas and Ana sit comfortably together as a group of men enters the slum and gutter dwellers pushed aside as the gathering heartily girded men possibly bankers, clear a place for themselves.

Barkeep – “What can we do for you gentlemen?”

From within the group a fat man walked to the bar and says, “That is to say who gives fullest measure of good morality and general pleasure, shall be given a supper, paid by all.”
“Here in this tavern or in every hall, sir?” asked the barkeep. The hefty man says, after first catching his fat breath says, “Give this lot a round of your cheapest wine and bring us your best.”

The heavy man drops a pouch of coins directly into the owner’s hand. After looking into the bag the owner says, “Let me stow this and run down to the cellar.”

“Very good,” replied the hearty man, and he then walks to the back of the room to join his friends.

Troy – “Where did you learn your skills?”
Merlin – “I was born with them, as were you.”
Nickolas asks, “A new race?”
Ana – “No, we are the children of the gods.”
Merlin – “At one time every soul, on every world, was a special god, but then came children with no gift or power. A child of name not worth mentioning, was born a human, murdered by accident by another deity of the heavens, and from this came forth a fearsome war. For many families and fires died in the war between the Vanir and the Aesir until the cause forgotten. They fought at this point for ages for control of the kingdom of humanity…, to which the victor is Odin, who rules from the great and holy house of Aesir as we speak.”

The large men grew abruptly quiet and held their cups in the air, to which they raised their own in apprehension, taking a drink as both of their conversations resume.

Troy – “So I’m not the new race?”
Merlin – “You're the old race.”
“So are you," said Ana to Nickolas.
Merlin – “You're parents had no doubt some small trick they used to grow their fortune, or sow their fields.”

Troy sullenly contemplated then takes a large gulp of his mead, as the loud men in the back made a cheer to some fallen comrade, drinking drafts of vintage red and yellow ales. In the silence, Merlin stands and walks to the boisterous party.

Merlin – “Would you like to see some magic, my fortunate friends?” said Merlin to the men in the back of the room. They give a jovial cheer and Merlin walks over to them and their mess of spilled cups and stained cards.

Outside, a man in an immense black hood draws a knife on the demon but is useless to everything but cowering at the ferocity of the ghastly being in its true colors. The chimera impoverishes the soul of the criminal, which had been the one who attacked Ana at the storefront from earlier, to depletion. The chimera holds his victim with armored gloves made of viciously sharp gauntlets, which like talons and the locking vise of venomous vipers piercingly latch into the back of the lowly criminal.

From the roof of the adjacent building, Fenris leaps down to the alley, between the chimera and the main road. The commotion causes a passerby of the street to look down the alley anon, with an arch of the chimera's penetrated claws, the victimized white zombie cringes, already hanging low in his shoulders, nearly lifeless and waves to the walker. Fenris looks back after the pedestrian passes and says, “My reconnaissance complete, I will enter in the midnight.”

Chimera – “Dispose of this and feed on one of those victual sellers; you cause me wanton attention and fray.”
Fenris – “…and to meet you again, lord?”
Chimera – “Show after the time of an ides fall…at my lair.”

Of wolf and man, Fenris turns and vanishes around a corner of the steamy dank alley in a vanishing instant swiftly shifting out of sight and out of mind.

The chimera enters the establishment with minimal stealth, much ado spirit and verve alone and smug. One of the regular patrons notifies the disguised chimera that the bankers are buying holiday drinks for all. Throwing knives in the back drunk, the bankers bet money on who is the first to hit Merlin but consistently he is impervious because of his magical wind spell usage. As the chimera sits enjoying the entertainment while feigning his powers from one of the nearby souses, Merlin notices but considers it immemorial because it looks like smoke from the pipes and fireplace in the room drifting.

The chimera, still in sheep's skin, camouflaged of attributes of man, greets a free drink brought by the barkeep. The large man, who hurls the daggers and Viking axe, is a wrangler and buffoon, he has a store of tavern stories, filthy in the main, his was a master hand at stealing grain in swindling keep, but not a skilled artisan of impalement. For his throw no more than half, even made it between Merlin’s shoulders, most often in cloisters of clumsy thwacks, far from Merlin's bother. The hurler turned to make a snide comment to his cohorts who rebuke to him a disappointment in his ability to maim the wizard, so he bottoms a tankard, and turns throwing a dagger, reflected it flies across the room.

