
17 March 2009

Arkansas the Nation State

The Arkansas state legislature attempted to pass a legislation that gave them the right to deny the government, in the shadow of the Federal Reserve mind you, the ability to impose government protectionism in the confines of corporate law.

An Arkansan backer of the state’s sovereignty act, compared the measure to redrawing the lines of a football field to remind people of the boundaries, as the Democrat majorities’ committee that considered the measure stated the Constitution itself is a good enough guide on its own. The House, State Agencies and local commerce voted mostly against the sovereignty resolution Wednesday, without any bipartisanship in the measure's support. As the law exists, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Its ethical architecture intends to replace a state law or state law amendment, to provide order in an evil environment if the law does not meet the Democratic moral standard, that is, meet the standard of the status quo, thus providing better guidelines for the lay of the land on humanitarian issues and civil liberties.

With the destruction of the state sovereignty enforcement, in this case the ability prevent unwanted impositions by the federal government, to maintain a capitalist function, has been overturned and put on the back burner, while several of the state’s citizens are concerned by the growing amount of occupation and expansion of government of their, quite literally, federal territory.

The resolution is one of dozens filed in legislatures nationwide in response to federal programs like No Child Left Behind and the recent $787 billion stimulus package passed by Congress. They feel overlooked in their attempt to make solace for their own children, in an ever-expanding world, which is attempting to hone the United States into the image that it wants.

The proposed mandatory civil service, a personnel draft, should be another major reason for the interest in asserting sovereignty, on the future’s horizon, as its time on the drawing board may come eventually, as our world ever expands. However, It is often the first step towards division, as it has been for the millennia of czars and monarchs who attempt to oppress their own people.

Many other state legislatures have been trying to assert state sovereignty, under the 10th Amendment and are running into partisan opposition from beaurocrats, who hope to reinvent the ideas and call them their own.