
10 June 2009

The 101 Things To Do Before You Die

Just for posterity, I thought I'd share the full 101 things to do before die list.

  1. Write a Best-seller
  2. Swim with………
  3. Win an Award, Trophy or Prize
  4. Catch a fish with your bare hands
  5. Make a discovery
  6. Throw a house party when your parents are out
  7. Be Part of a threesome
  8. Realise your childhood dream
  9. Learn that instrument
  10. Leave your mark in graffiti
  11. Storm chase a tornado
  12. Get a piece of art into an exhibition
  13. Meet someone with your own name
  14. Ride the world’s biggest roller coasters
  15. Stage dive or crowd surf
  16. Get into the Guinness Book of Records
  17. Own a pointless collection
  18. Study the Kama Sutra and put theory into practice
  19. Master Poker and win big in a casino
  20. Get backstage and get off with a rock god
  21. Be a human guinea pig
  22. Go up in a hot air balloon
  23. Get arrested
  24. See a space shuttle launch
  25. Capture the moment in an award-winning photograph
  26. Bungee Jump
  27. See an erupting volcano
  28. Sky dive
  29. Meet your idol
  30. Stay in the best suite in a five star hotel
  31. Experience Weightlessness
  32. See the Aurora Borealis
  33. Get to score a hole in one
  34. Design your own cocktail
  35. Play a part in your favourite TV show
  36. Visit every country
  37. Make fire without matches
  38. See these animals in the wild
  39. Go to the dogs
  40. Get a free upgrade on a plane
  41. Be friends with your ex
  42. Hit your targets
  43. Throw a dart into a map and travel where it lands
  44. Attend a film premiere
  45. Do a runner from a fancy restaurant
  46. Scuba Dive
  47. Milk a cow
  48. Be present when your country wins the world cup
  49. See both solar and lunar eclipses
  50. Write your name over a star on the walk of fame
  51. Learn another language
  52. Read the greatest books ever written
  53. Complete a coast to coast road trip across America
  54. Make at least one huge purchase you can’t afford
  55. Score the winning goal/try/basket
  56. Gatecrash a fancy party
  57. See the all-time Greatest films
  58. Live in the place you love
  59. Leave a job you hate
  60. Take part in a police line-up
  61. Get away with the perfect practical joke or hoax
  62. Join the mile-high club
  63. Make the front page of a national newspaper
  64. Drive a car at top speed
  65. Shout “Drinks are on me!” in a pub or a bar
  66. Be part of a flash mob
  67. Visit……….
  68. Save someone’s life
  69. In various languages learn to………..
  70. Invent a word that makes it into the dictionary
  71. Have adventurous sex
  72. Have enough money to do all the things on the list
  73. Stand on the international date line
  74. Learn to fly a plane
  75. Get a tattoo and/or piercing
  76. Invent something
  77. Learn astronomy and read the night sky
  78. Drink a vintage wine
  79. Answer a personal ad
  80. Spend Christmas on the beach
  81. Get barred from a pub or bar
  82. Build your own house
  83. Skinny dip at midnight
  84. Sell your junk on eBay and make a profit
  85. Visit the world’s tallest buildings
  86. Run a marathon
  87. Conquer your fear
  88. Get married unusually
  89. Throw away the Instant Noodles
  90. Join the 16-mile high club
  91. Publish a cult website
  92. Own an original piece of art
  93. Complete the monopoly board pub crawl
  94. Get something named after you
  95. Get revenge
  96. Be an extra in a film
  97. Live out of a van
  98. Go on a demonstration
  99. Confess*
  100. Reach 100 years of age*
  101. Continue your gene pool

burning the U.S. constitution

we have taxation without representation when the government is run by czars who hold power without anybody to answer to, as they go over the head of the legislative and often judicial branches, superseding and contently usurping the authority of registered, researched, and elected officials, chosen to do the jobs at hand in the office they were elected.

i'm livid with anger every time i realize that "of the people, by the people, and for the people" have been overturned and assaulted by this czar system of fascism and the c.i.c./potus who cant obey the law.

hand outs, bailouts, for crying out loud! if this keeps up, there wont be an ungrateful country left to save, leaving more people with their hands out than afore and the 'itoldyouso's' who'll be quite only saying that.

An honest days work, for an honest days pay, but people are lying, cheating, and stealing, to lie cheat and steal perpetually. the lawful will take their rights into their manifest control, divine intervention, into their own hands to correct their destiny by returning their god given freedoms, as corrupt kings/bureaucrats damn us all, as they always do, and we will take back our lands. with a silent code of conduct, the evil will be felled before they knew what has happened.

death to the profligates who spend tax money that is not theirs. money that belongs to your unborn children, that belongs to efforts that benefit them, and not the forgetful liberal application of caste wars and corruption to payback the contributors to their corrupt cause and their shameless deceit and exploitation.

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not lie, cheat, and lie some more.