The knife hits Nickolas in the throat and they immediately drag him into the alley and set him on some boxes as the chimera laughs overwhelmingly amongst the concerns of everyone, seeking nor truth or consequence. The knife thrower wails in discontent and profusely apologizes outside as Nickolas regains, the big man apologizes again profusely, begging Nickolas to thrive. Nickolas tells him, “It isn't as bad as it seems. We'll just patch things," bloody and discontent.

Merlin – “Are you well?”
Nickolas – “Yes, but now sober.”
Merlin laughs to the banker's confusion. Merlin, Ana and Troy enter the barroom again, silent but without sullen appearance. As they do, their silence leads the room to believe Nickolas had just died, but as Nickolas enters with his arm over the banker, the crowd cheer, as Nickolas rejects the assistance in walking.

Anxiety drowned in astonishment fills the contention of the chimera's thoughts. Quietly his manners well taught withal for the super beast, as he waits for a proper time to abscond the undead Nickolas, who in normal instance should be. He had seen what Merlin could do, but does not know the limits of his abilities, so he waits unmannerly but quiet.

The binge of inebriation continues as everyone drinks away from lucidity, as the silent chimera slows his drinking. With sympathies and tender feelings, the group comes to understand or accept what had happened in their own logic. Nickolas sits and drinks strong red wine ‘till all is hazy confidingly, with Ana herself becoming lofty, as she and Nickolas continue a reticent flattering and prevarication.

“I've become a river,” said Nickolas as he stammered to his feet, beginning toward the alley. The ruthless demon, creeps along the walls in a mask of shadow, in the rolling commotion of the bankers, noticed only as he passes afore the fireplace, by Merlin as a distracting movement at the edge of his consciousness. Concerned he moves toward the back exit, but temporarily halted by the drunk and disorderly the finest beggar of the room, asks Merlin for more magic, becoming insistent on more parlor tricks. Nickolas exits as does the hellion, in the alley where the killers run, the chimera creature apprehends Nickolas, slipping away unfettered.

Analysis of an Abstract

Analysis of an Abstract

Matthew J. Banks

     Ever changing, malleable and emotional, every day the written word is available for everyone to read. While the world changes we can be informed of what we need while remaining the same. The writing style of an author may influence their readers positively or negatively, intentionally or unintentionally. Most writers strive to remain an outlet of apt description while attempting relevancy to the topic. Though it may be easy to define a writing style, it may be impossible to do accurately by ourselves and by others.

     I find the tornado to be best fitting of a representation of my journalistic/journalized writing having moved through facts, information, events, history, consuming and releasing a new scene behind me. A tornado is the dangerous result of two climates combining, my writing is similar as a combination of my intent to write combined with a request of me to write something on paper, similarly destructive and unfortunate. What lay behind my creative path is a new esoteric speech or science fiction short story, opinion essay, rhetorical fictional horoscope or editorial of and about nothing or nature, or something. The energy in that out, I cannot define nature and my writings do not destroy the past but tear into the future.

     I was never one to appreciate writing early in school, but was one for reading. Never correlating the connection between the two, I continued my childhood as any other child, stumbling and telling stories with a creative dissidence, not knowing that some of the greatest works of my time and the times past had been fictional works of literature themselves. My mother attended a weekly poetry society event during her years of college held at a fellow alumni’s house, to which I attended. It gave me the opportunity to listen to the writings of the professors as well as students, while forming my own opinion of what a writing style should be and on rare occasion I participated in the event if I wasn’t asleep in the late hours. Their voices calm and monotone, the lengthy pages seeming to stretch loftily into the night, I spent many a late evening drifting off to the sound of one or more of her professors reading page after page of poetry in stanza.

