
30 August 2017

Coarse and Closed

I am here and I wonder, 'how do I start an entry,' into this bottomless callous cavalcade of emotionless thoughts, differential substitution of introduction, what jalopy melancholy as it might seem, to every stylometry internet filter fastidiously and more so impertinently latched to deep sea cables at the order of the luddite mentats, fingerprinting where every cell phone, every metastasized metadata-driven click where keywords mill thru databases like worms, what my language pattern is, discreetly mine own, distinctly within the confines of randomization without ubiquity, to match these screeds to some other charlatan of epic proportions in every privacy shared compared against every whereabouts detailed, which in a sentence I cannot fray, but in a phrase I beg to say, where evolution is the river none dare to swim, this is opportunity to begin an eternity of information.

Me, I have a tea, a rooibos from one of the rose deserts, the tasting of colors red and black, the small threads put into a coffee filter and twisted, pinched with a clothespin and mounted perfectly within the brim. I was able to buy it because of capitalism, I was able to enjoy it because of communism, albeit ironically opportunely alone, and I am able to share the experience with you because of socialism. Ire brings me out, the way you insult my planet and harm these humans, the voices rage me with this again, these benefits of profit, these concerns of controlling, the compulsion of sharing the hybrid, to wit I make this of grammar, not of economics, not of equivalent exchange, not of emotions, because you seem to have no time for that.

The world is not a simulation for now. Perhaps it will be, perhaps it won't be, and that is also something else for somewhere else. If you wish, time could be frozen for everyone except you, or maybe you're the last person on the planet, odd, in any case you're reading this and I have something urgent to tell you. Let us say that your x-ism, mentioned above, serves a purpose, is embraced by society, can you say that it is not, it would mean that if socialism failed it was because you're too stupid to use it.

The manied results include, the idealist creation is not of commonality and origin within the voice of the people, by failure to recognize vastly complex yet brutishly heavy stoppages to its systematic mindless enforcement penalized yourself, and to no surprise, in ignorance punished all of those around you. It is by this very ignorance of your own recognizance, your personal reawakening into pointlessness that you damaged yourself without internal or external reflection, like pushing the wrong way on a door that isn't even a door.

There are the great things, love among them, sleep certainly has its importance, this tired yarn begs mention vitality, by which we damnedest, eat and breath, there is no law to command we love, we sleep, we consume and breathe, and in mention my sake of waxing poetic brings me to the level lower without substantiation, beautiful frontliners, you can't make it rain unless you're a cloud in the heavens. I am sacrosanct, supercilious and deleterious, but we do not censor, even in the desert we are not grains of sand, falling thru the hands of time or sliding in the hourglass, powerless to become mountains once again, we tell others the time, we carry oceans and rest like a gathering of galaxies, or in the fires we bond together to become the glass.

The tea stains the water, then the water is tea.