     I often idolized the writers and their ability, as much as I was captivated, at such a young age, by the images thrown into my mind. After becoming an English teacher, my mother had her own version, a poetry club for students. It was another weekly effort to provide cultural enhancements to a generation of television and twenty-four hour news. Having not the ability to go home during her afterschool poetry society, I attended and took an interest anew in the writing if not begrudgingly. The admiration of writers came about strongly at this time because sitting and trading whimsical tales and lore, once again seemed to bond together the many different types of common people. Oft given is a unanimous appreciation of the participants, if not also a chance to learn from each other in a more traditional nature by our actions.

     Writing for me is an attempt at seeking adoration without being there in person, a simple form of remote criticism and ethicality. An addictive thrill is each creative work when admired after each unique creation. My intention is to supersede the last creative literary work in depth and detail, to satisfy the imaginative minds of the audience. I desire a writing style that not only builds on intended structure, the rough draft being the base and subsequent drafts until I finish a work. I often build literature with a strong theoretical base and build upward, with drafts, grammar and syntax until I fill the pinnacle point.

     I want my writing style to be innovating, new and conceptual, as well as informative, every time drawing a picture in the mind. As for each creation’s proper symbolism, the first picture of the slides is my desired intention. I admire the way that it maintains a visual fabric, while the metaphor plays out on different levels, with its Art Deco, early 1930’s industrial American multicolored oil painting image with earth tones of two separate graphing arrows on a figures chart with a sporadically bounding movement. Each of the lines seem to separate with a skewed aspect, with little people dancing and fully aware to their location as they watch the lines of the chart progress, a position of observance in both reality and idealism. My literary aspirations involve creating a scene within a scene, for a creative depiction of a process and its actions and results, and include the true setting, where only those involved can observe the actions of the story.

Open-Source Software: Peer Production Technology

Open-Source Software: Peer Production Technology

Matthew J. Banks

      Open source software is a free distribution of software and its source code. It is now a utility used by a variety of public and private sectors including education, commerce, networking and telephony, and of all of these by the governments and militaries of the world in one form of another.

     The question is if any companies make money by offering open source products. More often than not, the answer is no. If a software creator has the task to create a program they will, but once constructed, the code is either theirs to distribute freely or not. Companies that have become vendors of open source products often rely heavily on freeware and aware advertising to promote their software, in the event that the software utility is obscure. Many useless and unwarranted applications as well as faulty operating systems fall to the wayside as desire and interest go toward useful applications of necessity. If the original code is available as open source, the alterations for new emerging software and its code can be under the same-marketed name, drawing notoriety for the original open source software.

     If a particular open source utility becomes widely used, scores of developers can become the engineers and experts for a popular and accepted program, paid a considerable or appropriate amount of payment, bound to a set of standards and quality by a universal tested and certified professionals. Certain industry standards can provide the means for subscription technical support, contract support and employment in industries and locations that require on-site professionals to maintain and upgrade a particular open source offering.

     Open source companies most commonly have an open source business model, selling services instead of good to maintain a successful operation. Hired software engineers at the center of a distribution company, develop the code with additional corrections made and published by members of an open source community around the world, considering that the source code is free, public and popular. Successfully functional software is than appended to or replaces the code if tested verified and approved by the vendor.

     Open source companies make money when people who use their software pay for technical support, when they purchase distributions and accompanying support, when they purchase additional software components to existing software installations or when buying proprietary hardware, specific to source code, or memorabilia with company logos on them. Recently the situation has developed that open source software is replacing the tasks of existing technologies to which certified professionals are offering training and support as company-trained experts or as individual contractors to a profit for themselves for an OS, application server, database and other software on which end-user applications are built (Montalbano, 2006). In the open source market, the infamous players are Red Hat, Mozilla, Sun Microsystems, IBM, and Google contribute heavily to the open source market with their creations of proprietary and secondary applications designed from the original open source project in the technical world, UNIX/Linux.

     Open source operating systems are not the norm, as many market competitors and code developers contest the favor, necessity and acceptance of open source code in the marketplace. Red Hat makes money selling an open source operating system that comes with technical support, distributing the actual data-medium (disc) only with the purchase of implementation and maintenance support, providing security updates when system flaws are discovered (Red Hat). Like many open source operating systems, Red Hat profits from temporary and subscription renewable contract customer service. In fact, it excels at it, making sure that every professional who is to help customers with technical issues, receive training and certification in Red Hat’s vendor specific certification. These professionals may communicate from Red Hat’s central location, or may be on-site specialist sent by the company.

     It does not always make sense to purchase open source products for a fee, if you can maintain an installation yourself, efficiency is not required to have a constant throughput and one trust themselves to be confident enough to maintain such a situation, then the ability is at the discretion of the operator. If a free copy of a word processing program exists and important documents need publishing before an unfunded deadline, a student will most likely be in the position to advance their efforts into utilization of the free open source software. Similarly, if an end-user decides to salvage a node for an additional terminal, irrelevant to the productivity of the network, a free solution will save time and money.

     Alternatively, subscription assistance services of open source software operating systems and application solutions may be a necessity when considering the value of system efficiency, user productivity and financial damage brought if operations stop for even an instant. Though a free distribution of open source application or operating systems software may be available, how venerated it is may be conspicuous. Free does not mean that software attained is without malicious code or functional by means of a community of fellow users, or that it has documentation to educate proficiency for maintenance without help from experienced professionals. These facts make one wonder if open source programs make any money. A software vendor does not make any money when providing software that goes unneeded or unwanted, but a successful open source solution is unable to ignore.

Works Cited

Montalbano, E. (2006, February 16). Osbc: professional open source grows up. Retrieved from

Red Hat,. (n.d.). Value of a red hat subscription. Retrieved from

IPv6: The Next Generation Internet

IPv6: The Next Generation Internet

Matthew J. Banks

     Communication protocols by design allow communication with unique identifiers known as network addresses. In their inception, these addresses only encompassed a network size of 2tothe8th,
(Computer World Australia, 2005) and as users eventually came to, the available designations would have to expand, and have done so to the IPv4 of commonplace and practice to the urgently needed IPv6 solution. Seemingly, as a workstation would create a DNS request to a DNS, the DHCP server will request each available workstation to acknowledge the DHCP and identify itself (ARS Technica, 2007). So called ‘router advertisements’ generate their own lower 64 bits in completion of the host address in tandem with the DNS network address using the process of network discovery, among other silent protocols.

     Seamless transfer of data on new highly efficient innovations of IPv6, create a great deal of improvement to IPv4 and make an incredible contribution to the improvement of QoS for all existing networks as each communication is streamlined by reverse compatible DHCP information that will one day make DHCP protocols obsolete (ARS Technica, 2007). With the ability to administer addresses in the format of IPv4 in addition to a seamless ability to administer and resolve IP information, as comprehension, availability and the diminishing ability for IPv4 to handle the addressing needs of a planet, slowly but surely IPv6 will ultimately be the technical world’s final solution, reducing overall costs.

     Also in simple address translation, next generation IP addressing, IPv6, regular addressing provides global unicast addresses, in a similar fashion to IPv4. As for IPv6, the IETF have devised a way to address additional address types. Link local addresses begin in the fe80 network range and are used predominantly by the network for internal and sublevel processes, such as the DHCP notifications and broadcasts used to maintain a seamless communication with gateways and DNS, as previously mentioned, as well as background network discovery for public file sharing and other network utilities. A random block from the IPv6 address space, used to avoid assignment of duplicate addresses or shared address space , similar to RFC 1918 (Network Working Group, 1996), by separate organizations, starting with the Hexadecimal annotation fd. Such duplication and congestion causes confusion. Multicasting sends information and block data simultaneously to multiple users with a shared group address for the purpose of auto-configuration of session protocols, network discovery and over the internet as video broadcasts. In the case of wireless communication, under the use of IPv6, transmission are sent to the multicast IP address, allowing systems to ignore the packets sent or filter them at the point of the gateway switch, by IPv6 devices with the advantage of denying transmission to unwanted listeners in a call, request and acknowledge IPv6 network.

     This pales in comparison to IPv4, which in short detracts from the overwhelming benefits of the next generation of IP addressing, merely has 4,294,967,296 different values while using a 32-bit addressing architecture. This 32-bit addressing schema, set to complete its utilization before the end of the decade (ARS Technica, 2008) and most certainly replaced by IPv6, which has a 128-bit addressing parameter, (340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses or 2^128 or 340+ Duodecillion), designed by the IETF in 1995. (ARS Technica, 2007)

     IPv4 can be run alongside IPv6 for network and IPv4-IPv6 transitional purposes both allowing a smooth migration and essential time to procure security solutions for IPv6, that is as IPv6 protections become available they can be constructed to secure networks. Tunneling is also an available option of security by means of transferring data across an IPv4 proprietary network, using IPv4 security measures, to an IPv6 network address wherein the IPv4 components are stripped, as the packet continues over IPv6 implementation. (ARS Technica, 2007) (ZDNET UK, 2008)

     Both procedures are active together, with stacking being the default setting of current windows systems, and with manual tunneling protocols available. With these procedures managed by a system utilizing IPv6, after using its DNS communication methods and choosing the simplest and most feasible solution, preferring IPv6 communications despite IPv4 inquiries. (ARS Technica, 2007)

     Smaller, link local, networks, using IPv6, will connect in the opposite manner of DHCP using an exacted formula for addressing and recognition of nodes very similar to IPv4, where as computers receive an assigned address for automatic ‘surfing’ of the internet, yet dissimilar in the firewall aspect due to IPv4 networks being guarded under encryption.

     Much as with the need to transition to IPv6, newer firewall products with specific protections necessary to next generation IP addressing, will need to be designed, tested and implemented, just as today’s IPv6 gateways.

     With such an expansive addressing schema, different network address block-allocations, allow implementation of subnets with different purposes much as object classes or user groups, among the possibility of “mobility and multihoming extensions” (ARS Technica, 2007) in IPv6, allowing for an even likelier probability of connectivity. This extemporaneous mobility offers portability of streaming communiqué from the land based mediums such as a home or office, to a cellular option such as a telephone or vehicle.

     Pressure is building for network implementations to advance their installations to IPv6, often citing that the IPv4 expansion is slowly closing available addresses amongst concerns of informed network administrators with auspicious though favored issues with pricing, intricacy and useful adoptions of next generation IP addressing. Understanding the value of converting to IPv6, assessment of complacency and technological inhibitors, in a competitive communication based society and our desire to utilize technologies potential, will be a defining issue over the coming addressing evolution.

     With the advent of IPv6, a broader and intrinsic intricate design will become more manageable and scalable while reaching new markets and revenues while reducing costs of large scale and RFID security capable networks (Computer World Australia, 2005). Technically implementation will expand to cover a world network of information and those who need access.


Computer World Australia, Initials. (2005, November 18). Ipv6 forum chief: the new internet is ready for consumption. Retrieved from

ARS Technica, Initials. (2007, March 07). Everything you need to know about ipv6. Retrieved from

ZDNET UK, Initials. (2008, May 09). Icann attacks 'fat and happy' ipv4 users. Retrieved from

Network Working Group, Initials. (1996, February). Rfc1918 - address allocation for private internets. Retrieved from

American Democracy

American Democracy

Matthew Banks

     In the United States, where a population of hundreds of millions deems their version of democracy adequate and proper, there are three branches of government. First, there is the legislative, congress, which makes laws. Second, there is the judicial, supreme court, which interprets the laws. Thrice, there is the executive, the president, who executes laws. Each are defined by ordinary people to protect people so that they may do the same, this process and our freedom to do so can be altered by one vote, that more often than not, makes all the difference. To avoid catastrophe, democracy and its voters depend on the choice to defend the logical superior future, from ourselves.

     Without the process of democracy come civil wars between servants and conservatives, a neutral outcome with tolerant thresholds, without undermining the other in a delicate balance without offense to your caucus or constituency. It is an order of common rule held together “of the people, by the people, for the people,” (Lincoln, 1863), to ensure supervision of the system of government and education by its events and outcomes, to maintain a doctrine, which fits into the conformity of society. The members of the governing politic who, when viewed, are uniquely suited to uphold the truths of a democratic nation’s articles of law, e.g. The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, treaties etc., are composed and elected in such the very same democratic process, in order to maintain society. Within the ethical parameters of equality, every person involved has an equal vote to name a person to responsibility and power for a predefined time, or term limit. Cultures are finding that democracy shows the promise of reducing or stopping the growth of fascism.

     Such roles require unbiased patronage and careful consideration of judgments, for each decision will affect all equally in a united nation of peers. These decisions include approvals or rejections of organizations, safety/risks, financial systems and financial allocations and suitable recipients and the laws of justice and mercy. Their participation improves its ability to execute their duties, votes need not be unanimous, but more importantly logical, ethical and moral decisions are impassive without approval before legitimacy. Corruption may be recognized, accused, tried and punished according to vulnerable laws written by the government, and such changes are purportedly the wish of the people, to be enacted by new Representatives, Senators, and our Commander in Chief if deemed necessary by the corresponding citizen voters of a republic or their elected officials. Of common law in harrowing times, are the issues of monetary policy, child labor, union labor (adults), conditions of acceptability of varying tasks that one may withstand, trading conditions and embargoes, medical related trauma, illicit and/or controlled substances and the act of war.

     The failure of governments threatens the stability and survival of the commonwealth and its economy of a society beyond pilgrimage and crusade, requires a position of solidarity known as the president and if voting, the citizens may choose this person required to surmise the situation as does the representative of your community. The vote made of this position, much as any citizen vote provides a stopping point by means of checks and balances to decisions made by our government that effect the populace in a system of strong central and majority federal government (Madison, 1788).

     Through political history, governments have come and gone, some for many a good reason and those that thrive must be subject to strong, consolidated supervision. Vigilance can be maintained over our officials and of they to their cohorts, and though not perfect at inception the modern democratic politics is an ultimatum for fear, aggression, intimidation and subterfuge to be improved and maintain in the constant conflict with monarchy and dictatorships, as a deterrent to fascism and oppression.

     To protect ourselves from slavery and subversion by means of misinformation, one has the ability to protect people and programs, by a choice, to elect the leadership of today who will still be the heroes of tomorrow. Success requires those who may lead with conviction and character favoring honesty and legitimate debate. No other pariah can replicate the depth and scope of relevant government for the truth will set you free, and with democracy, we all have a voice, our silence only serves to make our concerns oblivious to the politics of the day. These perfected systems of checks and balances have been the byproduct of time, or taken from structurally flawed societies of yesteryear. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, which is an excessive risk to democracy, because the less that vote, the weaker it becomes.

     Morality supports a move to reform, but logic gives the initiative to those who deserve change and progress. If the issue is irrelevant, the freedom of a democratic regime allows ambivalence, one vote can sway the prolific interruption and radical upheaval of society, relying on a logical regard to law and order, in a living democracy often the people hold more responsibilities than their government does. In the modern era, to invoke equivocation is a mistake for the nation is our strength and our pride is its power and if per say one wishes to vote in opposition, save treason, votes can be made for anti-conformist, dangerous and extreme movements in a society of structure designed by truncating successive votes to allow the freedom of choice.
This idea of being free as of the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action is an ancient aspiration. Politicians of ancient glory held this seemingly modern idea, one of which is Caiaphas, the High Priest mentioned in The Gospel of John it says,

     "And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, ‘Ye know nothing at all, nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one many should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not (John, 11:49-50)."

     From this came the colloquialism – the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few – and from this, I believe democracy was born. Of events to which the ends do not justify the means you may stand against, systems may emulate others, by means of scrutiny experts may leave, rogue radical and ideologue movements may seize power and taxes built on empty promises can be voted against as utopian and egalitarian efforts can be put forth, but only if we vote. If one is sick of spoiled children taking and giving to others out of ignorance or instinct, vote against them.

Works Cited : American History. (n.d.). Checks and Balances: Defining Governmental Authority. Retrieved March 31, 2010, from

John. (11:49-50). John 11:49-50. In Bible, Bible.

Lincoln, A. (1863, November 19). The Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.:

Madison, J. (1788, February 6). The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments. The Federalist (51), p. 1.